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Everything posted by weyes

  1. you were probably also a little before it happened .
  2. well, it seems as though i'll have to be in new york with my family for either thanksgiving or christmas, it just remains to be seen which one it is. i hate christmas and my birthday is december 27th, so i'd much rather be with my friends in l.a. for that (it's also a friday and the day before spundae). people can't stop talking about this zabiela guy... and meeting vic would be such a great x-mas/birthday present ! so many things to consider now when making my holiday plans... and even when it's not spundae at circus, the place itself is a great venue.
  3. so you found the danny one, i take it?
  4. the typeface (font) is still the same to everyone else??????????????
  5. i wish they made low-rise (or at least lower than a woman's natural waist!!!) garter belts; it's fine for wearing with dresses, but i don't usually wear my skirts that high. and does anyone know wear to get low-rise boy shorts? i've been looking for those forever...
  6. i was about to post a "one year later" memorial post, but you beat me to it . what i want to say about casey was said above, still holds true, and always will . i was in my pm screen recently and hit a button by mistake that took me to a menu i never knew about. it listed the only message that was never picked up: one to blueangel called "are you ok?". she last logged in at 8:11 a.m. on 9/11, less than half an hour before the attacks. i like to think that we were all in her heart and mind at the time, and that she may have been laughing at something really silly that was on the board . my very best to you, casey, always .
  7. is this just on my computer, or did this just happen to everyone? i just went from one forum to another, and the typeface for the text in all threads, the thread titles, the text in margins, all changed. what happened? it's too big and open and hard to read . poo. what's up with this?
  8. don't expect disaster simply because there's a possibility it might arrive. that just distracts you from being prepared for every possible situation, including both negative and favorable outcomes . tune in tomorrow.
  9. i am so sorry to hear that !!! but i applaud your bravery; a lot of people run away from root canals till they need a bunch . how painful was it, and did they give you painkillers ? and do you recommend your dentist? i need to find a new one ASAP and haven't heard of anyone.
  10. i always thought that, if a guy said, "who's your daddy?" during sex, i'd just bust out laughing , and i'm sure that would stop us dead in our tracks. has anyone ever said anything that stopped you while in the middle of doin' it?
  11. crotches are sweaty places, both male and female, and therefore are bound to have a certain degree of funk going on. what i always find amusing (that's sarcasm ) is that society tells women that they're nasty and smelly and never mentions that men's nether regions don't always smell like roses and aren't perfectly tasty dishes worth replicating in restaurants.
  12. it's called acting!!! (master thespians )
  13. i really only like naked men in person . more women feel this way about porn than men do, i've heard (that they're not so much interested in pictures, i mean).
  14. i would think it would end up hurting after that many times .
  15. nope . that sucks. or, at least, it's not for me.
  16. i have yet to come with straight-up penetration . it feels good and all that noise (and that's another story ), but doesn't go the distance .
  17. where are all my ghetto peeps? i still got more, yo. yo' mama's so fat, when she bought a new cereal bowl, they had to hire a lifeguard. yo' mama's so fat, when she wears red, everybody goes, "watch out for kool-aid !" yo' mama's so fat, on halloween, she says, "trick or meatloaf."
  18. anyone who gives me the chance to use this smiley always makes that day for me: !
  19. i know it depends on where the kid is. i figure that, since he's such a big clubber and all, we'd be talking about new york, where it is illegal. and i don't care if he's kidding, 72, or a cop. i don't think he's worth the chance, and if he's just joking around, we don't need that kind of ridiculous drama on the board, either. a 13-year-old being here is really making me nauseous. literally. this is not right. read all you want, kid, we can't stop you, but i don't want to hear about anything having to do with you and sex. it's illegal and it's sick, even around these parts. i understand that clubkat and gabo can't ban vstanzi, only DaVe can, so i urge everyone to please write DaVe a pm. BAN THIS KID!!!
  20. i brush my teeth when i get up and before i go to bed, but my dentist said that wasn't the problem. he said the decay was nowhere where brushing would've helped and that i should've been flossing more. i floss, too, but only about four times a week, and i only started doing that a few months ago . that was what did it, he said . and crest is my favorite toothpaste, too !
  21. o - and pop-tarts and chewy things hurt more than frozen yogurt and things of that ilk because they stick to my teeth and grind into my cavities .
  22. i'd been putting off going to the dentist ('cause i'm po') for a while, but after it got too painful to eat as much chocolate as i'd really like , i decided i just had to go. i have insurance, i just knew i had to have a lot of stuff done and that it'd be expensive. it's not smart to put off going to the dentist, though . anyway, i went last week and i am in need of three fillings and a crown . now i just need to go back. unfortunately, my company switches insurance at the end of this month, so i need to find a new dentist... more obnoxious bureaucratic caca that i'll probably let slow me down more. till then, i'm eating fewer sweets. what a life .
  23. well, it turned out that the ovarian cyst i had removed in july wasn't entirely benign, and had "low-malignant potential." this means that it may have left behind some cells that can become cancerous. i'm finally gonna see an oncologist about it tomorrow (it took them over a month and a half to get me an appointment ), and she's gonna do some tests and whatnot to see what's up. wish me luck !
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