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Everything posted by weyes

  1. as weyes gets in her second wisdom tooth of 2003, she reminds all to visit the dentist twice a year and when these teeth, in particular, come in. wisdom teeth can cause a host of problems (they can be impacted, get too close to important nerves, and more), so it's important to check and see if they're ok to keep or need to go. tune in tomorrow.
  2. i hope you're not getting hate mail...
  3. yay for anthropologie !!!
  4. weyes


    my most successful method used to be to hang upside down in a chair and sing "mary had a little lamb" three times in a roq without hiccuping. once i did that, the hiccups'd be gone. once, when i was employed as the legal librarian at a law firm, i closed the door to the library (which had no lock) and tried to do this. someone opened the door and caught me, just looked, and immediately shut the door and walked away. i felt kinda silly, but i already had a reputation as the silly one at that office, anyway :goofy: . but now i've actually had success with holding my breath as long as possible. and when i say "as long as possible," i mean longer than you think you can stand. that's the key.
  5. weyes


    the only fish rolls i ever ate were yellowtail/scallion and regular tuna/avocado. the last time i ate raw fish, however, i got food poisoning (i don't wanna put the smileys that illustrate what happened; i'll spare y'all ); i never ate it after that.
  6. i don't know where you're from, flipssoe, but the "ferociousness" to which you refer is only found in certain places and cultures. when i've complimented girls in person at clubs in new york, i've gotten only mean stares and nasty, obligatory "thank you"s intended to make me go away, or, at least, stop talking. in clubs elsewhere, however, i always get "thank you"s and smiles. girls give me compliments from time to time, too. if you're expecting us to start catcalling, don't hold your breath .
  7. one good way to keep someone's name in your memory banks is to repeat it aloud when you're first introduced. that way, when you remember that first meeting - as most of you above said you do - you can recall saying, "hi, what'syournuts, my name's whothefuck," or whatever the names may be. you can also associate these people with something that helps you remember his/her name the first time you meet him/her, and that thing'll stick for the next time you see him/her. for instance, you have just met paul, who happens to be tall, barry, who is wearing a particularly memorable blue outfit ( ) tonight, or stephanie, who's as stupid as they come. these really work !
  8. the easiest way to remember to reply to someone's e-mail is to respond as soon as you're finished reading his/hers . tune in tomorrow.
  9. it's pink's, in hollywood. they have a line that winds back and forth and around and around, even at 4 a.m. . i ate there once in 1996 and don't remember much else about it.
  10. i tried! i tried!!! can anyone answer me and tell me what really went wrong ?
  11. weyes


    link it up, dg .
  12. weyes

    hey, OT, but...

    well, what's he doing?
  13. apparently, santa did it. i know these things; i read the national examiner.
  14. his lacking in the nut department did kinda freak me out, too, but i didn't notice the bumps both these people had till you pointed them out. but they don't look like zits to me; they look like rashes. and did you notice these blemishes were both in each "actor"'s' lower extremities? i think it doesn't take a dermatologist to say it ain't acne.and funny that you mention stretch marks, sassa; when i was getting boobs as an early teen, they had such a quick growth spurt in the beginning that i got stretch marks. i didn't know what they were and freaked out. i asked my doctor during a regular checkup, and she actually laughed out loud at my concern (which was unprofessional, but that's another story...) and told me they were just stretch marks. i joked that my career in porn was therefore over before it had begun, and she said, "not necessarily; they do go away ."
  15. weyes

    hey, OT, but...

    wasn't your friend in l.a. having problems with aim, too?
  16. isn't it well-established by now that you're anti-fuzz?when will i get tired of this joke? i dunno . i'm not even laughing anymore, but it's still fun somehow ...
  17. canadian currency is not legal tender in the united states of america. tune in tomorrow.
  18. i was on one that also gave me intense dreams, but they were always bad. one involved disney characters turning violent and evil --- bad stuff.
  19. i love it when spundae has all that fruit out for free, all sliced up and lovely .
  20. yeah - was this some sort of conspiracy ?...
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