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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i'd say about 25% of the people at disneyworld and disneyland are on acid !!!
  2. i have the biggest internet crush right now and i feel like such a silly little idiot about it . but, then again, i wouldn't feel bad about it if he lived nearby and i could meet him and get to know him in person. i know some people who've met their significant others through the 'net (my aunt, for instance). seriously - a lot of us are friends, and we're not ashamed that we met each other over cp (or are you?), so why would it be bad if you met someone on the 'net and got into an even deeper relationship? sounds like it could only be good to me, as long as, when you meet the person, you really assess who the person is, and don't just think about all the flirtatious things that the two of you have exchanged through the keys; a lot of that can just be in good fun to some, and more serious to others, and there's really no way of knowing until you meet the person.
  3. i'm lost in a world where i just don't know which pop-tarts to eat. if only someone would help out in this situation and do humanity a real service... can anyone think of someone with a real love for pop-tarts, who's already done his fair share of eating them, who could accurately rate them and tabulate the results in a comprehensive fashion ? (nudge, nudge, hint, hint) well, in the meantime, in such a scary, uncertain world, i've been going to the dairy queen near my work. and, i don't know what it is, but they just don't seem to have any frozen yogurt when i come by. the place closes at 9, and those bastards have the fro-yo turned off and cleaned up at 7:45 . evil, i tell you. it's like the japanese place near me that's always out of miso soup, and a sandwich place i used to go to that ran out of lettuce on quite a few occaisions. how do these places run out of the basics? too bizarre. we don't see movie theaters running out of popcorn... it's bad management, people, and i turn into a spoiled brat when i can't have my mint oreo breeze .
  4. o - pch! why didn't you say so?! (still haven't been there, but at least now i know what you're talking about .)
  5. holy shiot, thanks for the recommendation :spin2: !!! i downloaded it, too; only problem is a slight hiccup somewhere around the 19-minute mark (19:05) . (not that bad, really, but noticable.)
  6. sometimes it is necessary to give verbal feedback in order to communicate with people. there is a lot of room for interpretation when giving and receiving simple reactions in the forms of facial expressions, attitudes, etc. words can be necessary . tune in tomorrow.
  7. i didn't say anything , rock on !
  8. wisdom and age are not necessarily related. while the more time one has to experience, observe, and reflect on life is an advantage to gaining wisdom about it, it does not naturally follow that those who are older will have used (or will have known how to use) this time to their advantage. and, of course, we all go through times when we are clear-headed and times when we are somewhat lost. but none of this matters; who's gonna read anyone's birth certificate ? just don't expect anyone to behave a certain way because of things he or she "should" know at whatever point in life he/she is. we are all different - and rock on to that . tune in tomorrow.
  9. 'k, sounds good. what days are best for everyone? weeknights? friday/saturdays? sundays? sunday night would be perfectperfectperfect for me, but i can get a day shift some day if i ask for it in advance enough. laterish on fridays and saturdays is fine, too.
  10. aaah. i wasn't really considering scenic routes in this poll - just the ones we have to take to get us from place to place in l.a. but it's true, i haven't done much sightseeing in california. i've driven up north a bunch of times, but my group (including me) was always interested in geting to our destination quickly, so we didn't go up the coast. i've never been to santa barbara (where everyone says i have to go), and i've only spent one day in san diego. i have, however, been to disneyhoo at least 4 times .
  11. f to the u to the c to the k d'a's right .
  12. weyes

    Y Does ?

    good question! i'd like to know why l.a. sucks "punds", too! let me know what a "pund" is, first, though.
  13. hmmm. i don't know what darma is. do you, perhaps, mean "dharma", or do you mean to say, "drama"?
  14. we may be losers (or not), but you're a loser who can't spell . p.s. that wasn't a very good attempt at drama. try again, sport .
  15. so, what exactly is the rest (the other percentage) of each of us, anyway ?
  16. tv is a part of cultural literacy, too (and of course, i mean when watched in moderation). tune in tomorrow.
  17. 30%?????? whatever! they didn't have enough room for me to write the number of hours it was between my closest two different sexual partners - unfair . (c'mon. hours? now that's slutty !)
  18. interesting that you bring that up - i had no idea that they could look so different until cp's graphic pictures corrupted my (thankfully) innocent eyes .
  19. weyes

    club sex

    my question, once again: is reviving threads all you do? (just a question, not a value judgment)
  20. i'm live in downtown l.a. my work schedule is never the same, though, day-wise, and my shift is usually 1:30-9:30, so i gotsta ask that we plan something in advance so i could ask for that time off , or have it on a sunday, when the latest i'd possibly be working would be 6. dinner? drinks? a night at a cheap little clublike place (honey, f'rinstance: $5 on thursdays) ?
  21. are we talking about breakdancing (no pun intended) here or dancing of a different kind?
  22. when i settle down into my end-result-of-a-permanent house/apt./whatever (i probably won't be able to find such a fabulous place until i've met my mate for life), it's gonna either be so soundproof or so far away from anyone else that i can blast my music and have sex as loudly as i want !
  23. of course, sometimes the best times are just spent staying home and playing a game of sorry! at 5 in the morning, but when you want to dance your ass off to a decent dj in a nice space, and that's what you have your heart set on, a game of sorry! just won't cut it.
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