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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i believe that somebitch believes in something...
  2. yeah, i thought it was pretty hardcore of her to create a new screenname with her real name in it just to ask about this !seriously, though, sorry, kimmyob; i've got no idea.
  3. there have been so many false alarms and drills that we often don't take fire alarms seriously, but we ought to. there's no harm in getting away from your desk and going outside for a minute, anyway; why not use it as a chance to take a break ? tune in tomorrow.
  4. i am jealous! when are you gonna get me a job taking pictures for godskitchen (hint, hint)?naughty schoolgirl is ok for this weekend, but not for halloween, shorty --- you'd better not! i'm still trying to come up with some genius idea for you...
  5. sorry for the lack of the column yesterday; i couldn't get to a computer ... here's today's: paying a cover charge for a club/event shouldn't make one feel required to stay someplace. if you're not having fun, just leave! (after all, staying would just be like paying money to have a bad time.) tune in tomorrow.
  6. i hate when people say their tats are "tribal." o, really? and what tribe is that, exactly? the wall-of-the-parlor-on-the-boardwalk tribe ? i have no tattoos and no piercings. none, as in - not even my ears. whatever happens on its own will give me character.
  7. weyes


    it's a shame, 'cause those are some nice lookin' guys, if you put them in better clothes.
  8. weyes


    underwear??? i'd call this one a "clit-cover"!
  9. weyes


    amy, i understand that you want to make your guy happy all the time, and i think that's terrific, but the more you emphasize that, the more it sounds like you spend your time doing that while you get nothing in return. you're making the situation sound like you're a big-time giver and don't get much, and that that's all right with you. i don't think that's all right, i don't think it's healthy to think that that's all right. i sincerely hope your guy does care about your satisfaction in bed, and that your reality is different from the way your writing comes across.
  10. i believe in wearing sneakers when i go out to dance!
  11. yeah - that's one of the biggest problems with giant: you can be in a room with all your friends, but, if you leave the dancefloor to go to the bathroom, you may never be able to reconnect with them for the rest of the night. too much hassle/drama. nothing is a sure bet on new year's, but i like to increase my chances of having a good time by avoiding whatever giant does.
  12. even morons have something helpful to say every once in a while. one should keep one's ears and mind open . tune in tomorrow.
  13. sounds great ! i want pictures, though!and that goes for the rest of you, too!
  14. i believe in the separation of church and BASEBALL! "god bless america" during the seventh-inning-stretch??? what the fuck happened ?
  15. girl - make sure you vote absentee ahead of time!!! election day is november 2nd, and you'll be on the road, so get it done now!!!
  16. being civil to people whom one doesn't like but who have to be in one's life is an important skill to master. this includes doing it with a great deal of grace and poise. focusing on how this benefits everyone involved can help one get through this difficult time. tune in tomorrow.
  17. that isn't a costumed affair, though, is it? my best friend and i were going to go to monster massive, but now he's wavering on it because his ex (on whom he is still TOTALLY stuck) wants to go to sander k. i really wanna see judge jules and i wanna dress up and all that noise . i've never even heard sander k's music, so i have no opinion there, but i wanna dress the fuck up!!!
  18. weyes


    many girls say this, which is weird to me. that's when i'm the LEAST horny and am too uncomfortable to even fathom the idea of sex . i'm bloated, tired, have cramps, and i'm sometimes nauseous. the only thing i want to do is lie in bed and/or sleep.
  19. yeah, amyscottsdale - i'm with everyone else. i think you and your guy need to be equal partners .
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