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Everything posted by weyes

  1. living in southern california does not mean that wearing shorts 365 days a year is sensible or good for one's health. outdoor temperature is a number, not a state of mind. tune in tomorrow.
  2. i almost always do! i was on a street that had nothing but a public garage, though! i didn't think to look there. seriously - it was an entirely industrial area. who had a dog there ???????
  3. it was great to meet lbell and somebitch ! cool, too, to be in a place where we could talk and not have to yell over music. let's hear it for the ladies . somebitch - you wanna talk bad luck? i beat jay tonight, hands down: as i drove down sunset towards the 101, i heard a thumpthumpthump sound. i pulled over to find that my tire was beYOND flat. i was driving on my rim. i was able to join AAA on the phone, which was cool, and they changed my tire (annual admission fee and tire change adding up to $65 for the night). then, about half a minute into the drive home, i catch a whiff of something... my LORD... i had stepped in some shit that must've come from a MASSIVE dog. i had to drive with my window open on the way home, which made for a cold drive, especially since i now can't find my other glove. and that's not even a residential area, for the most part. who's walking a dog? at any rate, people should clean up after their frikkin' dogs , as we discussed at dinner. now i've got dogshit on my shoes that can't exactly come out of every nook and cranny and my gas pedal, brake pedal, and some of the floor have some of it, too. o joy . i don't wanna continue the "who's unluckier?" game, though. sorry i tried to compete; it's all my fault !
  4. everyone should belong to AAA. it's kickass. tune in tomorrow.
  5. you don't know if you're staying??? i loathe my job and am almost bankrupt, but i couldn't be happier anywhere else. you should give cali 12 consecutive months to see what it's like during the course of a year. also, different areas give one very different lives. my venice life was different from my l.a. life, and they were both different from my life down here in the o.c. they're all close geographically, but culturally they're very different. l.a. is different from new york in that it's more segregated; ALL of my neighbors in my building in venice were black, ALMOST all in l.a. were chinese, and ALL in my building here are hispanic. i'd say, though, that my building is an exception here; the city of orange is predominately white, i think. but that's just culture based on race, so it's just one way in which things were different. proximity to freeways, beaches, shopping, and nightlife made a difference, too... all i'm saying is that los angeles is HUGE and it takes a while for someone to give it a fair shake. give it - and yourself - a chance .
  6. as we get into the rainy season, one should check one's tires and make sure that they have good tread on them. bald tires can lead to hydroplaning, skidding, and the like . tune in tomorrow.
  7. people have a tendency to chicken out (not sinrider, shorty, or me, though). i'm not sure if shorty's coming or not; i'll give her a call tomorrow. if she doesn't come with a balloon, i'll try to remember to bring one. don't despair if you don't see anyone with a balloon, though; i may very well run out of time on sunday (i have to work) and not get a chance to get one. but if you do see one, that'll be us !
  8. the negativity in this thread is ridiculous. parties are mostly what you make of them. sure, the crowd has an impact on them, but great djs HAVE been coming here. the crowd at avaland pisses me off, so i just don't go there. but there are plenty of other places to go. i don't need to whine about the venues that annoy me. and i'd like to point out that people are rewriting history - in a big way. twilo and vinyl are perfect to people now, because they're no longer around. i remember that people had tons of complaints and problems when they were open. hindsight has put these joints on a very high pedestal for many, and hearing all the "twilo this, vinyl that" is getting tired . find your groove - it's out there; don't waste your time bellyaching.
  9. surprise visits to friends' workplaces, if allowed, can really brighten up dull days . tune in tomorrow.
  10. we're not talking about tightness or looseness of the vagina here --- read more closely, please. we've been talking about the size of the labia. there is no relation between the two; a woman with small labia could have a loose pussy, just as one with large labia could have a tight one (or vice versa).
  11. do you have any pictures up on a site like ofoto or yahoo? you can put a link to those.
  12. one shouldn't make excuses for oneself. after all, in the end, the only person to whom one must answer is oneself. tune in tomorrow.
  13. seriously? did you like your date? did they show you an advance copy? do you know how the people at "blind date" are going to make fun of the two of you?
  14. one should never disarm one's smoke alarm . the false alarms are worth the one that saves lives. tune in tomorrow.
  15. all right, everybody, i really don't know if this is the right restaurant or not, but since no one else has checked it out, i'm gonna pick the acapulco restaurant that's easiest to get to. here's its info: Acapulco Restaurant 7038 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028 Phone: (323) 469-8654 and here's a link to a map on yahoo maps: http://yp.yahoo.com/py/ypMap.py?Pyt=Typ&tuid=9051344&ck=1602021833&tab=B2C&tcat=8903827&city=Hollywood&state=CA&uzip=90028&country=us&msa=4480&cs=4&ed=wT_k0a1o2Tw7nEwJNRULh3D5Cehbwbwd5vgqM67VCNLCNQ--&stat=:pos:0:regular:regT:19:fbT:1 i work till 6:30 in newport beach, so getting there by 8 may be a squeeze, but i'll be there at 8:15 at the latest. i'll try to skip out early . so let's say that the meetup will be at 8pm and here's a picture of me: post your pics, and let's count the roll!
  16. when sick, one should make sure that one puts in for sick time at work. mistakes on paychecks can be annoying and hard to correct. tune in tomorrow.
  17. i can't make the 12th at all; it turns out i'll be working till 10pm that night. as we have 4 votes for the 5th right now and none for the 12th (and i wanna be there and will actually show up (!!!)), the 5th it is. now we gotsta pick the location. shorty - what do you think about that mexican place we went to the 2nd time? acapulco, i think it was? they seemed ok with us hanging out there a while and it was well-lit enough for us to find each other.
  18. some sales just aren't worth all the crowds and aggravation. one may find it worth the few extra bucks to have a calm, sane shopping experience. tune in tomorrow.* * sorry for my absence again, folks ; computer on the damn fritz!!!
  19. hey, shorty - gonna send you a pm...
  20. hey, shorty - gonna send you a pm...
  21. sometimes it is through understanding others that we gain a better understanding of ourselves. tune in tomorrow.
  22. ok, since we've agreed that sunday night is good for a meetup, let's vote on which night is best for people. which one - december 5th or 12th? i'm stoked already !
  23. knowing how to say "no" to people is an important part of self-esteem. tune in tomorrow.
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