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Everything posted by weyes

  1. fujis are my favorite apple (as well as my favorite film ), but still not in fruit salad. apples just don't have the staying power of other fruits, once they're cut.
  2. sleep is highly undervalued. tune in tomorrow.
  3. i like that show, too, 'cause some bad shit's happened to me, and i love when they get those fuckers .
  4. washing one's hands after using the bathroom should NOT be thought of as optional . tune in tomorrow.
  5. to answer the question, i can make myself come in just a few minutes (shortest time - probably 2.). i'm also always multi-orgasmic when it comes to being all by myself, and it seems that i find different places and different kinds of orgasms almost every time . i'm super-lucky in that, and if this continues, i might just start to think that finding a romantic relationship will be totally unnecessary . when it comes to guys and sex, it's a different story. i've never come from penetration alone, so there's a big fat "no" on that one. but i have from my last bf going down on me, though i still needed to assist him with that . i guess that took a while... to be fair, i haven't had an incredible amount of experience, but i do feel that, for all the success i have on my own, i should be able to enjoy sex more than i do .
  6. that's absolutely ridiculous .someone i met on the 'net and gave my number to for business reasons (or so i thought) started calling me ALL THE TIME and it got really scary... i never met him in person, but just the constant calling freaked me out to make me never curious to talk to him again. i have no idea what he looks like, and even if i had found out sometime along the line that he was hot, he still would've creeped me out too much to ever want to meet him .
  7. weyes


    i have my gender clearly stated, but a lot of people don't seem to look when they respond to my posts --- or they think my owl looks masculine or they don't know what "dame" means. i really don't know why they don't catch it. i think people just respond to other people's posts without even looking sometimes, so there isn't necessarily that much of a point to writing it down.
  8. i can't seem to get the scumfrog's "extended engagement, disc one" out of my cd player. i just love it . what are you all playing again and again lately?
  9. if one's day starts out crappy, one needn't let it color one's entire day. if one gives it a chance to turn around, it is likely that it might . tune in tomorrow.
  10. i'm confused --- you wear contacts that don't correct astigmatism, even though you have it, because it's not that bad? please elaborate; i think i didn't follow you right .i can't see when driving at night. that is to say that i can get where i'm going if i know where i'm going, but if i have to read street signs and find a place, the only way i'll get there is if i drive 10mph and lean as close to the windshield as possible. right now, at a jamba juice near you: weyes, squinting at the menu, trying to figure out which smoothie is which . and i don't think lasik is a good idea, or at least not yet. we don't know the long-term effects of it. it just hasn't been around long enough for me to have faith in it.
  11. it sucks ass that the owner didn't believe you at first, but at least he had the character to admit he was wrong, for what that's worth. i'm with you, though; i wouldn't've gone back .
  12. too bad about the asian part; shortystar is looking for dance work and sure knows how to cut a rug .
  13. one should get advice from as many perspectives as one can --- and then take it all with a grain of salt . tune in tomorrow.
  14. weyes

    big load of shit

    not the same question.
  15. weyes

    dark hair light eyes

    this is an old thread and some of the pics are gone, but there was a nice "eye appreciation" thread a long time ago: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?t=169963&page=1&pp=15&highlight=eyes
  16. is she a newbie when it comes to sex? girls often grow up being told that they're unclean and just need to hear something different from their first lover (or first one who really cares enough to go down on her; i've know women who wouldn't let guys do it 'cause they were too self-conscious.). she may just have no perspective on the situation.
  17. mine was my two o-so-unfabulous weeks at wet seal . they had the gall to ask me to give 2 weeks notice; my feeling was that i shouldn't have to give them 2 weeks notice if i had hardly been there for that long ! wet seal blows! what was the worst job you ever had?
  18. one needn't fret too much about the state of one's home when inviting friends over; true friends won't mind a little clutter .* tune in tomorrow. * use discretion with the word "little."
  19. my vision has gotten worse, and i went to the eye doctor yesterday for a checkup (1st one in 5 years). the glasses i have mess up my depth perception and i have to take them on and off intermittently when i do wear them, which is hardly ever --- but is increasing. i figured that i need a change in my prescription, and i wanna wear contacts if i have to wear something new. turns out that, because i have astigmatism, contact lenses would be much more expensive. my insurance only covers $105 for contacts, and the contacts would be $355 (leaving me to pay $250!!!). it's mostly my right eye that's messed up; my left isn't all that bad, for what that's worth... glasses would be cheaper, the doc said, and he put on some temporary, in-office contraption to show me how they would be to see through, and my depth perception was ridiculously off. he said i'd adjust... anycrap, i don't wanna wear glasses. they're obnoxious and annoying and a pain in the ass and i'm a vain brat ! does anyone here have astigmatism and contacts? any other vision info is also appreciated .
  20. that's the thing: spundae used to have other peeps i liked, like the scumfrog, ferry corsten, and sandra collins; they just didn't pull in such great peeps once avalon started taking over.i agree with you: i go for the djs. but i don't agree with you on why people choose spundae. people don't only go for the djs there; it's a really relaxed, unpretentious atmosphere --- one that simply isn't found anywhere else. and, while it's definitely true that i mostly go for the djs, i also like to be AT A PLACE where OTHER people are there for the djs, and avalon (as you said) isn't it. i find the vibe there SO incredibly unfriendly, phony, and unpleasant that i can hardly focus on the music. at spundae, i don't need to focus on anything; my being comes together all on its own. all my worries are shed at the door. there's no other place that has that effect on me. i'm glad that i appreciated it while it lasted, for what that's worth. i guess we'll have to wait and see. march promises to be a very busy month.
  21. i must meet this lucky fellow! when 's the next meetup ?
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