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Everything posted by weyes

  1. thongs . i'm not a masochist. and tight pants? . go ahead...
  2. a friend of mine's boyfriend turned out to be too big for the biggest condom on the market (magnum xl) . they went through an entire box of 12 and had no luck. he said they used to be able to fit . my friend thought about going on the pill, then just got too scared to have sex with him, and they never did it. *note: he (6'4") was also a foot taller than she.
  3. weyes

    how tall are u?

    i hope yours are proportional enough to your body that they hold you up !
  4. weyes

    how tall are u?

    not quite sure i get that . are you saying that short girls are easy? uhhh... ???
  5. weyes

    Age !

    a 13-year-old being here is really making me nauseous. literally. this is not right. read all you want, kid, we can't stop you, but i don't want to hear about anything having to do with you and sex. it's illegal and it's sick, even around these parts. and, remember: this is a CLUBBING MESSAGEBOARD. even if we weren't talking about sex, we'd all more than likely be over 21 .
  6. underworked? this is me. (green with envy )
  7. well, doodoocaca; i found those kids too late . i was standing at a table with my omniscient friend (who more than deserved that title last night), half-dancing, when i saw a guy in light grey pants and a black tank top going bugnuts on the dancefloor . holy crap, lostin310 was amped ! i only got about three words with gemerald and lostin310 was really connecting with avb, so our meetup was just a meeting, really. but a meeting, finally ! well, avb has a nice smile and looks like he must be a very nice guy, but not my type - even though i don't have one. too dutch or something? the only blonde i've ever liked is steve mcqueen . and the music last night was better than i was expecting, but i liked the opening djs more than i liked armin. john do, in particular, if i recall correctly, but having eaten only oatmeal and fritos all day before going out contributed greatly to my rapid FUBARation. and i finally got to hear "shiny disco balls" for the first time! there were these two pumped-up jokers there dressed alike: matching shorts, matching football jerseys (but with different names on the backs), and matching furry fishermen's hats. it's bad enough when parents dress their kids alike; why would grown men do this? i was laughing about these guys (and i don't laugh at people, because i'm generally not judgmental, but this really was ridiculous ) when my omniscient friend pointed out that the names on the backs of their shirts were their screennames, and that they're big snobs on another board. i had no idea... after the party i went with my 2 friends to one of their places in orange and played music (and a game of sorry!) till we finally fell for a snooze after noon sometime. i took the train back to l.a. and got home around 6. good friends, good times .
  8. joey barely comes around anymore .
  9. a friend of mine is really stoked about deepsky...
  10. i think julia roberts looks like an extra-terrestrial muppet . sorry to disagree!
  11. i agree with all . but when i said, above: that's exactly what i meant. i've just let myself get trapped in situations (more than once, which was enough!) where i was miserable because i thought i had to stay with someone who was hurting me who wasn't willing to work at our relationship. a good example of this was a therapist, a few years ago, who was a sick, sick, woman. she told me that i was "not a person" and "mentally defective" and gave me lots of questionable "counseling ." i stayed with her way too long, just because i had been with her for a few months and didn't want to start seeing another therapist and start from scratch. i don't know how this woman got her degree or license , and i feel deeply sorry for anyone who takes her seriously.
  12. weyes

    *Attn: Weyes

    you'd better tell me in advance, so i can roll out the red carpet (or steal the one from the el capitan) ! and soulseek and i now have a love/hate/still in confusion relationship . but i have managed to download some stuff...
  13. weyes

    Guest List Love

    keep us posted.
  14. no b-boy fan in the hizouse?
  15. weyes


    ooo - i just made it in time to say: ! tell us what you did tomorrow !
  16. don't forget to go to new places; while old faves and standbys are great to have, you never know what else may be out there .
  17. did this thread originate here in drama?
  18. that's exactly what i'm talking about . if a relationship with someone has gotten to the point where it's a wall between you and happiness, you owe it to yourself to leave it. as hard as it is, sometimes people cannot remain friends/lovers, or even in touch at all.
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