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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    San fran

    people should campaign for a san fran board ...
  2. bump! i know darth has input on this one, at least!
  3. i just caught a few minutes of the miss teen usa pageant, but that was more than enough. it was in the quarter-finals, i suppose, because there were about 12 girls left in the running. they showed the semi-finalists, though, so i saw 25 girls, and it was impossible to tell them apart. they all had straight or straightened hair (you could tell who killed their curls), and all of them had it past their shoulders, except for miss california. i caught them during the swimsuit competition, and the pageant required that everyone wear the same swimsuit, but here's what gets me: the top part of the bikini was a padded bra. what kind of message is this sending to the girls watching and to the teens competing who are supposed to be role models? that they have to have bigger boobs to be attractive? hey, i know you guys are all gonna get on me and tell me to relax, but these pageants are bad enough for women as it is. now requiring contestants to wear padded bras is just pushing them another step back .
  4. weyes

    short people

    seriously. for the most part, a little bit of a difference is all good, but a foot can be a big deal .
  5. "______________" (there are no words)
  6. i didn't suck my thumb, but i sucked my middle and ring fingers. any theories ?
  7. well, there was the thread a while back about slang that should die, but a friend of mine reminded me of a word i was always partial to, and i think i've gotta work it into conversation more, or at least use it as my new euphemism to replace my old ones: shag. so much better than screw, and fuck can be a little too harsh. have sex is kinda technical... yeah, i think i'm gonna try shag out for a while . and then i got to thinking, while i'm on the brit tip, why not go into: snog? i dunno if i can stick with that one, but i think it's worth a shot. i used to use it, but it didn't last long. only problem with that word is you've kinda gotta squinch up your nose when you say it for it to work right. whaddya think, trevorsafe? is it possible for me to use these words without you wanting to smack this american across the face? or is it like when tourists come here and say they're "on vacation" for our beneift (when we really don't care - or at least the good ones of us don't) and we don't mind that we know they'd normally be saying they're "on holiday"?
  8. o! i finally get this smiley: getting tanked !!!
  9. i don't know the statistics, but plenty of people go missing all over the country all the time. just think of all the faces in inserts in your mail, in police stations, post offices, etc. they've just started to get more publicized lately - i don't know why.
  10. not necessarily - it just means to do something as an answer to what may have just happened, as opposed to doing something with as much force as what just happened to you. in other words, reacting is being defensive, then striking back, whereas responding is more of a positive route to take .
  11. make do and be creative with what you can in pain-in-the-ass situations beyond your control. in blackouts, take a walk outside. when your computer keeps crashing, call your friends you keep neglecting to call back. if it's pouring outside, stay in and draw or write. there are always other things to do . tune in tomorrow.
  12. doesn't it always? i don't eat anything that lives in water, except seaweed. i used to eat sushi, but the last time i had it, i got food poisoning, and i haven't tried it again since .
  13. i'll give you some background on the whole situation, sandiegino, and let you know exactly what's going on : generally, one can safely assume that no one on this board would like the vengaboys. but, even if one didn't want to make that assumption, before he or she were to laugh at vic for liking them, he/she should make sure that he is serious. if one were to read anything else he posts, one would learn that vic has a playful, silly sense of humor, and that he generally jokes about things quite a lot. and while ridiculing someone for his/her taste in music is obnoxiouos anyway, reading up on vic would prove that he is kidding. my sassiness was thrown in the direction of the new jersey people, who, for some reason, came over to this board a few weeks ago and started about fifteen threads all with the theme "l.a. sucks." it's just a bunch of ridiculous childishness that no one needs to waste his/her time with, and the people that do want to have normal, worthwhile interaction are bored with it. those threads were kicked to the drama board, if you'd like to see them and read what i'm talking about. so my shortness was not directed at anyone who wants to have any decent sort of discussion - just towards people who want to be disruptive and destructive .
  14. once again, i'm gonna refer someone to this thread: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=110713 (this is the third referral to that thread today.) just read the board, people, and you'll find your answers! you wouldn't've had to wait for our responses to your threads!
  15. go to this thread, there are lots of links on it for what's going on in l.a.; just ignore the drama: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=110713
  16. let me know if you have any success, and where you do find them, if so .
  17. someone asks this question about every three days. i'm sorry to get impatient; i just wish people would read the threads that are already up before they ask the same old question. here's a link to a thread that's already up: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=110713 there are lots of links in that thread that give all kinds of info. just ignore the silly drama in that thread !
  18. question for the guys and girls, and make sure you read the poll carefully so that you vote correctly: guys, do you think girls are sexier/prettier/cuter, etc. when naked and pouting or smiling? and (same question, but reversed) girls, do you think guys are sexier/hotter/cuter, etc. when naked and pouting or smiling? i'll put absolutely no statements in this post yet as to why this question comes up, until some feedback comes in; i wanna get some accurate answers.
  19. weyes

    short people

    i used to have a big thing for short guys, but today a guy was hitting on me that was under five feet. that's excessive enough, but i'm 5'9 & 3/4", and it was just a wee bit too much for me to deal with .
  20. i guess i'd just agree with what some people said already about some people being bad at goodbyes. i hate that, too, because i really like solid ones, especially when i'm not going to see the person for a long time. but i'm also a very affectionate person, and a lot of people aren't. my oldest friend, who i've known since fifth grade, isn't really a hugger, and every time i see her and hug her hello, she gives me a sort of limp, "i have to do this" kind of hug. it took me a long time to get over this and realize that it's nothing personal. when she's drunk she'll hug and kiss me over and over, and it's bothersome that she can't show her love when she's sober, but i've just come to accept that she can't let go that way. i just wouldn't take it personally, as it seems hard to tell what was going on .
  21. weyes

    wet hair on women

    i always leave the house with wet hair. blow-drying is so damaging. and i have no talent with a blow-dryer anyway; i always just get my hair all puffy and frizzy. drying naturally, my curls stay curly and together .
  22. i don't think so. sometimes people post threads that aren't about sex here because these are the people with whom they've formed bonds or relationships, and these are the people from whom they want advice. this is a community of people, not just a place to ask specific questions.
  23. i don't think that moderators need to post any certain amount. while i do think they need to contribute to the board, i don't think there should be a quota. reading posts is important, too, and we wouldn't want moderators posting threads just for the sake of posting any more than we like other people doing it. as long as moderators are involved, whether it be reading the posts or posting, i think they're doing their job. p.s. i'm a moderator, too!
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