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Everything posted by weyes

  1. guys, i hope you were paying attention to the question when you voted, 'cause a lot of you were writing about liking clothes in public when i specifically asked about in bed. clothes outside are a whole other story. i do find it interesting, though, that so many of you are into the "pull-aside-the-thong" thing. [the shoes thing is pretty well-known.] and misticminister particularly likes the girl just wearing a bra, which was exactly the thing i found most un-hot; also surprising! not to sound corny, but this is just one of those moments that makes me happy - realizing that so many people in the world like different things . it seems like a "plenty of fish in the sea/someone for everyone" kind of thing to me (cue sappy music)...
  2. argh - i knew that ! i just forgot... now i feel even sillier. i guess what i really should say is that i should formally introduce myself, since he's seen my ass too many times to count.
  3. my 'net connection has been more off than on lately (hence yesterday's late column), and i'm getting pissed ... does anyone else here who has them as his/her service provider have as much trouble with them as i do?
  4. if inaction is what follows, knowing is not half the battle. tune in tomorrow.
  5. there is no excuse for boredom; there is always something to do. tune in tomorrow.
  6. that's what I think. i think women have tight enough pussies - that is, of course, unless i differ from the world; tampons still hurt me. then again, i haven't had loads and loads of sex. i think more men should give the kitty a try first before being so cynical and moving straight for the ass !
  7. are tight asses really better than tight pussies ?
  8. i've been noticing lately that people in movies and tv often have sex with clothes on, and it's not because they're pg rated movies or on primetime; the girls on sex and the city (all except kim cattrall) always seem to have their bras on in sex scenes. but even if it is in some "no nudity" contract, i'm still left with this question: who finds sex in the bedroom - with clothes on - sexy? and i especially think that sex with a bra on isn't sexy. if you just didn't have time to take your clothes off and went at it really fast, ok, but that doesn't happen very often. if you're having a quickie in public somewhere, i understand the need for clothes. but why be in bed wearing them? so that's this poll: hot or not? [any comments are also welcome ]
  9. when having trouble finding an item, changing perspective (from standing to squatting, for instance) can help. tune in tomorrow.
  10. no, not right now... i just meant that that's all i need !
  11. gross . i'm just one finger over here and i'm juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust fine .
  12. it was a grand homecoming for me . spundae is my favorite club of all time and of anyplace (as i've stated here before), and i was just ecstatic to be back. as soon as i hugged the doorman (and i should know his name by now!), i knew i was in for a night that felt just as familiar as any other spundae night i'd had. the decorations were different, but the vibe was as great as ever. before my best friend and i got there, i had a mental list of the people we'd most likely run into. they were all people i wanted to see, except for one - my ex. and, as fortune would have it, we ran into everyone but the ex! and, not only that, a couple we know turned out to have gotten engaged since the last time we saw them! i ran into shortystar and even took a couple of pictures of the 2 of us but they are SO unflattering that i won't put them up. that's right, kids, if you wanna meet weyes and shorty, you've gotta get yer asses to a damn meetup ! on to gabriel & dresden. they went from groove to groove - many different styles in one night. they played 2 songs off of seb fontaine's latest cd (which i happen to love), so i was with them on that particular run, but they got all techno later on, and i wasn't down with that . i dunno --- they switched around so much that they had no consistency or direction and had so many pauses that it was hard to keep dancing. overall, they were ok. we didn't stay long at all for christopher lawrence, though, 'cause he was boring us silly and not going anywhere. perhaps he improved later - we don't know - we were gone 20-30 mins. after he started his set. so the music wasn't stellar, but it was great to see everyone and just to be a part of the magic that is spundae again. that unique, entirely friendly vibe is something to marvel at, experience, and most of all, cherish .
  13. if you're asking if they played epic trance, the answer would be "no."
  14. weyes

    Please stop

    please forgive my prolonged absence!!! i didn't have 'net access for all these days ... i've missed too much on my own board, and i feel terribly guilty ! i'm back, though, and i'm with you, lalate. i moved those threads where they belong. all those interested in the wmc can go to the wmc forum.
  15. my 'net access was on the fritz, kids, hence my absence !!! i am SO through with time warner cable internet!!! anycrap, i'm back . there are occasions when one should not take "no" for an answer and times when one should gracefully give in. knowing what is appropriate for any given situation is key. tune in tomorrow.
  16. i'll be wearing a shirt that says, "don't bother me while i'm dancing." if you see me, say hi!
  17. if you succeed at stealing millions of dollars, make sure there's no room for a sequel. tune in tomorrow.
  18. although it can be easy to be jealous, one should try to always be proud of one's friends for their accomplishments . tune in tomorrow.
  19. it doesn't usually make me that mad... but yes, it is a good idea to tell the first employee where the item was, so that s/he can tell future customers where it is .
  20. all right, kids, who's going ? those of us who are, let's have a meetup!
  21. i'm not shocked by the length of the set; i just don't understand why THEY are OPENING for christopher lawrence, not the other way around, and also why they are going on so early. my friends and i usually arrive at spundae at 10 or so, and we're among the very first few there .
  22. last time i was in germany, i was 6, so i don't remember it being such a romantic place ! maybe i should go back ...
  23. weyes


    shorty, i sent you a pm! i hope i'll see you on saturday at spundae, though, so i guess i can talk to you then !
  24. when an employee in a store says that it doesn't carry something you're sure that it must, it never hurts to ask another employee where to find it. it's only polite, though, to ask the second employee out of earshot of the first ! tune in tomorrow.
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