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Everything posted by weyes

  1. when using a drinking straw that isn't individually wrapped, it sure can't hurt to blow out of it before drinking from it . tune in tomorrow.
  2. when buying clothes and shoes online/through mail order, it's important to inspect them and try them on right away to make sure there are no defects. it sure sucks to find problems after things can be returned. tune in tomorrow.
  3. thanks, pock ! well, i wanna have a make-sure-we-really-meet experience before you go. seriously, now ! i wanted to go to the electroc-d/hawt event on the 25th in a major way and i forgot that my mom is coming to visit me from new york for ten days starting the 24th . crapass timing. so there are 2 weekends between now and then. what say you pick a house event either weekend? i hate going places alone and don't go out because of it sometimes - a bad habit . if i do get the chance to actually finally meet up w/ you though, i'll get my ass out. lately i've been into the type of house that i can't dance to for my life ! i guess my trance roots handicap me from dancing to the house stuff i like more. but i try anyway ! anyway, what say you?
  4. one shouldn't feel bad about not celebrating holidays the way everyone else does. one can have fun on the fourth of july without watching fireworks or having a barbeque; because a day is a certain day on a calendar shouldn't limit the kinds of activities one should have. happy fourth, everyone! hope you all had/are having a good time, whether you're having a picnic and waving a flag or if you're dying eggs and decorating a tree ! tune in tomorrow.
  5. one should try to be aware of the volume of one's voice; being inappropriately loud or quiet can range from being rude to annoying and everywhere inbetween. this is one of those cases where a happy medium is a must. case in point: weyes really wishes she didn't know all of the details of her co-worker's sex life; those phone conversations are both ridiculously loud and too close to other humans. tune in tomorrow.
  6. all right, i was trying to be a good girl and decide what to wear the night before so i make sure i have something acceptable that's clean and i don't end up taking forever tomorrow deciding, but i can't quite make up my mind . but i think i'm gonna go mostly black and definitely wear my black w/ white shelltoe adidas; at least i know what shoes i'll be wearing. so y'all had better say "hi"!
  7. i frikkin' love that flyer... do you think dj kevin michael will be able to make it to deepfunk's event tomorrow night? i really wanted to see him on the 25th w/ the dj from the hawt crew but my mom arrives to visit me for 10 days from new york on the 24th; i totally forgot about that . i hear you and he are really tight .
  8. weyes cannot believe she forgot to write the column yesterday! perhaps referring to herself in the third person has her so confused that she forgets what day it is sometimes ... seriously, folks, scheduling can be hard to keep track of in holiday weeks. if one works unconventional hours - meaning anything other than 5 8-hour days - s/he should make sure that s/he gets all the vacation to which s/he is entitled. case in point: weyes works 4 10-hour days, the day off always being friday. because the holiday that everyone is getting off is on friday, she assumed that she just got gypped the day off. it turns out that she was supposed to only work a 32-hour week, no matter how it gets sliced. but since she is set to go to work tomorrow and her boss took the day off, she feels obligated to go . knowledge is power, people, or in this case, vacation. she'll have to work it out next week. tune in tomorrow.
  9. dude, i'm totally there . and i'll post what i'll wear so you can find me, 'cause we have to finally meet. i'm bumping this up so electro-d and pock are sure to see it!!! c'mon, guys, let's make a night of it !
  10. it's a good idea to run every document/flyer/sign/newsletter/written or designed anything past another party before publishing or distributing it; one never knows how it may come across to others. sometimes there are things that are connoted that one did not intend, and sometimes the author may want to connote things that don't easily come across to others. case in point: recently weyes created an excel document and wanted to use 2 colors that contrasted and stood out but that were both legible within the spreadsheet. complimentary colors on the color wheel are a good choice, and of the 3 pairs of complimentary colors (red & green, blue & orange, yellow & purple), red & green was the most legible. but it seemed too christmas-y to weyes. she showed a few color choices to a couple of co-workers and they happened to pick the red & green as the most visually pleasing as well. when the christmas-y idea was brought up, they said they hadn't thought of that. so red & green it was . tune in tomorrow.
  11. an amusement park tip from someone who went to universal studios yesterday - weyes thought about it before she left, but didn't really think it would be a big deal... water rides can be wetter than one might think these days. soaking appears to be "in". therefore, ladies should think seriously about their choice of eye makeup! runny eyeliner is never attractive . tune in tomorrow.
  12. when people ask you to describe your friends, do you say they're "on again, off again"? i'm sorry... that was terrible ... seriously, though, do you know the story behind his name?
  13. a note to those spending a full day outside this summer, at the beach, a picnic, an amusement park, a sporting event, or any outdoor location for more than an hour and a half: (yes, an hour and a half counts as enough time in this scenario) it is foolish to think that that is not enough time to bother with putting on sunscreen. first of all, that is plenty enough time to burn, and, second of all, one never knows when one's plans may change and one may decide to stay outside longer. getting "one burn early in the season and letting it fade into a tan" is also not smart or healthy . c'mon, people; with all we know now about skin cancer, let's be smart about it . and if that's not enough to motivate some, they should at least think of the blistering, peeling, and overall pain in the short-term... tune in tomorrow.
  14. one must be careful when quoting others. people choose their words carefully; approximating others' statements and then attaching their names to them is dangerous business . nuances may not mean anything to one person while they totally change the meaning of a phrase to someone else. tune in tomorrow.
  15. and hey, you guys*: how about deepfunk's event on the the 3rd?: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/los-angeles/340723-7-3-kick-off-your-holiday-weekend-bang.html#post3128216 perhaps we can ALL finally meet at the same event ! *i found a roommate!!!!
  16. ooo... ok! i've been wanting to see him for a while now !
  17. hey! i was supposed to sing at a july 4th celebration w/ my choir that night, but the music selection and overall program has gotten so offensive that i think i have to drop out . let's see if we can get pock and electro-d to this, too ! p.s. july 3rd is also the 9th anniversary of my first edm party (rave, to be exact)!
  18. saying, "hi, it's me," on the phone doesn't exactly clear up one's identity . if someone calls another person who might have trouble identifying him/her, a name never hurts !!! tune in tomorrow.
  19. does that mean that dj kevin michael will be playing at that event, too?
  20. one should be considerate to one's neighbors; if one must hang up wind chimes, make sure to hang them where no one else can hear them . tune in tomorrow.
  21. ! just 1.5??? that's no good ...well, the hawt crew has something going on on friday, july 18th. how's that for a tentative house event? i bet we can get deepfunk out to that, too.
  22. getting in religious and/or political debates w/ co-workers rarely yields positive results . tune in tomorrow.
  23. ok, pock, i know i punked out on you recently, and i feel shitty about it. as much as i hate going out alone, the truth really is that i'm in a shaky financial situation until i get someone to take the room in my place by the 1st; i'm freaking out that i don't have someone by now!!! someone is gonna look at it tomorrow, and i'm praying (as much as an aethiest can) that she gets here before it gets crazy hot... i need to go out and dance somewhere else than in my living room, pock, and i do need to meet you, still, too. i hope you'll be patient w/ me; let's shoot for some awesome house (i'm talking the boogie-down type stuff) event in july! know of anything? p.s. tell me how lawler was, if you went. i saw him last year at vanguard and he bombed .
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