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Everything posted by weyes

  1. my dad, the cheapest man alive, always wears what appears to be the same shirt, but he's like charlie brown; he has a whole bunch of the same one. but here's the cheap part of it: it's the uniform shirt from his gym (plain, heather blue t-shirt), and he just steals them . he also only owns one pair of jeans at a time, and replaces that pair when it's totally ratty, and hasn't bought a new suit or a pair of dressy shoes since the 80s. at least he doesn't have a job that requires wearing a suit or shoes like that .
  2. i'm confused, then. shouldn't there be a vote against the 5, from sassa, and 2 votes against the 405, one from ou812 and one from lostin310? who voted against the 110 and who voted against the 10 ?
  3. highway 1, huh? where's that (another route i should learn and add to my repertoire, perhaps...) ?
  4. weyes


    i haven't, but i'm usually not the one to ask when one is wondering about a not-so-well-known dj (pretty hit-or-miss) .
  5. ok, then. well, where'd you find it?
  6. well, the rock has been part of the problem, not the solution . where've you been? um, er... cp's in the kitchen, or something like that. maybe you can sense something with your nose ?
  7. i had read rave reviews of this a month or so ago, and figured it must've just come and gone, since i hadn't seen it in any theaters. but it comes out tomorrow. www.secretarythemovie.com it stars james spader and newcomer maggie gyllenhaal, playing a dominating boss and his submissive secretary, respectively . as i said, it got lots of good press, and is supposed to be all hot and bothering , so i thought i'd pass it on to those who hadn't heard .
  8. weyes

    Music during sex

    i am so with you on this!!! i always think it's so funny when people talk about having sex with music on, 'cause i can't help but concentrate on music, whenever or wherever it's playing. yep, that's i singing in the supermarket. and, in school, i never could understand how anyone did any type of homework with music on. if there are vocals, i can't help but sing along, and, if not, i'll be dancing in my seat. and, if i'm talking to someone when music i really like comes on, i've been known to zone into the music . i'd be much more of a postwhore if i weren't always listening to music while online (i'm dancing in my seat as i write this, my arms being ripped away from the keyboard periodically by the beats of steve lawler.). 5-6-7-8...
  9. weyes

    club sex

    drunk, this is the second post i've ever seen of yours, and it's reviving an old-ass thread, just as the first. are you a person (or, more likely, some current cper's alter ego) who just revives threads?
  10. too bad we refer to all things decent as "old-skool," these days, and are on the defensive about being that way. a recent example: my new gyno/oncologist asked me the other day if i was sexually active. when i said, "no," she looked at me funny, then asked if i had ever been. "i guess i'm old-fashioned," i said, "i have to care about the guy ."
  11. twilo was most likely the most important club in new york as far as talent/djs go, but i'd just like to remind everyone that twilo was an overpacked sardine factory as well. people certainly can have selective memories .
  12. self-explanatory. which freeway do you think sucks the most? although the 405 is almost always blocked when i take it and the 110 is really curvy, i've gotta vote for the 101, which has been crowded every time i've been on it. i'd take an alternate route if i weren't so ignorant about how to get around this town and unsuccessful every time i try to outsmart the system . (i am improving, though - slowly, but i am .) even when the 101 is moving, it's a big clump of cars that's packed so tightly that no one'll let you over into the lane in which ya gotta be . all of the onramps are really short merges, which are hella dangerous for both the people on the freeway and the people getting on. the lanes are narrow and the speed limit is 55mph. what's to like about the 101 ? * see companion poll - "favorite freeway"
  13. yeah, it's a silly one, but when i'm sitting in traffic on a freeway i don't usually take, i wonder how anyone can stand that crappy one. i've gotta put my vote in for the 10, 'cause even when there's traffic, the slowest one'll ever go is 40mph or so - not so bad . the on and off ramps are well designed, for the most part, and it's easy to get to, all along the way. i say, rock on, 10 . (i don't have high hopes for this poll getting many votes, but i'm curious and figured, why not? see companion poll, "least favorite freeway" .)
  14. how'd you break your foot, 310 ? and hey, vic, you forgot to mention that junior vasquez is gonna be here on halloween ! (sheesh - what a slacker .)
  15. people may serve you up a shitload of, well, bullshit ( ) , but that doesn't mean you have to take it, care, or believe it. do your own research and digging, uncover facts, find out truths, and, most of all, discover your truths . tune in tomorrow.
  16. sketchy... i used to work with a kid who wore the same pair of boxers too many days in a row. and they were one of a kind, believe me; they looked as worn out as one would expect they should, for being worn so much. how do i know, you ask? these young'uns today, with theyer baggy paynts an' whutnot... fallin' all low on theyer behinz ... <--- indecipherable attempt at a southern accent
  17. weird pic, though - who are those other cats?
  18. you know i'm there ! where do you live, sassa?
  19. because sometimes, darth, your words paint a thousand pictures !
  20. thank you so much! and i'm so glad that people are voting; it's interesting to see that, so far, there are no silent girls and no male screamers . so, are all you quiet guys saying that you really just are that way, and that you're not holding anything back?
  21. does anyone know where i can find the list of people whose accounts have been removed/have been banned?
  22. first of all, does anyone on this board practice safe sex? just wondering ... (that comment was not directed at the people who were expecting cum to land on stomachs, etc.) and here's some food for thought: why is it not gross to eat someone else's bodily fluids, but gross to eat your own? someone help me out with that one, please.
  23. smiles rock, as far as making a guy attractive . but laughing just makes people feel good in general, as sassa said. i don't find it sexy, i don't think... let me get back to you on that .
  24. of course, i hand washed them and hung them up to dry, as well, as one would with any bra. but i found that vs's bras fell apart quickly and that none of them had enough support for a d cup. the one big thumbs-up i'll give to vs is that they seem to make the only strapless on the market that has no padding whatsoever . and, believe me - i shopped in at least eight stores in 2 major cities, with vs being my last resort !
  25. you might as well say that beating people is ok, because hey, some other people actually kill. well, that's just a strong example to prove a point . but i'm with tastyt, i'm sure it was your attitude.
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