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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes


    i haven't seen either, it's not my genre of choice, but i can't imagine how keanu reeves can't ruin every movie he's in .
  2. i think the age difference matters less and less as both people in the relationship are older (not as they get older, mind you.). for instance, i think anyone over 18 dating a minor is not right (besides sex between them being automatically illegal in most states), and a 21-year-old dating a 40-something is iffy... but as soon as people hit a certain age (and i think that age depends on the individual), we're more or less intellectual and emotional equals.
  3. what did they have to say about laffy taffy?
  4. weyes


    thanks for letting me off the hook; i was really worried .have fun!
  5. a man comes home and finds his wife having sex with another man. "what are you doing????????" he yells, shocked. "see?" the woman says to her new lover, "i told you he was stupid."
  6. the convention center is right in my neck of the woods, actually. i work in santa monica, and it's about a 20 minute drive with no traffic. of course, there are lots of beaches from which to choose, but santa monica's nice . i'm also not that well-versed in too many other beaches... i'd advise against venice beach, though, 'cause it's too touristy, crowded, and hippie-fied all at once (no offense to anyone). santa monica also has its fair share of tourists, but it's under control. and the arcade at the pier has some cool old-skool games.
  7. just because someone doesn't notice a change in your appearance (i.e. new haircut, glasses) doesn't mean s/he doesn't pay attention to you; it just means that s/he doesn't focus on your appearance as much as other parts of you, such as your sparkling personality, or just simply the relationship the two of you share . tune in tomorrow.
  8. check out our very informative sticky: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874 if what you wanna know isn't there, post your query there, and one of us (probably lalate or alex90028 ) will try to answer it as well as we can.
  9. i hope you're not talking about nights in a row without work during the day; peeps who can't handle that had better just call their clubbing careers quits !!! but i also don't eat much before i go out; eating always slows me down and sometimes i get tummyaches.
  10. i used to work at the camera store/photo lab in the century city mall, now i work at the one in santa monica place (same company, just transferred), and santa monica place is soooo much better than century city. parking's a pain in the ass at cc, and, because it's an outdoor mall, everyone brings their stupid-ass dog with him/her. this past year it also got bought out by a cheesy conglomerate that really cheapened it; they put in a little kiddie ride and now offer little kiddie karts in which parents put their children and push around. the stores are lame and the clientele are uppity snobs.santa monica actually has things that i, at least, wanna buy and, once you find it, the food court has some really good stuff (the homemade mashed potatoes and gravy at the southern place, the lamb kabobs cooked over a fire when you order them at the greek place). pretty much, though, my days are a lot like those in kevin smith's mallrats. the people who just stand still when they reach the bottom of an escalator make me nuts . i swear, next time the "near-miss-of-a-pileup" happens, i'm gonna push that person, just to teach the asshole a lesson. is it so hard to take a few steps forward? sigh ...
  11. just say no to photoshop !!!
  12. it does suck when cops are just looking to pull people over, and i do think they should be out fighting real crime, like rapes and murders, but people who drive while holding their cells drive dangerously - no getting around that. so use your hands-free. you should be wearing your seat belt for safety's sake anyway. these really aren't such crazy things to ask of you; what's the problem with following these two laws?
  13. weyes


    it's really confusing; there's the whole "5 a day, for better health" thing, and that's 5 fruits or veggies. what's good for you is all in whose plan you wanna follow.
  14. two teachers from my high school lost their jobs due to sexual harrassment cases .
  15. weyes


    i know you're not entirely serious, but i think this is too much, in general .
  16. took the words right outta my fingers .
  17. p.s. thanks, mystify, for your insight .
  18. relax! i'm just curious ! besides, tell me, please, how this question is any less ridiculous than who prefers blondes over brunettes.** "stop overanalyzing it and just fuck someone, already :mad: !" really, tastyt, you're so down-to-earth; i didn't think you'd be down on someone for wanting to know other people's experiences on something .
  19. it seems as though weyes has a sunday off, for the first time in a million, quadrillion years !!! i'd like to finally hit recovery . anyone else thinking of going?
  20. directions from a knowledgable person are usually more accurate than those from a source such as mapquest; a human who goes someplace on a regular basis knows the real ins-and-outs of an area better than a computer program, which very often doesn't take into account traffic, construction, or new/gone land developments/roads. tune in tomorrow.
  21. that's another one altogether !
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