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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i don't do sex mellow, though , and any music that goes with what i do commands too much attention.
  2. weyes

    Squirt anyone?

    that seems like a silly question...girls are not "supposed" to ejaculate; it's not an everyday thing. most people (including me, for a very long time) don't know anything about it, and scientists and the medical community are still unsure about it. a former gynecologist told me i was losing control of my bladder, and i believed her, and the thought of me peeing during sex scared the shit out of me; it's a good thing i learned all about the subject (and more about my body) and found that she had no idea what she was talking about. anyway, i've been very fortunate to never do it while with a guy; only while masturbating. i'd be incredibly embarrassed if it did ever happen when i was with a guy - partly because most people are uneducated and whoever it is would probably think i was peeing on him, and partly because it's messy and terribly unsexy .
  3. i'm with crowina and shortkat; i find it distracting. my roommate says he finds noises like the bed shaking distracting, so he prefers music. i don't hear those noises, though, 'cause i'm usually making a racket of my own .
  4. here's a link to the story: http://ktla.trb.com/news/local/ktla-012805train_lat,0,6816879.story?coll=ktla-news-1 the pictures are worth a look, too. p.s. i'm not a boy. as it says in my profile, i'm female .
  5. i don't, but he's been coming here about 4 times a year these days, and here's his website:http://thescumfrog.com/#
  6. it is ok to need other people. it the degree to which we need other people that we must always keep in check, however, for self-sufficiency is the only true tool for survival. tune in tomorrow.
  7. dg, those wooden figurines are no good. it's hard to tell when they're facing forward or backwards sometimes and yes, sometimes which is the guy or the girl. ya gots ta use different diagrams . i do appreciate the effort, though .
  8. they knocked me out, pulled out all 4. no biggie .
  9. nobody gets mine, but i love it all the same.
  10. a simple poll: do you prefer to have sex with or without music on? any comments are welcome .
  11. weyes

    Squirt anyone?

    i worked at not doing it and i've somehow learned to control it. i'm not quite sure how i've been successful, but i sure hope it lasts.
  12. that's the train my best friend/roommate takes everyday. when i turned on the tv that morning, they just showed a picture and had a tease: "this train derailed outside l.a., killing 10 [now it's 11]. more when we come back." i panicked for a minute or 2, till they said it was too far north of us. i understand that this guy was only thinking that it would hit his car and keep going, but he's an asshole for not considering that hurting other people was possible. he didn't really want to commit suicide, as he chickened out at the last minute and had also slashed his wrists unsuccessfully that morning... i don't mean to be glib by saying this, as i've been suicidal myself, but jumping off a cliff is really the most considerate way to kill oneself. shooting yourself and slashing your wrists leaves a mess for people to clean up, hanging yourself or jumping out of a building gives the people who see you nightmares, and taking pills is usually unsuccessful. one should do it in a way that gets the desired result without disturbing strangers. and killing other people in the process is unacceptable. people who kill their family members and then kill themselves or kill strangers piss me the fuck off. that was a sort of scattered rant, but i just had to get that off my chest .
  13. vacations to me, so far, at least, have more been about who i've been with and what i've/we've done than where i've/we've been.
  14. one should consider how one's actions will affect all involved. tune in tomorrow.
  15. o!!!!! NEVER settle for an exam from a nurse practitioner !!!!!! on my first 2 visits to the gyno ever i settled for nps because the wait to get an appointment with a real gyno was so long. the exams took a long time and were painful. the 3rd time i went, i saw a real gyno and i was really surprised at how short and pain-free the exam was. i learned that day why those 2 first women were not yet doctors .
  16. i think christina kind of looks like vivien leigh:
  17. i'm glad that a guy will finally acknowledge that here !!! i gotta say that i know i taste good and i don't enjoy the taste of semen .but i never knew a girl that asked a guy to snowball or anything that intense. just that guys don't act so crazy about kissing after [not directed at you, dgtl, 'cause you agree with me on this ].
  18. weyes

    Squirt anyone?

    i used to squirt; it sucked ass . thank god i don't anymore .
  19. - even on hot days, l.a. cools down quite a bit at night. i love that in the summer.
  20. i don't eat candy 'cause it hurts too much . eating the past 2 years has been hard, 'cause last year certain teeth were really sensitive to cold, sweets, and pressure. i was dodging different teeth for different kinds of food. the cold sensitivity got so bad that i had to drink everything lukewarm. 2 root canals fixed that, though , so these days i can eat frozen yogurt with very little pain. now i just have to dodge sweets on one side and crunchy things on the other.
  21. 27 caucasian female retail 1. How many times a week do you go out? once a month; i can't afford much else 2. What nights do you usually go out on? fridays or saturdays 3. Which do you prefer to go to clubs or bars? clubs 4. What are your favorite places to be on a night out (specific clubs and/or bars)? now that spundae's gone i hardly go out at all ... i hate the crowd at avalon on saturdays, but they have the djs i like, so i go there and i go to godskitchen. i can't wait for spundae to go back to circus. 5. What are areas do you usually go out to (i.e. Hollywood, Santa Monica, Melrose, Downtown)? List in the order you prefer. wherever the fun is; i don't care. 6. Do you usually go by yourself or with other people? How many people do you usually go out with? i go out with one or two people, usually. 7. Is carpooling on a night out something you would say you do often? i always do. 8. How many people on average ride in your carpool? 2 or 3, usually. 9. Do you find something else to do after the event (i.e. after-party, eating at a restaurant, another event lasting longer, etc)? we continue the party at home. 10. Do you buy drinks while in the club/bar? If so, how many drinks would you say you buy on average? i don't drink. 11. Do you prefer to buy drinks while out or drinking beforehand (or both)? i don't drink. 12. If you drink before going out that night, what do you like to drink? sheesh! see above! 13. If someone else was driving would that affect where you would go? i always make my roommate drive 14. Do you usually get on the guest list to the club your going to that night? Also, what is the average you pay to get in to a club? The maximum? either guestlist or tix in advance; we never pay at the door. the most we pay is $25, if it's a big name 15. Depending on who will be at the event that night (i.e. celebrity, musical guest, particular DJ, radio station, etc) does this impact your choice at all? If so, please explain why. i don't understand that question; does what impact my choice of what in what way? 16. Does the dress code affect what places you go out to? If so, please explain why? yes; we never go anywhere with a dress code. fuck that. if i can't wear sneakers, then i can't dance. it's also obvious that the establishment cares more about image than music, and that's not the type of club we go to.
  22. mental illness is no joke. tune in tomorrow.
  23. i met my 2 best friends through cp (though one of them never posted really; i just met him at a meetup), and this board cracks me up whenever i'm feeling down. don't know where i'd be without it .
  24. it looks like the black kids and the white guys are saying different things, though ... where'd the clips come from?
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