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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i'm having trouble interpreting this message in smileys, but i hope i didn't hurt your smiley face's feelings !
  2. i'll settle for some whipped cream . (things like pop-tarts hurt my teeth too much these days .)
  3. someone was, but nobody i knew, sassafrass!
  4. yeah, it's terrible. it gives me horrible raccoon eyes in all my club pics . i think i have to start bringing a makeup artist with me on nights out so that i can look nice and even for posterity . i also blush like you wouldn't believe. i blame it all on genetics; my dad's got sensitive skin that gets pink in the winter, my mom blushes really easily, and the rest of my family were red-faced drunks !!!
  5. and i think this'll be the last - my omniscient friend and me in the smoking area outside:
  6. and one of the famous "weyes drinking water" shots:
  7. and, from left to right: lostin310, gemerald, and weyes. damn, i look freakish ...
  8. let's see if i can make the next pics bigger. here's one of armin:
  9. i've been trying so hard to get these to work . let's try this again. the pics aren't that great, as they were taken with a disposable camera by people in questionable states of mind and body, but they'll just have to do! here's pic #1 - they mispelled his name on the marquee! how rude!
  10. weyes

    *Attn: Weyes

    well, if nothing else , he got me to clean up my inbox a bit.
  11. o, i wasn't talking about real advice or anything like that, gmc; i was just referring to when, say, a friend recommends a tv show that you don't think you'll like. i'm saying that he or she is probably recommending it particularly to you because he or she thinks that you will like it for a reason. your friend may point you in the direction of something fab you otherwise would've deliberately skipped, so give it a try ! but what you're saying is dead-on, too, in my book. advice is always to be taken under advisement .
  12. actually, when i saw him, it was at his thanksgiving day eve performance at sound factory in nyc. it wasn't just a weekly thing, even though it was in new york. but, to respond to everything else: is this a new depeche mode remix of "i feel loved," or is it just the danny one that i know? and i think we may be going overboard with all the abbreviations these days ... and i'm sorry to say, gemerald, that i don't accept your height answer. a 2-inch spread doesn't make sense to me . as far as posting the pics goes, i'm livid at present. i stayed at work an hour and a half late just so my obnoxious co-worker would let me scan the six pics (even though there had been plenty of time earlier; he was just being an asshole), and it turns out that they're all too large to post on cp . i've been calling my work all day to talk to him, but before i can get a "hello" in to whoever answers the phone, he or she has been putting me on hold and not coming back :mad: . i've been trying to post these, you guys, i really have . and i heard about the airline losing avb's records before his gig the other night; my omniscient friend just sent me an e-mail about it today. armin's gotta be an idiot; everyone knows that you always take the things that really matter on the plane with you as a carry-on .
  13. weyes


    i love "100% pure love," and i'm with ya on the simpler, innocent, bygone days ! the 2 friends i was with both had bought the milli vanilli album, but only one kept it. it turns out that, when the lip synch-ing scandal went public, the record label allowed everyone to return the album for a full refund. pretty honorable, huh?
  14. weyes

    *Attn: Weyes

    what pms ??? i was wondering about that, joey, 'cause i never got any from you and i thought you were just playing with my head (well, not really - i knew you wouldn't do that ). i emptied my box out, too, just for you. are you sure they're getting sent correctly ?
  15. i know this may sound weird, but bear with me . when i see women with absolutely nothing to pinch, at first i'm jealous, thinking that their clothes hang off of them perfectly, and that i wish i could wear this or that. i don't wear low-rise pants, for instance, 'cause i've got a bit of a belly. but then i realize that naked, women that thin don't look so good. girls like me look better without clothes. and, if i were a guy, i wouldn't want to have sex with something that was hard, not soft. hey, i feel the same way about my guys - i want to have sex with a person, something that gives a little, not a board. (don't get me wrong - muscles are good, but within reason.) these people, to me, aren't sexy; they're more like walking mannequins. of course, to each his own, and that's why this world's so great (so there's someone for everyone!), so this is just my opinion ; please don't make a debate of this post.
  16. it always breaks my heart when i hear people say that they'll never put themselves out there again. that's just setting themselves up to lose out on so much. i have a friend who always went for the wrong guys - usually ones who were emotionally unavailable, and she often just slept with guys to make herself feel wanted (she admitted it, too.). but she once got in a longstanding relationship with a guy who already had a girlfriend. this, of course, could go nowhere but horribly for her, and, of course, there was no getting through to her beforehand. it turned out that the guy's gf was pregnant, and the guy then gave her the whole, "i really love you, not her, but she's pregnant and now i have to move in with her and marry her," bit. my friend bought it, and he came out smelling like a rose. "it's not his fault," my friend said, "he'd choose me if the bitch weren't pregnant." now my friend made the mistake of repeatedly having unprotected sex (!!!!!!) with this LOSER, and what should happen, of course, but she got pregnant. then, of course, he left altogether to be with the other gf full-time. and my friend said, in the end, blaming herself, "it's my fault, for falling in love. i'll never fall in love again." wtf??????? and i'm sure you all can gather from this story that the problems were many other things, (believing lies, going out with someone who already had a gf, having unprotected sex...) not that she fell in love or that she shouldn't again. she's now in a committed relationship that's lasted 9 months and is blissfully in love, on the pill, and doesn't remember exactly saying that she never wanted to fall in love again. i'm glad .
  17. that's sweet, gmc !
  18. weyes

    :~Sky Lopez~:

    i shudder to think of what they could possibly be made of ...
  19. this happens to me quite a lot.
  20. UNTRUE. even though this kid is also underage, it is still a juvenile offense for him to have sex with someone under the age of 18, as the law states that someone underage is inherently unable to legally give consent. look into it before you speak about serious things like this .
  21. having to scroll over to the right is just a wee little bit wack .
  22. take a chance on friends' recommendations; even unlikely ones sometimes turn out to be things that are right up your alley, as your friends tend to know what you like . tune in tomorrow.
  23. yo' mama's so fat, her ass has its own congressman. yo' mama's so stupid, she talks back to her rice crispies. come on, you guys !!!
  24. weyes


    i was at my friend's house the other day, looking through his old cds, and, what should i find among them, but haddoway. and not just his full-length album, but the remixes/cd single for "what is love?" and a remixes/cd single for another haddoway song. all of this was mixed in with cds from information society, milli vanilli... i had a little cp moment, vic, and thought of you . i just had to put on "what is love?" baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more...
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