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Everything posted by weyes

  1. this wave of insanity has to be stopped . has anyone ever seen the music man? i see a lot of similarities between our plight and the silliness in that musical. o, yes, we got trouble, right here in river city. with a capital "T", that rhymes with "P", and that stands for pool! the adults get all in a tizzy over the new pool hall in town, where the young'uns are just playing - not gambling, not drinking, not engaging in any gang-type behavior... just get the ignorant going and they can get mighty powerful.
  2. the first time i started dealing with what the difference between "love" and "being in love" was when i was in 8th grade. a lot of people say that that's too young, and that it's not love if it's not reciprocated, but that's only their truth. maybe that's just how they experience love (once again, not a value judgment - just different .). my freshman year of high school i started a new school (it was only a high school.), and my first group of friends didn't stay my friends for that long. they were just the first people i really met. anyway, one girl had on her answering machine, "leave a message, i love you, bye!" and it disturbed me so much to think that she could be telling just any old someone that she loved him/her. it just made her love seem so... cheap .
  3. that's part of the whole gimmick; the show is all about making her look bad, otherwise people wouldn't be so sucked in. people want to look down on her, think she's stupid, fat, spoiled, etc., otherwise she wouldn't interest most people who watch that show. it's all about drahma. watch the next episode - it's supposed to be about how the decorating of her house isn't going along up to her standards; they'll try to make her look petty and ditzy by saying that the walls are the wrong color pink. i know it'll sound weird for me to take her side for a second (victim's advocate), but you'd be pissed if you were having your house redecorated and the painters painted the wall the wrong color. the public just feels they can mock her for it because she's rich and not very bright.
  4. waiting till the last minute to do laundry can lead to having nothing (or, at least, nothing good) to wear tomorrow. ( confucious say: that not really wisdom.) tune in tomorrow.
  5. that guy's not wearing an izod shirt. i'm not positive, but it looks like a ralph lauren polo. but who are they, anyway?
  6. my ex was always quiet (except for talking), which bothered me. in the beginning, it made me feel like he wasn't into it at all. later i learned that that was just the way he was, but i would've liked it better to hear some more feedback .
  7. i work in a camera store/photo lab. we sell all kinds of cameras (slrs, point and shoots, digital, video), binoculars, and albums, frames, bags, tripods, and other camera accessories (filters, flashes, etc.).
  8. add to that: oberlin, ohio, my brother's college town. i went to party with him on graduation night, and the best that we could come up with was getting a slice of pizza .
  9. lately my posts have been really long. i just wanted to apologize, as i know how annoying that is . i'll try to make 'em shorter .
  10. fuck that noise ! people who don't appreciate all the work and heart that go into throwing a party are really beyond me .
  11. it's on e! and now they run it a lot of the time. it used to be on sundays at 10:30, but now it seems like it's on just about 3/4 of the time i skip by that channel. and star, you don't have to believe anna nicole's claims that she hasn't had sex in a long-ass time, but it seems obvious to me that she has no clue that her female assistant has romantic/sexual feelings for her. if you only saw the premiere, you've really missed out on how sad the whole scenario is. that woman would do absolutely anything for anna nicole (seriously. you name it.) and all that a.n. sees before her is a good friend.
  12. i once saw a comedian say (paraphrasing here) ["i don't see why we should wash our hands after we pee. i think we should wash our hands before we touch 'the great one.'"] i really cherish the privacy of the girls's bathroom .
  13. thanks for updates, bassbiznatch. i always like to see you around these parts .
  14. omigod, gmc, i was going to start a thread about your new quote!!! it is getting very strange around these parts. a lot of threads that i want to start get started before i get the chance. either people are reading my mind ( ) or we're all just very, very, compatible. i was going to say that the quote is true for some and entirely the opposite for others. some people find it hard to say, "i love you," while other people value those words so much that they will not say them in passing, or if they do not truly feel them. i happen to belong to the second group. if someone tells me he/she loves me and i don't love him/her back, i don't just spit back automatically that i love him/her, too, and i suppose that makes for an uncomfortable situation. but i don't lie, and i wouldn't want anyone to lie to me, either. besides, the people i love generally aren't liars . but love means a lot of different things, and different things to different people. man, i could go on about this subject forever... but i'll spare you all . one last thought, though: yesterday, a co-worker in his 50s said he didn't think there was a difference between loving someone and being in love ( ). there's my point, i guess: that i don't necessarily have a better understanding of love, but that his and mine are very different.
  15. when engaging in discussion/debate, it is important to remember that there is a difference between opinion and fact . tune in tomorrow.
  16. one of my favorite shows, ever since i was a wee one . maybe this is why i love tentbeefpile's posts so much. i may have to acquaint myself with vicious's music now .
  17. weyes

    attn: joeygk

    as of 5:06 - your time, nothing doing over here . i'll ask DaVe if i've got something weird going on in my pms that i don't know about ; i can be oblivious to things involving compooturs 'n' stuff like that sometimes .
  18. depends entirely on the volume level - i can't answer that one ! the only choice it excludes is "silent screams."
  19. that counts as the first choice, 'cause it's some of the neighbors and not just people in your house. sorry, it wasn't that clear . and really, ou812, did you think i was gonna answer my own poll first ? the only thing louder than me in bed is the sound system at the mayan (sorry for the l.a. reference, but i'm sure you get the idea ) .
  20. only if you also wear your fanny pack, faced forward . you must be german . (sorry tastey, but those germans are the ones who come over here and give you a bad name .) and guys who can dance --- yummy...
  21. i can count the number of good kissers in my life on one hand, and i didn't happen to have a relationship with any of them . i'm with you on those last two thoughts. and i'm still waiting for a boyfriend in my life who's a good kisser .
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