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Everything posted by weyes

  1. as a girl, i don't like it. i think it's pretty silly and dumb, doesn't turn me on at all either, and, if the guy comes, .
  2. it's usually best not to engage really argumentative people in an argument, even when they're wrong . tune in tomorrow.
  3. good to see you back in l.a. today, joey, and with some serious food for thought ... that stalking stuff can be dangerous ... i actually sorta did that in high school when i was into one particular guy. i found out his schedule so that i could just "so happen to be" in the hallways through which he'd be passing inbetween classes . he never noticed though; i didn't get scary and take it to the "hiding behind objects" or "taking photographs" levels. well, as zz top says, "every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man ," but, then again, everyone's definition of sharp is different... you're right, though, shabby is always the same. o, hey, can anyone shed some light on exactly what it means to dance freestyle? i've always wondered about that.
  4. the time difference is really being a pain in my ass lately; i work the night shift and can't call them when i get home, it being 3 hours later in new york, even when i have important shit to say . grrrrrrr...
  5. i'll tell ya, although i've only eaten pop-tarts since college, and i only eat the blueberry ones, i'm serious when it comes to them . on the last day of my job in new york, where i had worked a year and a half, one of my parting gifts from the office was a box of blueberry pop-tarts from one of my co-workers. that one really moved me . o, and, vic, i didn't know ones without frosting existed till you mentioned it, so i'm not surprised that you're having trouble finding them.
  6. target coffee table??? my old roommates had one made out of cardboard !
  7. people post this same question about every three days; just look for those threads. but www.spundae.com is where to find the info on their upcoming nights, and spundae's my fave place, with great talent. a new site is starting up called www.cued-up.com , that is supposedly going to have loads of info on what's going on in l.a. and www.groovetickets.com has info on what events are coming up for which tickets are being sold (which are the bigger ones, generally). i would recommend always getting tickets in advance, whenever possible. you really get in right away at spundae, and usually at giant, if you buy online.
  8. well, i'm kinda confused on who my faves are at this point, since i've been out of the loop so long due to financial constraints x 1,000,000 . but I'll just put in my scott hardkiss cd and whimper to myself. in no order as well: paul johnson space girl (not a dj, but in our world, so she counts ) deep dish sandra collins dj funk scott hardkiss pvd (sort of - see upcoming thread...) and then there are people i only got to see once but who left a lasting impression: david hollands dj heaven jason blakemore bassbin twins scott bond (not as great as hollands or heaven, though.) why am i drawing such a blank right now ? well, i'll see who else i can come up with. and, if anyone can find anything of dj heaven's around, please let me know!!!
  9. that depends entirely on the person who says it. ask for clarification.
  10. that one's great; i've never seen it. i've seen a shitload of other blow job ones, though. the only one i've seen with the little yellow people and a girl gettin' anything from the front (besides the threesome) is a 69, and that's not necessarily a girl. i'm gonna start a letter writing campaign to the dirty, sweaty, nerdy guys who spend all their time naked in basements writing these smilies, demanding equality for the ladies; we deserve a "going-down" smiley, an "on-top" smiley, and those are just the beginning . this is ridiculous... this has gotten way out of hand.
  11. p.s. white castle's dope !
  12. you know you're in a bad neighborhood if you see a white castle .
  13. nice description of what the movement's all about, but i am a little disturbed by the lack of consistency in the lower/uppercase settings and spacing in its title, i.e.: pOSTWHOREinc., PostWhore Inc., postwhoreinc. and the logo is awfully disappointing .
  14. here's the link for those who were interested in my postwhoring exploits and clicked this thread first: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=962152#post962152
  15. this thread kicks ass; i agree with too much of it to use quotes . but i will have to repeat some that are really key . 1. overcrowded clubs. i need room to dance. 2. guys who rub their erections on you on the dancefloor . 3. people who are there just to pick up people. 4. people who can't handle their shit. if you're throwing up (or doing something else explosive in the bathroom), you should be home - the party's over, hon. 5. superficial people. i'm gonna wear what i want, you wear what you want. (while it's true that i may think your holographic spandex shirt that says, "numba one playa" is tacky, i respect your right to wear it and understand that bad fashion sometimes also happens to the unlucky and misguided ; you may be a fabulous person despite your shirt .)
  16. yeah... people say i should switch to yahoo or something; i just wanna keep the same address. d'ya think i should just quit hotmail and move somewhere else, start a new account at hotmail again (though that doesn't make much sense to me), or just deal with this crippity-caca?
  17. that looks like love to me .
  18. once again, i haven't been getting response e-mails. i'm gonna take this to the problem board, but i was wondering if this is just punishment for being an l.a. boarder . (there's my drama queen paranoia smiley, cp on top, l.a. on the bottom .)
  19. o, yeah - the only place i knew that sold blueberry pop-tarts was the gas station near me, and they had run out of them a while ago, or, at least, there weren't any on the counter anymore. i asked the guy at the counter what happened to the pop-tarts , and he said that they were all sold out. i kept going back to that gas station to look, and it wasn't until the other day that i found them, but on a low shelf, around the corner from that counter. i nearly flipped, and said to the counterperson - a different one, that day - "omigod!!! you guys have pop-tarts again!" and he told me that they had never been out. apparently, the ones that were on the counter were just the overstock . dude - whattup with tha hiding a tha pop-tarts? don't fuck with my head, peoples . not cool.
  20. welcome, house4life ! well, i still haven't gotten around to checking out soulseek (on vicman's recommendation) - but i will. i'm not slacking, though, really! i've just been so busy now that i'm officially a postwhore ! anyway, the miami board was going nuts over that "shiny disco balls" song a little bit ago, and i still haven't heard it, or at least i don't think so. is there a link to it somewhere to which you could point me? as far as a top 5, i don't follow songs so much, so i can't write up a list. i guess i'm a poop on this one, but i would if i could, so it's not for a lack of trying. how 'bout letting me in on your fave djs ?
  21. there are many things in life that involve that one adhere to directions/instructions strictly, but life itself is a freestyle event . tune in tomorrow.
  22. as if you guys didn't think i shouldn't even be here already anyway... i'm not gonna tell you my score. but seriously, that's someone else's limited view of what's sexy. strawberries on their own being inherently arousing? gimme a break :laugh: !!!
  23. well, mine's been a source of debate my whole life; no one's ever been in agreement as to the color. to this day, my mom says my eyes are blue, my aunt says gray, my dad says green - this is, mind you, while looking at me - not from memory. to be exact, i have a blue ring and a hazel ring, so they look like green. but there really isn't an easy way to name double-ringed eyes. it makes perfect sense, though, 'cause my mom's got blue and my dad has hazel. well, yellow, really, like none i've ever seen --- like a cat's . but when i say that, he gets mad, so i'll just say here that they're hazel . anycrap, i'm takin' a poll. yer eye color, people?
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