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Everything posted by weyes

  1. sheesh, joey, that's some rough stuff ! i do know some people like that, though. i was just writing this thread because people keep calling and waking me up these days like you wouldn't believe. x 1,000,000,000,000!!!!!!!!!!
  2. just because the phone rings, it doesn't mean you have to answer it . tune in.
  3. i knew someone was gonna say that !
  4. o, and gmc, clean out your pms!!!!!!
  5. there was an explosion at a con edison transformer, leaving peeps south of 14th street and west of broadway (that's me) without power.
  6. since when do you have a girlfriend? (or did weyes just fall for a silly joke?)
  7. that she has to dump him like martha stewart dumped her imclone stock - the stock about which she's accused of knowing insider info. can someone help with more about what insider trading is, though?
  8. grrrrrrr. what's up with fires and explosions and whatnot leaving me without power ? the subways and such were down, too, keeping my pals and i from having any sort of visitaion hootenanny in my sick lair. what a crappy waste of a day. weyes is not pleased .
  9. very a propos for me these days: don't be too proud to accept help or careless to turn it down when it's offerred and necessary. we all need a little help sometimes . tune in .
  10. weyes


  11. wow. i'll have to hear the whole song, too.
  12. appearance is imporatant, but it doesn't prescribe your destiny. while shaq's height does keep him from becoming a racing jockey, he can still ride horses. and his being so tall did not prevent him from becoming a classical pianist; he made the choice to be a basketball player. but the looks i owe to my parents are really generalized; i don't really have anything specific of theirs. i don't know where my ass or boobs came from, 'cause none of the women on either side has or had either of those goin' on. i've got curly hair, whereas my mom and dad both have straight. no one i know thinks i look like either of them. while it's true that their cells made mine, the equation isn't : weyes' mom + weyes' dad = 1/2 weyes' mom/1/2 weyes' dad it's: weyes' mom + weyes' dad = a mutt, totally unique but that had nothing to do with my original point anyway. my point was that people can't blame their parents for who they are, nor should they expect to turn out the same way. we are people in our right, with decisions we can, should, and must make, and not just two people's science experiment.
  13. i tried to reply to this yesterday, but i finished, it erased itself, and i was too tired to write it over . you guys know what i mean - don't be such sasspots! my apartment has a serious ant problem. if you leave a glass of water out, an ant will come after it, so don't even think about leaving a hard candy wrapper around (with nothing sticky on it, mind you!). they're in the bathroom, my roommate's room, my room, and the kitchen --- forget about it. but they're not coming from outside; they're coming out from the walls. my roommate has talked to our landlady about the problem, as have our neighbors (it's the whole building). i'd talk to her, too, but i don't speak chinese... we've sprayed the apartment ourselves and it's helped somewhat, but raid only does so much. it is her job, as the owner, and the law, to keep living conditions up to a certain standard (i'm not living that ghetto, don't get that impression; we've just got ants). my roommate says that since he and the other tenants have spoken to her about it a few times and she hasn't done anything, he may just call the health department and report her. i think this is not only justified, but warranted.
  14. i'm late... but i'm trying my best to keep this going while i'm out of town and away from civilization, internetally speaking . so here it is, late as it may be. your parents don't make you; their dna just combines to produce another organism. starting from the day you're born, you become more and more indepedent, and are presented with more and more choices. it is what you do and what drives you to do these things that make you who you are, not the two people who had sex nine months before you came into the world. tune in tomorrow.
  15. i can't put in the appropriate smiley because it would take too long to find (dial-up) and i'm not at my house (my mom's having imac problems, and so are my phone and aswering machine ); but you guys just seriously got my eyes watery. thank you so much; it's so great to have your support and good wishes . my operation is slated for tomorrow afternoon at 1:45. last chance for any porn roles without scars !
  16. well, kids, tomorrow i fly home to new york for a little while for my ovarian cyst operation and to chill afterwards for a bit. i hope to get in some other stuff, too... i won't be able to post as much as i like (i have become a bit of a post'ho) because my mom's imac crashes about 3 times a night, and she's got dial-up with a modem run by dino. and he likes to take breaks to gnaw on bones and the like. but shiiiiiiit, what am i talking about - i'll probably be posting on here just as much; it'll just take me 4 times as long to do it (that's some bittersweet smilie action for ya.). but as for tomorrow, i'll be flyin' all day and'll be thinking of you in the sky. perhaps no daily column - i hope you'll forgive my tired ass, as i think i'll have to pull an all-nighter tonight to get ready for the trip. poo .
  17. i'm so glad you liked it! it's funny - with mexican music i basically time how soon into the song it is before they say "corazon."
  18. well, vic, more dancing people? but i think i get your cartoon today, even with my unforgivable ignorance in the realm of espanol. as for your question, howardstone, i just gotta say that people with the superlong ones that make threads really long and require that one scroll down forever and ever just to see what the thread is about really annoy the hell outta me .
  19. not if you're referring to me .
  20. i'm putting this topic here because i seem to recall that dgmodel has something to do with the world of finance . anyway, i understand that it's when someone knows that a stock is going to go down and then sells all of his/her shares before it does, thus making a big ol' profit before it tanks. but what would cause the company's stock to fall anyway, how would anyone know, and why would it all get worse and worse? please explain those details, someone... all i know is that a friend of mine has a boyfriend she needs to dump like martha stewart dumps stock.
  21. don't be afraid to complain because you want to always be "the nice guy." sometimes things aren't the way they should be, and you do have a right to make your voice heard, even if that does involve kicking up a fuss. tune in tomorrow.
  22. i'll check out the message board, but i still don't feel safe about putting any of my work on the 'net.
  23. well, whaddya know?! spundae on a night other than a saturday! the times, they are a-changin'...
  24. clubs closing at 2 are ridiculous. then it opens again at 3:30 and they want you to pay as though it's another club? whatEVer.
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