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Everything posted by weyes

  1. bring in da vic, bring in da sass .
  2. glad you guys had fun ! everyone is so gaga over satoshi, and i think all i've heard of his is his version of "up in flames." where did you see him, vic?
  3. i work in retail and today a guy came in who used the same laundry detergent as my ex . that was his smell. my ex didn't really ever smell like anything else - no combination of things, not even any particular health or beauty product scents, and of course no guy of mine would wear cologne . i used to just squeeze him tiighttighttight and breathe in that laundry smell - his. he always said he didn't get it because he didn't think he smelled like anything, 'cause he didn't put anything on, but i associated that smell with him, so that's what it meant, to me. anyway, this guy was in my store, and i was trying to talk to him about digital cameras, and he was asking me about megapixel this and zoom that, when all i could think of was yummyyummyyummy... sometimes i wish i didn't have this unbelievable sense of smell .
  4. that is not weird. go back and answer your own thread correctly . i don't know if any of mine are weird, exactly, but maybe i have some unpopular ones. i don't like cologne at all . i'm not much of a fan of perfume on girls, so why would a guy need it, either? if you choose something that specific (and therefore strong), you're running the risk of someone not liking it, is the way i see it. and why alienate someone just because of the way you smell? then again, i have a very good sense of smell. and i'm gonna start a thread on that in a second...
  5. 5 . bastard was making up for lost time and he didn't even know it .
  6. i was actually gonna start a thread about how much i love trentbeefpile's posts ! they literally make me lol!
  7. weyes

    attn: joeygk

    where's the love ? i am still waiting in suspense for my pm ...
  8. when dealing with difficult people, remember that common sense is not so common . tune in tomorrow.
  9. it's a california girl phenomenon, too: most girls out here have flat butts. you know how different racial backgrounds determine your shape to a certain extent (don't pretend that you don't know what i'm talking about)... a lot of girls out here are natural, straight-haired blondes, with no curves. that's also partly why there are so many breast implants; 'cause they don't have 'em naturally.
  10. health is nothing to be taken lightly. let your friend know in the best way possible; think, but do it a.s.a.p.!
  11. weyes


    janet jackson's midsection is upsetting .
  12. weyes

    Safe Sex in Porn?

    like porn is usually high-class and intellectual !
  13. o - i just had to add that that quik bunny is too damn cute !!!!!!!
  14. there's a switch on phones that lets you choose between "tone" and "pulse." look at your phone, my good man, and you should find said switch. switch it to "pulse," then dial a number. it will click instead of beep . and do not fear, cats and kittens! strawberry milk is still around! http://www.nestle-nesquik.com/nesquick_chocolate_milk.htm and i LOVED crossbows and catapults! a game where our parents let us make a mess !
  15. i remember that guy - sexist pig! where's my discount ? when i worked at a law office there was actually a case in the books about a guy that received praise in the office in the form of nut grabbing by a supposedly hetero male co-worker. the question was whether or not it was sexual harrassment or just harassment if they were same-sex and the attention wasn't sexual advances. i don't remember the outcome of that case ...
  16. washes his hands after he answers nature's call ! i was on line to get into grand ave. (wack club) with someone who witnessed this very event, from start to finish. that pvd shur iz a class act !
  17. "pogo-ball." i can sing you the commercial jingle if you like . shit, peoples, some of these things are still around, and some always will; the hula hoop is a classic . my stepfather is very resistant to both technological advances and just change in general, so that side of my fam was always behind the times. we didn't have a color tv till very late. my brother and i watched "friday night videos" on the black and white at my mom's house and at my dad's we watched mtv in color on the big-screen tv , during the same time period. we didn't have a buzzer for our apartment; people had to call us from the corner pay phone and we'd drop them keys from the fire escape - all 'cause my stepdad didn't want a buzzer in case "kids would buzz it and run away" . we eventually had to get a buzzer 'cause the building installed one central one for everyone. my stepdad tried to get us removed, but my mom finally put her foot down. my mom/stepdad just got cable this year, and that's just 'cause they had to to get reception at all. of course they don't have call waiting, and they still use rotary phones .
  18. weyes

    "naked boys singing"

    i don't know if this is still running or not, but i'm assuming it is, 'cause it's been hella successful and had been running for seven years when i saw it a couple of years ago. "naked boys singing" is a show in (where else?) the west village, on 7th ave. those of you in nyc should have heard of it... anycrap, it is, basically, what it's called. a musical revue done by naked guys. not entirely naked all the time, though, it's not that boring. (i was surprised to find "costume designer" in the program before the show .) the songs are all original, and hella funny. they run the gamut from "the naked maid" to "the bliss of a briss" and address such issues as showering together in high school and in the gym as adults, and spying on your neighbors. hilarious, but, even though i was sitting in the third row of this tiny off-broadway theater, the relative with whom i saw the show fell asleep . how one falls asleep when faced with about nine naked guys singing in front of one is beyond me... anyway, i was reminded of this by all the recent threads about dick size. at one point, the guys are in a kickline ( ), all in a row, and there you have it, the differences between them all, all at once. and ya just have to be proud of the guy with the 4.25 inch penis .
  19. it's funny that you prohibited us from saying, "face," 'cause i think that's what most girls look at first!!! i certainly do, anyway; if i don't like the face, nothing else can override that. and the face can make up for a helluva lot. but, if you're not letting me say, "face," i'm with sassa:
  20. weyes


    it looks like a big mac: two burgers, three buns !
  21. weyes


    my ex liked mine and i just thought it was silly. i also can't stand when anyone does anything to my ears. it does nothing for me to the point of being annoying. i have to swat the guy away and find a nice way to say, "this feels totally ridiculous to me and you thinking this is sexy is making me wanna bust out laughing and wipe off my ear at the same time ."
  22. last night, when i was out dancing, i was seriously going all out. most people were just dancing in their own little "i'm moving around but only a little 'cause i'm very self-conscious" way, *or* in the "i'll only move as much as i can without spilling my overpriced drink" fashion. so i stood out, 'cause i went there to dance . what a novel concept - going to a club with a dj and a dancefloor to dance. when i dance i can tell that some people look at me, but i don't look at other people much when i dance, 'cause i'm in my own groove, and i close my eyes a lot. but one of the djs last night had me dancing in ways i never knew i could dance, and i was in rare form. at some point, these wannabe-diva boys strutted over and mocked me with some all-out dancing out of some ridiculous self-consciousness (there's a lot of that out there) and jealousy that was just lame. they had spent the entire evening standing against the wall making fun of people because they were too nervous and nerveless to dance, themselves. so all they could muster up the courage to do was try to imitate/outdiva me? of which, i'll add, they did a very poor job. please. i am me, the one and only . after their little minute-long outbursts, they just resumed their pointing-and-laughing at everyone else in the place, while being the little wallweeds they were. who needs these people ?
  23. do you mean to vote someone off the board? and are you serious? do you really want to get someone to leave ? i'll take a look and see what's going on, but please answer .
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