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Everything posted by weyes

  1. halle berry does not have big ass titties.
  2. thanks, deepfunk and somebitch! but somebody'd better start a "happy birthday, weyes!" thread on the 27th, or weyes will be sad ...
  3. ow --- my boobs hurt as it is, and they're just ds.
  4. one should keep receipts for offical things, expensive purchases, and anything that one may want to return. it often seems that whenever one loses/throws away a receipt, it's for something one needs later, such as proof that one gave money to the dmv or the ability to exchange a cd player at some wackass electronics store. tune in tomorrow.
  5. everything is too expensive and sub-par, i've determined. i don't want to touch anything giant, and it'll most likely be too cold to celebrate outside; whose bright idea was that ? i don't even have enough moolah for christmas presents; how can i pay for any of these parties? and i'd like to do something semi-interesting for my birthday on december 27th. i don't drink, but i would on new year's (champagne is traditional), so there's another expense... and there's usually so much traffic and drama and pressure on parties. so, one of our friends has asked if we think he should throw a party. that is to say that he will, if he thinks people are interested. not a big affair or anything, but music, intoxication, ya know the deal. and i've found that staying home has had better results on new year's than most times that we've gone out (last year's digweed event being an outstanding exception). and i always like being able to talk to my friends; there always seem to be good conversations on new year's, somehow. screaming over the volume of a club is something i can pass on, this year. the only bummer is that not all my friends would be invited to this party --- but who's to say that everyone would've wanted to go out to the same party, anyway? what is everyone else thinking about for new year's?
  6. you are the best !
  7. one knows one has a true friend when this friend includes one in plans to just hang out with his/her significant other. this also speaks very highly of the friend's boyfriend/girlfriend . tune in tomorrow.
  8. why the mean face, vic ? where ya been ?
  9. still valid, nonetheless! shite; i have to re-do a photo shoot that turned out shitty, and that'll take all day, most likely. then i'll have to scan those negs, re-size them, then ship them to an outlab. that's for an x-mas gift that won't get done on time. the scarf that i'm knitting won't get done on time. my friend raq and i are going to ikea tomorrow, so i won't get anything else done, including getting my new driver's license. it just seems like everything gets pushed back. the "do laundry" sorts of things are just added to say that, if i didn't have all the other things to do, i'd still have WAY too much to do to call myself bored .
  10. lbell, i really hope you're kidding about the liposuction !!! seriously, if you think you even have any weight to lose, you're insane. i'm not just trying to be nice; you're a skinny thing! i sincerely hope you were just joshing --- tell me you weren't serious !!! well, it doesn't matter, though, 'cause even the most corrupt of surgeons couldn't find any way to perform that kind of surgery on you. there's nothing to suck out. o, and it's SO true about jobs in the medical field! i just have no experience there and i am picky in that arena, unfortunately. dealing with sickness, blood, death, and all that freaks me out . and kzmes, i went to a couple of employment agencies, but they only gave me offers from places that would pay me even less than i make now (which i didn't think were possible!!!). i should hit up some more, though, probably, since i only went to 2. maybe that'd help. as for the dancing, i'll pass!
  11. one simply canNOT cancel on plans for a friend's birthday . it only comes once every 365 days, so one owes it to one's friends to be present if one has made the commitment to show.* tune in tomorrow. *legitimate illness is the only acceptable excuse.
  12. i still haven't been there! i've gotta put that on my to-do list ...
  13. well, i addressed that here:http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?t=252924&page=3 i wish i had more money with which to go out and that my car didn't keep dicking me over; i'd be all over the place if i didn't have those ish. but i WILL have a good job soon; it's gotta happen for me. i'll be going out more. and it'll be easier to go out in a monday-friday, 9-5 job world, too. this changing-by-the-week thing makes it hard to go out, especially since i rarely get weekend days off. i'm trying to be upbeat about my future, somebitch, and that includes lots of going out . as soon as that gets in gear you're invited to come along .
  14. i want a job that i like, with good benefits, that pays me enough to live on. weyes is about to hit broke (all 3 credit cards maxed out). and i'm not that picky about what it is, either, as long as it isn't retail or telemarketing. administrative stuff would be fine... help !!!!!!!
  15. i'm never bored; there's so much shit to do !!!*i need to find my phone *go to the dmv for a new driver's license *finish making/buying presents for EVERYONE (that's a lot of things to do right there) *reshoot (involving someone else) a picture that i want to have made into a painting *go mail all my presents to new york when i have them done *get new sneakers to replace the ones described above *clean my house *clean my car *do laundry *write experian about the discrepancy on my credit report (should've done that MONTHS ago) *FIND A NEW JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that's just what comes to mind right now. how can you not have anything to do ?
  16. if there is an unhealthy food that one always binges on whenever one buys a package/container of it, one should seriously reconsider buying it at all. another option, if one really has no willpower, is to ask a roommate to be in control of the item. then s/he can monitor one's intake of it.* tune in tomorrow. * and someone please STOP me from buying those damned soft batch cookies !!!
  17. that does suck, but it bothers me, too, when people only wanna hear about me and don't want to share anything about their own lives = selves.
  18. when spundae goes back to circus, girls, it's on . seriously, i'm stoked. if spundae gets back to what it was, you'll never have a dull saturday again !
  19. but my computer is on the fritz again. and i can't find my phone now, either. i swear, things are just falling apart . (somebitch, i'm telling you, your jay's got NOTHING on me) i'm writing on my roomie's computer right now. hopefully i'll be able to fix my computer with some anti-virus something or other ... till then, i'll try to get on my roomie's comp (he's away for the weekend) every day for the wisdom. and i'm sorry for not being here to catch the wackness that's been going on... i'll be more present; i promise!
  20. one shouldn't take it personally if one's friend doesn't like to chat on the phone and only likes to talk in person. some people simply aren't "phone people." tune in tomorrow.
  21. kzmes - check out the "test" forum; that's where your posts belong.
  22. no, but i did once fool around with a guy whose penis was shorter than i thought adult men could have .
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