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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. on a day when heading to the dentist before some actual work'll be done (fillings, crowns, etc.), make sure to eat a good-sized meal beforehand, as it'll be hard to eat anything for a long time thereafter. (floss and brush your teeth after the meal, though; don't wanna give the dentist the impression that you're a slacker in the dental hygeine department or don't care about your teeth ! you do floss, don't you ?) tune in tomorrow.
  2. raves on the east coast are very different from the ones on the west, a big reason being that east coast raves are mostly 18+ and west coast are all-ages. the under-18 crowd has caused a lotta trouble for themselves and the scene by partying irresponsibly and killing themselves by taking ridiculous amounts of drugs at one time. the deaths of people who took however many jars of k, hits of acid, and hits of e, all on the same night, were mostly not over-18, i can assure you. and it's people like this who give the scene a bad reputation and are contributing to its demise.
  3. is there a way to hear this after the live broadcast?
  4. weyes


    love her, love her, love her !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sandra has NEVER let me down. it's been a while since i've seen her live, and i've always been shitty at describing genres, but her recorded stuff is sexy-ass trance. she keeps me moving on the dancefloor with a kinda "awwwwwwww, yeah" smile on my face. she's energetic, and always in tune with the crowd. you must go !!! i would be there in a heartbeat if it weren't for my broke situation and the fact that i'm going to maine & nyc in a few weeks for a friend's wedding and a visit to the ol' homefront. but you don't have this unfortunate excuse . go, go, go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. there are some things i miss, and i may start a thread about those, but right now i feel compelled to list some of the reasons why i'm glad to be a part of club life now and not rave life . 1. not leaving the party feeling sticky. my clothes were always unbelievably dirty; how'd they get that way? where did that rave slime come from? i can answer part of it in number 2: 2. having places to sit. it's true, they're often taken, but it's the thought that counts. and when a seat is free and i've been dancing for a while, it's absolute bliss . at raves, everyone's relegated to the floor. 3. having toilet paper in the bathrooms, even at the end of the night. i used to bring packages of tissues with me to every party, 'cause the bathrooms would always run out. 4. not being treated like an animal. ravers are abused. i was, and they still are. kept on lines for a ridiculous amount of time even when holding tickets (though i hear some people stand for shit like that even as they get older ), only to get into a party that ends a few hours too early. 5. not being treated like as much of a criminal, at any rate. some of those searches were way too invasive, if you know what i mean . at least now they're not as rough, it seems to me. anyone else have anything to add ?
  6. weyes rarely drinks; weyes may switch 3 times a year to zero after this weekend. i felt sick all day yesterday . i know there are loads of tricks and ways to keep from feeling shitty, but the drunkeness isn't worth the trouble.
  7. lisa rinna's lips are freakish .
  8. when seeking advice on something important, one should be sure to ask someone who's at least well-informed, if not an expert --- not settle for whoever's closest. tune in tomorrow.
  9. here's a link to our very helpful sticky, always at the top of the l.a. page: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874 you can pose questions on that thread, too, if anything's unanswered there .
  10. i never watched "melrose place" till i moved out to l.a.; that show was such a spoof . i loved how each episode included a slap in the face and the "sex-guitar," right when some couple or another was about to do it .
  11. weyes


    was that bait for me, naughtyb ? we all know you're just hiding your love for the hairy poontang .
  12. weyes

    Mystery Picture

    i work at a camera store/photo lab, and we're not required to print anything we find offensive, but we feel that that kind of uptight prudishness belongs at wal-mart . with that said, however, some of the smut we develop is truly repulsive (i'm talking closeups of dicks in all orifices, and more) . are those pictures really necessary? and i can see soooo many of them being used as blackmail sometime in the future...the only thing we're required to report to the authorities is kiddie porn, but there was a case in cali a few years ago where some guy took pics of his marijuana plants, dropped the film off at a drugstore lab, and, next thing he knew, his ass was in jail. we got some pics the other day of people snorting lines; we don't care, but you never know who's printing pics. be careful out there !
  13. A man walks into a bar and hears quiet voices saying: "Nice hat." "Nice shirt." "Nice tie." "Nice coat." After finding a seat, the man asks the bartender what that is. "Oh," the bartender says, "those are the complimentary peanuts." let's see some more jokes, people! you're making me resort to posting ones from my 10-year-old sister !!!
  14. sorry i'm late ... fighting technological advances isn't just preventing progress, it's taking a step back. tune in tomorrow.
  15. weyes

    Britney...Back to Blonde?

    would you please link me? i can't find the thread to which you are referring .
  16. excedrin contains caffeine; how do you sleep after taking that?
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