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Everything posted by weyes

  1. am i the only one who thinks that matt looks like michael jackson?
  2. well, i'm unlucky in that a guy has never gotten me to the point where i come so intensely that i thrash around uncontrollably, but i'm lucky in that i get there almost all the time when i'm getting myself off... not practically speaking, though - when i finally have sex with someone talented, i don't want to thrash around so much that i smack him around or that our heads butt together, etc. any of you guys ever flail around so much that you hurt your partner?
  3. weyes

    yeah so

    wow, somebitch; that sucks ass . i hope this all works out, and fast.
  4. all right, kids, meetup time !!! deepfunk suggested lala's on melrose. i've never been, but, if deepfunk likes it, that's good enough for me ! somebitch must be in attendance!!! ok, so which saturday is better? the 14th (next weekend) or the 21st?
  5. when making plans for a few or a group of people, one should not only consider the time/date that is most convenient for everyone, but take into account how much each person wants to go; this is to say that if person x doesn't really - say, like the performer at the concert the group will be seeing as much as everyone else does, for example - person x's vote shouldn't carry as much weight as the rest of the group's. tune in tomorrow.
  6. i can't believe it ; he was so young .
  7. weyes

    yeah so

    all righty, then how about next saturday or the one after that? the 14th or the 21st? i'm all about a saturday. i may have to work on sunday, but that's the best night for a meetup, i think. we can figure out a place with some eats that'll let us just hang out and drink afterwards too, after we choose the night. whaddya say ?
  8. here's a cheesy one: hugs only serve to make people feel good, so let's do 'em more often ! (feeling affectionate today ) tune in tomorrow.
  9. actually, they're just called "furries."http://www.furtherconfusion.org/fc2005/index.php
  10. i'm with you on both of these . that's not what sex is about: respect and give and take (among other things).another one: guys should just learn that "no" fucking means "no" and that drugging girls till they can't move isn't cool.
  11. britney's a rarity in pop, actually; she's an alto in an almost totally soprano world.
  12. 2 a.m. is not the time to brood about the deep things if one expects to get any sleep! tune in tomorrow.
  13. i've heard what i've heard, shorty, but i'm sure you know way more details than i do. what's this i hear about the downfall of red? i hear it may become only a monthly, if that !
  14. mom was right - doing your work before playing not only gives you more time to do your work, but it puts your best concentration time on it and gives you an incentive to get your work done faster. tune in tmorrow.
  15. that's probably from when she fell off that horse a while ago.
  16. i was waiting for the waiter to bring me my soup, when i heard a teeny voice enter the cafe. "really?" she said. "call me!" and it sounded like such a weird thing for a seven-year-old to be saying. "do you have my number?" squeaked the voice again. i turned around and saw a skinny mid-twentysomething try to swing her non-existent ass in her wannabe-80s mini-skirt, her overtanned skin contrasting against her white shirt, fake boobs staying perfectly still. but it was the voice that i marveled at most. no one has a voice like that all on her own; she must cultivate that 'cause she thinks it's "cute." guys, how do you like a girl's voice to sound? low and throaty? high and squeaky? or just somewhere in the middle?
  17. yes, this woman is very cute , tonie is always gorgeous, but vida's face is always ugggly, and the woman on the far right scares me !
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