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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i would've gotten a little more specific with my explanation of where babies come from; i'd find it odd if my [hypothetical] 8-year-old daughter didn't have more questions about that. and call me a nitpicker, but it annoyed me that the tampon the girl found in the drawer was already unwrapped. but i also found it inappropriate that that bitch of a woman didn't make clear at that princess party that tampons are for older girls. 8-year-olds are not the right size to wear them, and i don't know if they're responsible or careful enough yet, either.
  2. my mom and aunt are visiting and we're doing all sorts of stuff, including going to the orange county fair. i've never been before, and i wanna make sure we get the most out of it. what do you guys think i should do and see while i'm there and what can i absolutely NOT miss (besides the snickerdoodle eating contests and such)?
  3. too many naps can make bedtime unsuccessful. tune in tomorrow.
  4. did you throw that in? maybe that would change their minds.
  5. that's no joke, right there .
  6. i'll check into this...
  7. weyes

    night owls

    you can always get a "hoooo hoooo" from me .
  8. ducks warming up over a fire, their hearts joining above it.
  9. wow - i've never heard of such a thing, not even with pit bulls.
  10. lashing out at co-workers doesn't provide a lasting release (even if it may feel great at the moment ); a happy everyday workplace is more important than that one outburst could be. we'll just have to daydream (and daydream, and daydream, and daydream ... ). tune in tomorrow.
  11. well, i dunno about other people, but i've definitely felt more than 3 ! that's some good shit right there ! keep it up!
  12. weyes


    lola's is nice; i meant to write that.but you'd better put yours up, shorty! i don't know when the next time i'll be out is!
  13. ripping up photographs is like erasing history. when angry about people when their pictures are around, avoid the urge to rip them up by just hiding them away somewhere . tune in tomorrow.
  14. you'd be surprised .miss ya, joeygk!!!
  15. you can never tell if someone will understand something if you don't give him/her a chance; dismissing people without giving them a try isn't to either party's advantage. tune in tomorrow.
  16. what's always struck me about the show is how it's so perfectly cast. i can't think of these people as actors; they really do seem like the people they portray. i also could never conceive of anyone else playing these parts.
  17. as a woman, i'm glad to say i've been lucky to have experienced more than one kind of orgasm. i've felt clitoral orgasms, mostly, but vaginal, too, and when i'm really in the zone, both at once. but sometimes other areas are more sensitive than others, and that makes every orgasm different. still, though, they were all pretty similar till last night. i don't know how i got there or what exactly i was doing that was so different, but i had 3 in a row that i'd never felt before . i was almost knocked out afterwards - both confused and weak. i dunno how i can get there again ... anyway, just sharing that . and i'm curious, too; do guys have as many types of orgasms as women (it seems to me that they wouldn't)?
  18. nope; just thought there were people on this forum that knew about sex. thanks. i didn't know that was possible either. i still would've thought it would be different for guys though, seeing as they have more "stuff" in the way. aaa - maybe i should just have an uncomfortable conversation with a gay friend.
  19. one night we did it 3 times and was really hard, loud sex. i was feeling really good at the time (hence the noise ), but when we had finished i had bled on the sheets a bit, and not period-type blood. too bad i didn't come; with this ex it was always so close - so close ...
  20. it may seem like added fun and excitement, but one should NOT ride roller coasters and other amusement park attractions without fastening the seatbelts/constraints !!! tune in tomorrow.
  21. you sure haven't ... come by more often !
  22. i asked this before, but not in its own thread. i never got an answer, at any rate. so, i saw 2 guys fucking face-to-face on queer as folk; how exactly did that work? was one guy really doing the other anally? the one on top was perfectly vertical and all; he wasn't leaning back or anything... is that physically possible? or were they just doing something else that i missed? excuse my naivete on this one , but i've never been a gay man . can anyone enlighten on this?
  23. when giving yourself good advice, it serves you best to follow it. tune in tomorrow.
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