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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i still have yet to come from intercourse, so i like SUM'in beforehand, kno'msayin' ?
  2. it's always a good idea to keep change in your car for parking meters (sucks when you don't have it ) . tune in tomorrow.
  3. the a300 is a low-end camera; that's why the pics are crappy. 3.2 megapixels, yes, but the zoom is all digital, which only makes for bad resolution (blurry pictures). these two are not comparable cameras - not even close. i place the other 3.2 megapixel canons, all of them, above the sonys.as far as digital v. 35mm, it's not that one is necessarily better than the other; they're different. film has a 3-dimensionality that digital doesn't capture. and digital can't record the infinite number of colors that film can. some like that tweaked look though - the bright, electric feel it has. think of the differences between the two like the different looks between film and video; they're just different, what's "better" is entirely subjective. i, personally, prefer real film; i think it reproduces reality more accurately. and elementx brings up a good point: you can do a lot more with a 35mm camera. interchangable lenses offer you many possibilities (you can get all kinds: wide-angle, telephoto, macro, fisheye, zooms or fixed). there are 35mm cameras that shoot up to 8 frames a second (at least), you can do all sorts of long-exposure shots, and play around with filters and different kinds of film. digital is easy for sending over the 'net and storing on your computer. it's convenient for that. but keep in mind as well that most photo labs can now scan your negatives onto a cd for $6 a roll or so. so there's a lot to think about. happy decision-making !
  4. i thought you always wanted your girls totally bald to begin with (hair? !). now i'm confused ...
  5. nice ones today, cubbie and ~surreal~ !!!
  6. it's always good to know an alternate route to your destination, in case an obstacle presents itself (i.e. construction, accidents) . tune in tomorrow.
  7. i don't like boxer-briefs either. they just look like overgrown tighty-whities to me. (they also are reminiscent of marky-mark; another time to which we need not return ...)
  8. if unsure of what to wear for a particular event, such as a wedding or birthday party, one should ask the host/ess; s/he won't be offended to be asked, and all end up comfortable in the end, dressed appropriately for the occasion . tune in tomorrow.
  9. weyes

    Whats the first thing

    dr. weyes reminds: go pee in order to clean out your system and avoid urinary tract infections ! but i vote for all that cuddling jazz as well, after all the however many rounds are actually done.
  10. i'm a canon person, all the way. they just put out the a70, a 3.2 megapixel camera that's an answer to all the problems of the digital elph (you know, the squarish camera that's really, really popular?). it's really user-friendly, as its modes are on a dial on top of the camera, as opposed to being hidden within menus that require multiple button pushing. this system is based on their 35mm slrs, so, if you have a canon slr, you'll already know how to use this.having the dial on top also gives you a better chance of taking the best picture for whatever situation you're in, as you can change modes quicker than with other cameras (no flipping through menus has multiple benefits ). it also has video AND audio; many don't have audio. canons use compact flash cards (that's the memory card on which pics are stored), and that's a format that many other brands use. there are some printers into which you can insert the card to print your pics directly, and you can also have your pics printed at a lab. sonys use memory sticks, and a lot of printers (albeit cheaper/older ones) don't have slots for those. many labs only print from compact flash and smart media. it's good to pick a camera that uses a widely-used format, as it's also likelier to stay on the market (and not become invalid, like 8-tracks). funny, though; smart media is being phased out. do not buy a camera that uses smart media (older fujis, olympus). smart media will very soon be a thing of the past. takes great pictures, what else can i say? here's a link: http://www.powershot.com/powershot2/a70-60/index.html the store at which i work has it for $399, i think - maybe $349.
  11. Jesus and Satan were having an ongoing argument about who was better with computers. They had been going at it for days, and God was tired of hearing all the bickering. Finally, God said, "Cool it. I am going to set up a test which will take two hours and it will judge who does the better job." So Satan and Jesus sat down at the keyboards and typed away. They moused. They did spreadsheets. They wrote reports. They sent faxes. They sent e-mails. They sent out e-mails with attachments. They downloaded. They did some genealogy reports. They made cards. They did every known job. But, ten minutes before the time was up, lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, thunder rolled, the rain poured, and of course, the electricity went off. Satan stared at his blank screen and screamed every curse word known in the underworld. Jesus just sighed. The electricity finally flickered back on, and each of them restarted their computers. Satan started searching frantically screaming, "It's gone! It's all gone! I lost everything when the power went out!" Meanwhile, Jesus quietly started printing out all his files from the past two hours. Satan observed this and became even more irate. "Wait! He cheated! How did he do it??!!" God shrugged and said, "Jesus Saves."
  12. that pic with the ladies with their backs painted in pink floyd covers in your sig is really cool; where'd you find that?
  13. i don't know where you're getting your stats, dg - if you add all of those together, maybe. but it's just as "well-known" that women like men in suits; don't think a suit isn't its own kind of uniform, it's just the one of the businessman/office worker.
  14. me too .and they're just called "boy shorts," rdancer, no "toy" involved . i wear bikinis. comfycomfycomfy . as long as they're black. i don't wear thongs; why would i choose to wear a constant wedgie when it's something people normally pick out of their asses (or fear getting inflicted on them from bullies, in grammar school) ?
  15. dg, i think everyone takes each situation as it comes - always different - as tastyt also said. if not, i think everyone should .
  16. i just made out with a guy who had his tongue pierced once, and, even though he was an amazing kisser, the post (not ring; whatever you call it) only got in the way. 'twas a shame .
  17. backhanded compliments are never appreciated, as they're not really compliments. if you're going to say something nice, have sincerity, not a hidden agenda. tune in tomorrow.
  18. ah, yes; it's part of bush's partnership with big business in their effort to put profit before the good of the environment. interesting; this isn't in the best interest of human beings, but i guess all that bush - and a lot of other of republicans and corporate bigwigs - sees is dollar signs.
  19. weyes

    Yo Weyes!

    sorry ! i did a little cleanup just now .
  20. the always-fabulous spundae deserves a look-see . i haven't been to their sf club, but their organization kicks ass and the sf club usually gets the same talent we get down here. there's a very down-to-earth and friendly vibe at the spundae down here; i don't know why it'd be any different up north. check it out: http://spundae.com/
  21. took me a minute to get what you were trying to say; you meant pubes ! but that's you, naughty !!!codica - howells fanatic dgmodel - has more " "s than anyone! elementx - hard-workin' man gmccookny - underestimates himself phatman - obsessed with cheesecake sassa - gloves off tastyt - down-to-earth
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