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Everything posted by weyes

  1. when people ask me what it means, i define it as a cross between shady and off. + = sketchy
  2. i just did a super-quick search and only found black and whites, too. weird. funny, too, i never thought about why he wasn't making movies anymore; i didn't think he was dead, for some reason. he was only 50 when he died (lung cancer). i haven't seen many of his movies, but the getaway is definitely a standout in that genre. his being in it is just an added bonus . one problem i have with him, though, is that when he calls women, "baby," it sounds terribly forced, kind of like when kevin spacey curses. i just don't buy it.
  3. i was up till 4:30 last night, too! i got home from the laundromat sometime after three, then took my sweet time hanging up my gentle cycle stuff, watched some tv, wrote a friend a postcard, brooded about the deep things... there was a blackout in the middle of the night, so my alarm didn't go off this morning and i didn't get up on time for work . damn energy crisis and people who don't "flex their power ."
  4. weyes


    will someone answer me, please? the children... the poor children...
  5. i usually think about it in advance, 'cause sometimes what i want to wear is dirty and i may have to wash it to ready it for the night out. this is quite possible a lot of the time, actually, 'cause i wear a lot of the same stuff in general that i wear when i go out.
  6. share a bit of what you're passionate about to people you meet who are from different circles. people who you may think won't understand your hobbies/favorite leisure activities/lifestyle may actually find it very interesting and want to know about these things - things that they may not have heard of - and it's also a great way to bring people closer together . tune in tomorrow.
  7. what's up with places that don't have signs?
  8. tanning is bad for you. besides, vic, you're naturally more tan than some of us (see gmc's post above, then pay my father a visit, next time you're in nyc, to see what genes i got .). and sheesh, if i could get rid of my "driver's tan" i'd really be a happy camper. i feel like an idiot .
  9. o, hey, about "sketchy"; i had lunch with my long-time friend megan today, and i asked her if i originally got that word from her, years ago, because no one i talk to (unless he or she is a mutual acquaintance of ours) seems to know what that means until he/she meets me. she replied with, "what? how can people not know what 'sketchy' means? who are these people?" this leads me to believe that yes, i did get it from her .
  10. ah - good ol' steve mcq. no. he's a very rare naturally blonde adult . light isn't my "type" or anything, as i don't have one; i really just get struck by different things in all kinds of guys. i'm lucky that way .
  11. weyes


    heeeeyyyy... you could've kept that comment over there, y'know. jeez. that's why i brought it up there .
  12. i know it sounds silly, but i was a little off my game today ! thanks, docs !
  13. hey, people with wandering eyes need to get good jobs, too .
  14. well, it all depends on how you define "diva." merriam-webster gives us: Main Entry: di·va Pronunciation: 'dE-v& Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural divas or di·ve /-(")vA/ Etymology: Italian, literally, goddess, from Latin, feminine of divus divine, god -- more at DEITY Date: 1883 : PRIMA DONNA 1 these days, i think it's come to mean prima donna more than deity, which is a shame. there are a bunch of slang words that mean "guy at the top" and none for women that i can think of, offhand, and i can't even say that without sounding like a whiny feminist. and hey, while the powers that be come up with some words for women who are great without any derogatory connotations, why don't they come up with some more words for men who are fabulous that don't imply that they're gay or that they put down women (i.e. how gay guys have to call each other "girlfriend" because the only other alternative is "pimp.")? well, i didn't quite put that as clearly as i could've, i suppose, 'cause i'm a wee bit tired , but there should be a unisex word that's in everyday use that lets us all be the gods and goddesses we are, who should all get our asses on the dancefloor .
  15. ok, i figured i could sorta get what is was, more or less, but it's getting a little sketchier and sketchier in my head, these days. or maybe it's just that spragga's sketchy, and it's taken me this long to notice . sorry, i know i don't know ya, but yer obsessed with this thing ! so what, exactly, is it, beyond just tweaking? i need explicit details.
  16. weyes


    you guys are kidding, right ?
  17. it drives me crazy when a guy bites my lip ... but i've never tried it, so i wouldn't wanna attempt and mess up ; i think i'd have to wait till i were with someone to work on it!
  18. i always shower before i go out partying; in fact i get downright obsessive and do everything there is to do, just because it gets me in the whole psyching up spirit . i can't sit still in the hours beforehand anyway, so why not clip my toenails till they're perfect (i'm not a manicure/pedicure person - i'm not that obsessive )? and it takes me forever to decide what to wear and what makeup route to pursue ... but even with all of that, it doesn't matter; i'm a wreck at the end of the night. then again, i don't know about you, but i'm a "get there when it opens, leave at closing time" person. so, even though places generally close at 4 here , that still leaves us at at least 6 hours, and i only leave the dancefloor for small breaks , so i get hella sweaty . and shampooing only once usually doesn't get the smoke out of my hair. come to think of it, gmc, i have no recollection of anything in particular, so i don't know if i took note of anything at the time, either .
  19. you're allowed to shirk all of your duties every once in a while. just seize a vacation day when you want to some day; it'll remind you that everything can wait. tune in tomorrow.
  20. when i was a kid, i always had crushes on adult celebrities, not teen idols. and i always thought prematurely grey hair was particularly sexy. i think it's 'cause a friend of my dad's i had a crush on had totally white hair, and it was just so rare and cool. perhaps being a steve martin fan added to that, as well .
  21. that's almost always true. i wouldn't be offended; it's always just weird to find that someone thinks you're anything very far off from what you are. but women who persistently ask are usually insecure about it and'll be upset if you get it right, a little over, a lot over, or not under enough. i think women, in particular, are more sensitive about it because men tend to go for younger women (i don't need to cite celebrity relationships to prove that, do i?) and they don't want to feel as though they're losing their appeal. that isn't to say, of course, that these women shouldn't work on getting over that, though.
  22. as of yesterday, i can dance again!!!
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