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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    What is a Raspberry?

    i believe bill cosby coined that phrase .
  2. pardonnez-moi....... woodsy warns: it is not wise to challenge weyes to a smiley war... :rofl:
  3. i always wear sneakers, and my feet are never still long enough for anyone to step on them !
  4. wish i were going, not for sasha, but for a cp meetup! (no offense to sasha, still haven't motivated my lazy ass to hearing any of his work ) hope you guys have fun, and i'd better see a review here tomorrow!
  5. one more addition: www.giantclub.com , though i don't know if they have anything coming up all that soon...
  6. there's already a thread up right now that answers that question. here's the link: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=110713
  7. calling ahead to confirm/double-check appointments/important transactions is a good practice to get into. if you had my recent luck, you'd now be on the phone twice as much as you used to be, as well . tune in tomorrow.
  8. ah... i was talking to my co-worker today, the one who didn't know the order of the months of the year. he wanted to know the differences between republicans and democrats, which parties bush and clinton belong to, if communists get arrested in the united states, what communism is, if there are any female senators (may i remind you that he and i live in california; our senators are dianne feinstein and barbara boxer), if there are any black senators, "where in the u.s. the united kingdom's embassy is", and much more. i like answering these questions, because i like that he wants to know, finally, seeing as he obviously paid no attention whatsoever in school. but how does someone get to be 20 years old and be a conscious human being in general, without knowing any of that?
  9. my bowling average is somewhere around 70 ...
  10. smoking isn't cool, kids . seriously, only a few of my friends don't smoke, although the number that doesn't is increasing as i get older. i smoke a clove every once in a while, "every once in a while" meaning that i bought a pack in january and still haven't finished it , but i've never been a smoker. color me a rebel .
  11. ah, and you did get space girl. rock on .
  12. weyes


    your best dream all year, i'm sure .
  13. weyes

    What is a Raspberry?

    yep, but don't feel confined to tummies .
  14. jeez... how many times do we have to see this topic ? yet i'm gonna write on it anyway... i just trim my pubic hair and keep it like a normal adult's, not shave it till i look like a pre-pubescent girl. if i liked that look, i'd go hang out with the child molesters in my neighborhood. go ahead everyone, say what you want. i think doing that is sick and twisted, weird at the very least.
  15. it's all about the junkyard dog.
  16. holy crap and a half, i forgot all about that! i guess i've been going out in new york so much that i forgot you can't smoke inside in l.a. and we don't have to deal with that! but i'll tell you something, there's still some smoky smell anyway, and i think it's just the general smoke machine/no air conditioning/lack of ventilation in some clubs. it's not such a problem at spundae, where it has never been too hot, in all the times i've been there (seriously, not even once.), but at giant's various venues it's been bad. the pool, for instance, was horribly humid and icky, which could be expected from a gig at a pool for chrissakes !
  17. if you guys talk about coming out here one more time without doing it i swear i'll .
  18. even higher than the dancefloor. that'll show 'em !
  19. avoid making "promises"; there is an infinite number of variables that can change the situation surrounding the original promise, and it isn't fair to either party for the promise to have to be broken. tune in tomorrow.
  20. weyes


    you knew, don't front... and i haven't posted on the others in who knows how long!? s'ok, though, i'll forgive you, eventually ...
  21. rock on. growing up, i was only good in the positions that kids didn't value. i was a very good defensive player at basketball and always annoyed the shit out of the other team, making them scream such things as, "get the hell outta my face!" but nobody cared 'cause i didn't make very many baskets. and i was a good baserunner when we played wiffleball (growing up in the city, we were indoors most of the time) and occaisionally softball, but i couldn't field for shit. i also walked a lot when we played softball, because most pitches were balls, but eventually the gym teacher called them as strikes because she knew i'd always try to walk as long as the pitchers stayed crappy. but indoors, i was often designated umpire when the teacher had us do free play, 'cause the kids knew i was fair. i always thought that was the best ever, 'cause i had people's respect and i got to always be useful.
  22. the sun is good in moderation (something about vitamin d, i think?) but the ozone layer has really gotten depleted so much that the sun is more harmful than it used to be. what i meant about tans, though, is that actively pursuing one isn't healthy. and, hey, besides the health/cancer risks, it makes one age faster and get wrinkly before one's time . and yeah, gmc, my left arm is tan and the rest of me is pale by comparison ! i put sunscreen on my arms now, but the damage has already been done ...
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