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Everything posted by weyes

  1. if you wanna fuck your shit up in a major way, there's always everclear (190 proof ), but that was illegal in new york last time i checked. it's legal in california and new jersey, though. it's possible to do some insane shit involving weed and everclear that'll make an insane brew that totally makes one do this and ...
  2. that's petrol's and my song; you can't have it ! it was the only one i knew of danny tenaglia's (his remix) that i liked before i saw him the first time, and, when i went to see him, i had been terribly bored my the night as a whole, until he put that on and redeemed himself . it was one of those nights where one says to oneself, "i can't believe the dj played the one song i wanted to hear tonight!" and, from then on, nothing could go wrong .
  3. no, he did not mention it, but he'll just win first place in the cool contest by arriving first . thanks for the pics, vic !
  4. i'll keep hitting it and i'll do math, trying to see what things i can skip - subtracting the time they take - to still make it to work on time. but i can't really do accurate math while half-asleep, so it doesn't work out too well. i also don't go to work the same time every day, so it's pretty challenging to begin with .
  5. not familiar with their stuff; wish i could be in on these references . * i like the new birdies in your sig !
  6. weyes


    and, for good measure, how about BAN
  7. weyes


    I WILL SAY THIS OVER AND OVER, AND PERHAPS I WILL WRITE DaVe AGAIN TO FURTHER STRESS MY FEELINGS, AS I FEEL THIS HAS GOTTEN OUT OF CONTROL. a 13-year-old being here is really making me nauseous. literally. this is not right. read all you want, kid, we can't stop you, but i don't want to hear about anything having to do with you and sex. it's illegal and it's sick, even around these parts. BAN THIS KID!!!
  8. weyes

    :~Sky Lopez~:

    and her boobs are just wrong.
  9. shakira's practically a midget.
  10. hmmm... i'm with you and that user . only change i'd make is BAN THIS KID !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
  11. does anyone know either the name of the song that contains this line or who it's by? i heard it once and think i need to download it/hear it again.
  12. what can i say? i know this topic was up before in my cp career a long, long time ago, but i never can get enough of "yo mama" jokes . and i need some new ones. so let's post our best. yo' mama's so fat, when she dances, the radio skips. yo' mama's so short, she plays handball off the curb. yo' mama's so fat, her belt size is "equator." i've got a lot more, but i'm gonna save 'em . lay some on me !
  13. it's too bad you didn't get to meet gmc; even though i would've been jealous that he would've gotten to meet you first , we all have to meet each other! and i think i may have seen some pics from miami, but, if i have, they were only of the outside of space, or something equally unmemorable. post whatever was interesting, please !
  14. ooo, ooo, ooo - who likes epic trance (is it you?) ? i promise i won't tell! i'll be your best friend !
  15. beware of the snooze button ... tune in tomorrow.
  16. weyes

    attn: prue

    here's a link to a thread on the miami board about "24 hour party people." a bunch of people down there saw it and gave their reviews : http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=115753
  17. OMIGOD I LOVE THIS SMILEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! and, yes, i do have some dear friends from cp .
  18. weyes

    :~Sky Lopez~:

    she look-a like a man !
  19. weyes

    how tall are u?

    let me rephrase. what are you saying ?
  20. o, and my friend says that they usually come dressed in matching (brand name omitted here) track suits and call themselves "pimps."
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