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Everything posted by weyes

  1. there is no word for someone with balls but with no dick. no precedent for it, except for john bobbitt .
  2. enough with the frikkin' cars! in my fantasy, OTHER PEOPLE be driving me around . i guess it'd be (in no order, and these pics suck, but you get the idea): and and and (not the cat part, the spooning part.)
  3. my biggest thing is the living together part. i think that's a must.
  4. are you talking about the resolution of your picture ? just bustin' yer chops ... what do you mean by "fixed?" lasik?
  5. a good way to remember someone's name is to repeat it when being introduced, like this: alex: hey, bob, this is my friend casey. bob: hi, casey, nice to meet you . tune in tomorrow.
  6. what camera? there isn't one "below."
  7. yes or no question: have you ever had sex with someone without knowing his/her last name?
  8. we had a "what do you want for christmas?" thread; i think we need a new year's resolution thread. i have a few: work tirelessly at getting a new job!!!!!! keep the house cleaner cut down on all the junky crap i eat (i'm not gonna lie and say that i'll stop it altogether) how about y'all ?
  9. i like hearing rain outside my window while in bed. my problem is that it's too cold to leave my window open so that i can do that .
  10. if one is to drop something sharp, such as a knife or cheese grater, it is in one's best interest to jump away and not to try to catch it . tune in tomorrow.
  11. simply luxurious !!! i love the luxury of the luxuriousness!!!!!!!!!!
  12. ah - i be seein' that ye don't know what a eunuch is any more than eunich (he don't know how it be spelled) do. he be havin' a dick, just don't be havin' any balls. yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  13. no, actually; it was normal, and i didn't even go a lot.
  14. weyes


    no es frio, people; not cool .
  15. i just want other people's opinions on this. it came up today because a 24-year-old co-worker of mine said that he wants to propose to his girlfriend of 2 years. they "broke up" last week but are back together, and now he wants to pop the question. another co-worker said she thinks that a couple must go out for 5 years before they get married; i don't have set years, exactly, but i think that knowing someone for 2 years is a little early... my problem with it, though, is that they've never lived together, and i think it's just practical and important to know if you can live with someone before you sign papers that say you must. what do you all think?
  16. before starting to cook/bake something, one should be sure to check that one not only has all the ingredients, but that they haven't expired [or just are past their prime]. stale flour can ruin a batch of cookies just as easily as rotten lettuce will ruin a salad . tune in tomorrow.
  17. my best to you, as always, vic ! and shorty, i hope to see more of you this year ! a more prosperous year to us all !!!
  18. i once went 8 days without pooing . after day 8 i ate prunes till i went.
  19. when going to the store on the way home, it's always a nice idea (and appreciated) to call one's roommate/s to ask if he/she/they want/s anything . tune in tomorrow.
  20. rock on . i know, i seem like such a slacker this year . i was just recovering from new year's the past few days. some drama is also coming to a head in my life, it seems, though ... i'm hoping that things will settle down on that front. i'm hoping for a lot of changes in 2005 .
  21. one should be careful not to spend one's time rehashing old memories so much that one doesn't make new ones. it may be fun to walk down memory lane with friends and share little inside jokes, but one should save room for new times and new jokes. tune in tomorrow.
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