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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. one shouldn't eat food just because it's there; remember - leftovers can be a wonderful thing ! tune in tomorrow.
  2. two millionaires, one from texas and one from israel, are on a plane, bragging about their fortunes. the texan says, "i have so much cattle, i could never count it all." the israeli counters, "i have so many sheep, the wool i gather every year could keep all of israel warm for many years." not to be outdone, the texan counters, "i have so much land, i could drive two days and still not reach the end of it." and the israeli says, "i, too, once had a car like that,"
  3. i can't wait to see it; finally, something will get me rushing back into a theater again!
  4. crazy, content little girl [wish i knew how to make it smaller - sorry]
  5. no one is so above anyone else that s/he deserves to have his/her ass kissed by anyone else. we all deserve the same amount of integrity and dignity. tune in tomorrow.
  6. #10. what are those strange spots on my clothes? #11. locate the guy who pinched/slapped my ass
  7. surprised you didn't touch his question, lalate ! don't contribute to what you consider is a problem!
  8. almost everything has instructions now - even things that are self-explanatory (heinz ketchup has some tongue-in-cheek ones like "put on food"). but there are some for some things that one might think shouldn't have any that really should be followed. good cookware, for instance, often needs special handling, and mistreatment can be quite a waste of both money and what was becoming a well-stocked kitchen. tune in tomorrow.
  9. a buddhist walks up to a hot dog vendor, says, "make me one with everything!"
  10. great! i will. i've never even been to deep. can anyone who's been there tell me what it's like and exactly who the djs they have sound like?
  11. BIG TIME!!! start a new thread just for jemgirl. this is supposed to be the masturbation thread ! ---------- and, on that note, my roommate slept over at a friend's last night, leaving me all alone ... i got to levels that would have made ALL of my exes jealous .
  12. let's make a list of some fun little games we play - voluntarily or not - while out partying ! 1. find the breezy spot on the dancefloor 2. use the bathroom before it gets really gross 3. find the bartender who makes the strongest drinks 4. escape the creepy guy 5. find your short friends i'm sure i'll have more... add your own !
  13. have regular bowel movements is an important part of one's health ... tune in tomorrow.
  14. weyes

    i love this pic

    what ? i didn't understand a word of that.
  15. getting to know your neighbors can be a great thing. you can learn more about the neighborhood, ease tension about noise and other little annoyances (if you're lucky ), and make the closest (in proximity) friend you've ever had --- which is great when you just want to hang out for a little and watch tv or have a small chat but don't want to travel the far distances you would to see other friends. tune in tomorrow.
  16. i went to disneyworld back in the 80s and it was tha bomb ; very different from disneyland. they had a show called "kitchen krackpots," in which all sorts of food danced and sang... do they still have that?
  17. keeping one's temper benefits one more than losing it does. tune in tomorrow.
  18. thanks for reviving this thread [but it's just for pics, muzikchick, as much as poetry is nice ]! here's my pic:
  19. i never sat and watched fantasmic all the way through; i just walked by it on my way back to main street, once. but the magic was all lost on me when i saw 2 mickeys at the same time !!! "how can that be?" i thought. my whole belief system was crushed .
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