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Everything posted by weyes

  1. ya got me laughing on that one ... got another one: sticks and stones may break my bones but words'll never hurt me .
  2. i gotta stop staying up so late . it's 2:23 here, right now, though, so what reads on your screen may not be what time it is for me .
  3. weyes

    my tits

    uh-uh --- victoria's secret makes shitty bras! if you're wearing theirs, that may be the problem !
  4. weyes

    female ejaculation?

    here's a link: http://www.umkc.edu/sites/hsw/femejac/
  5. sorry to say i'm not going . i would've loved to show you around spundae, though, as spundae is my favorite place and meeting cpers is always a pleasure! hope you're having fun tonight, and give us a review tomorrow .
  6. six days left till i can dance.
  7. a co-worker of mine had a topless calendar around somewhere and our boss found it. we don't have lockers or anything (i work in retail), just letterboxes, so whatever's in the boxes is pretty easy to see. just about everyone knew about the calendar. anyway, because our dear friend left the calendar at work, our boss now feels that she can sort through our boxes whenever she likes .
  8. when i think back on the romantic and sexy things said to me that had the most impact, they were, naturally, in the start of my becoming - or, rather, letting myself become - a sexual being. and guys in the future may say hot things, but nothing'll have the impact as the first thing i ever heard; it's just like losing your virginity, i think, but the mental and emotional side of your sexual self. anyway, my story is as follows. i was a freshman, and the guy was a senior. i hardly knew him, just knew his face, really. on graduation night, he approached me and said that he'd had a thing for me all year, but never did anything about it 'cause he had a girlfriend. i was disappointed, because the guys that are interested in me tend to be creeps or creepy. then he said it, the line that made my jaw drop, "i'd like to kiss you for an hour." and i was a puddle on the floor. we simply chatted a bit, as we were at a party, his girlfriend came, and the two of them were off . but i'll never forget the way i felt that night: so many different feelings in my head, and all at once. and "wow," i thought, "the future is now."
  9. weyes

    female ejaculation?

    i saw a porn on this back in college; don't know much about it. can anyone shed some light? can any of you girls do it? guys, is this a turn on?
  10. i have a cp crush , but i'll never tell ...
  11. weyes

    Goin Down On A Guy

    vis-a-vis the no teeth thing: you guys have to remember that if you get too rough, it's easy to get some teeth accidentally! be careful, or you may be walking into a trap !
  12. i'm still confused as to what gender you are. i assumed at first that you were a girl, you know, "bra" meaning underwear, but the rest of your profile in the margin has a lot of masculine stuff, so i think that maybe you're just pronouncing "bro" in the way that some people do. anyway, i'm gonna challenge you on this statement, 'cause, hey, who doesn't like being played with manually, and just about everybody does that on a very regular basis with his/her very own self .
  13. i did actually see a picture of her when she looked like a normal person, and even kind of pretty, from her high school yearbook in some teen magazine before she destroyed her own looks with all of that bleach, clown makeup, and horrible clothing, and when she wasn't constantly making funny faces, pretending she can dance or acting like her singing is something we all should be able to stand listening to .
  14. jay, will you holla at the man already?!!!
  15. you know what i'm talking about. it's what you used to say in the playground when the big bully called you a "doodyhead." you just had to show him that you were infinitely more intelligent by throwing an: 1. "i know you are, but what am i ?" his way. and that sure told him. then there was the classic, 2. "i'm rubber, you're glue; everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you ." you guys got any other faves? (don't forget the )
  16. thanks for that! that was such a tough decision; i stared at the prizes for at least four minutes but eventually chose the first. what was your choice? and as i read your thread, i just happened to be listening to deep dish's gu cd!
  17. yeah, it's all about dark meat for me, even with chicken. why are people so obsessed with white meat? *no bad race jokes, please .
  18. gotcha! check yers !
  19. i know it sounds silly, and people always talk about how some of us get too involved in messageboard life, but i felt almost joyful to see things get back to normal.
  20. still hoping you get space girl ... and thanks for posting this on the l.a. board !
  21. that's right, and you'd better believe i'm gonna say it twice! seven .
  22. my moms always said, "a little of everything - in moderation." while i agree with her for the most part, i do believe in going all out some of the time. but, even when you do that, if you average that out, you're still doing whatever you just did all out of in moderation. so it all works out . tune in tomorrow. moderation. hee hee...
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