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Everything posted by weyes

  1. thanks ! i still dunno quite what's up with that squirrel ...
  2. ok, i just went to B&H's website, and they have it for the exact same price. if they don't have it for cheaper than that, i don't know who will. and the other camera that i like better, the canon s30, which costs $349 at our store, costs $499 there. hmm - maybe B&H isn't the low price leader it used to be...
  3. 'k, vic and gmc, i got transferred back to my old work, so i got to see a whole bunch of cameras. we're out of the one my friend (and boss!) recommends, the canon a40, but here's a link to canon's page on it: http://www.powershot.com/powershot2/a40-30/index.html here's one thing i've gotta say about digital cameras: anything under 2 megapixels really isn't worth your time. when my friend recommended this camera, which boasts 2, i questioned the quality. she then got really excited about it and showed me a print from that camera, and, i tell you, i wouldn't've known it was digital unless you'd told me to look for it. seriously, i was impressed. and this camera has the option of you setting the aperture and shutter speed, if you want, as opposed to so many digital cameras that are really rigid and will only do all the thinking for you, thereby not leaving you much room for creativity, etc. we sell it for $299, but you could probably get it cheaper at B&H in new york, and they do mail order. and canon kicks ass. as far as cheaper than that goes, i don't know if anything below that would really be worth it, but i'll take a second look tomorrow .
  4. ooo, boy, i'm finally going. it's been way too long since i've been to the dentist. i haven't had much dough and am pretty sure i'll need some work beyond just fillings, or so say the milky ways i eat, so i've been putting it off. i finally swallowed my pride and asked my dad for moolah, if there's stuff that isn't covered by my insurance . well, it's tomorrow morning, and i'm hereby hoping that my teeth don't require loads of unpleasantness . time will tell; wish me luck!
  5. thanks, starshaped! man, that audience is hard to please! even with all their criticism, though, i wish i had been there . i wish they'd given more of a review on armin van buuren, 'cause, as everyone on this board has known for way too long, i'm seeing him next week and have no idea what to expect, as i don't really know his work, much. did you hear anything about him through the grapevine, in particular?
  6. gossip only hurts. besides most of it becoming misinformation through the act of its being passed through many people, what gets said can also just be misunderstood. things that people say to each other should always be assumed to be things said in confidence, unless specified otherwise, to avoid hurting anyone. tune in tomorrow.
  7. i hope they did find some great places. let me know how they fared, ok ? and i really don't know anything about vegas or san diego; i've only been to each once, and not to party. but i think sassa's from down south a bit, isn't she?
  8. i actually thought it was rather well-written, but what did you want me to say ?
  9. if someone calls you and wakes you up, but you then have a conversation anyway and you go back to sleep, it's a good practice to write down anything important that may have been said . tune in tomorrow.
  10. grant plant and kazell are at spundae www.spundae.com ; i wish i had seen this post earlier, dgmodel, and could've been of more assistance. but, as we tell everyone who posts this topic, the answers to the club question are already up in at least two threads every time someone asks. and, after all my time living here, i still don't know of any particularly great restaurants! just ones that are great for what they are (cheap, great location, 24-hours, certain culture, that kind of thing.).
  11. thanks, i always like to know what the kids are talkin' 'bout these days .
  12. the pill is often prescribed solely to make one's period regular. and hey, ladies, could you click the poll for me, just so that i can see? there are a lot of replies on this thread and very few votes. thanks!
  13. women compliment other women all the time. i don't see any difference.
  14. just scraping the mold off food and eating the rest is not a good idea . tune in tomorrow.
  15. i love "cowgirl." funny how that song's been remixed by practically everybody, and is,as you've just proven, still being spun 9 years later. a classic that deserves to be and that floors me every time i hear it . and i, too, am still waiting for the report on the mayan (weyes taps fingernails impatiently on the table...).
  16. i just don't go for that kind of elitist caca .
  17. poor suckers just can't catch a break...
  18. i thought it was a: hey, vic, where's that squirrel smiley ? and lostin310, i think that clothing manufacturers already have a conspiracy going. they've got that, as well with really rough commercial washing machines in laundromats, to ensure that our clothes lose their staying power. that's also how home appliance makers make their money, by making gentler machines than the laundromats', so that we'll buy theirs . someone call oliver stone about this.
  19. i hear there's a big link between smoking and drinking, like mac and cheese and pickled okra .
  20. what does humpty spin these days, anyway?
  21. why is this in drama? is this "danwilson" character stirring up trouble?
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