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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i'm not with you on this one, unless you're talking about her smile.
  2. i know this is gonna sound naive, but i didn't know guys paid such attention to nipples. i thought it was just about boobs, in general.
  3. at least her hair finally looks good. she's had a real mess of one kind or another on top of that head for years !!!
  4. confirming tastyt's statement: that "choad" is another word for "taint." ** i dunno why i just used the celebratory smiley; i just couldn't come up with a better one right now.
  5. i'm not a fan of walking around naked in front of guys, either (although i sleep naked, sometimes). it bothers me, so a guy i'm with would have to be ok with that. i'm sure not liking to be naked bothers her more than her not liking it bothers you .
  6. i was talking about that just tonight!!! while watching an annoying commercial for arby's wherein the restaurant's employees high-five each other, one of them wearing the animated, talking oven mitt, i said aloud to my roommate, "high-fiving died a long time ago ."
  7. h & h is on broadway and 82nd, i believe. perhaps 81st...they are, in my not-so-humble opinion , the best bagels in nyc and the nation .
  8. someone called me before 9 once, too. he gave me a "do you care about the youth in your community?" and i just said, "not at 9 in the morning :mad: !!!" bastards !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. o, i e-mailed him. he answered my question and just gave me the "busy, busy" routine. he mentioned some parties coming up and whatnot... same e-mails we usually have. i think if i really feel like pressing him on this, which i may not, i'll talk to him about it when i next see him in person.
  10. whoa - this got a little crazy up in here. first of all, exactly. we can't tell our nipples what to do. secondly, you guys should be blaming each other for constantly staring at the wrong girls' nipples . and that old argument about making your gf dress like a quaker because she's "yours now" is ridiculous. you still wanna look good, right? i don't wear things that show my nipples intentionally, but i don't pay any attention to whether they do or not. tastyt already covered this, but i'll just concur . nuts.and lastly, i wish i could go out without a bra. there are lots of cute/cool things with which one can't wear a bra, like this: i need to wear a bra 'cause my boobs are big, and it hurts not to wear one (i sleep in bras). plus, i'm not as perky as i was when i was a teenage b . if i could wear all those cool tops and dresses that required bralessness (a lot of which are conservative, but just have really interesting designs), i would, too .
  11. take your own advice every once in a while . tune in tomorrow.
  12. do you mean "posh" (upscale) or "hodge-podge" (mixed)?
  13. some animals are more street-smart than others .every time i see a kitty about to cross my street when a car's coming, he/she always turns around and goes back to the curb. they're all smart cookies in my neighborhood .
  14. i can't get either of the broadband links to work .
  15. you're fucking with me . that is RIDICULOUSLY unprofessional. where did you hear that?
  16. weyes


    there's a guy who posts here every now and again who has connections at club ra. i forget his name, but his posts are around here somewhere...
  17. harpoons are also missiles, used as weapons by our own military .
  18. what's that in your sig? i am muy disturbed .
  19. why were you talking to your ex (that rarely amounts to any good)?
  20. weyes


    noooooooo!!!stay away from the jersey forum; drama central !!!
  21. sorry - i didn't mean to press or anything . it's all good .
  22. all my jokes are hella stale, ~surreal~, but since there isn't one up for today, i'll put this one up . Q. what can't you eat for breakfast? A. lunch and dinner!
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