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Everything posted by weyes

  1. how about michael jackson's "smooth criminal"? I AM JUST KIDDING. one of my fave stories but most scarring experiences ever: walking in on my college roommate and her boyfriend having sex to kermit the frog's "rainbow connection."
  2. i'm shocked even at how often people i know who are in "relationships" (as though those are always solid) don't use condoms, even if just to prevent pregnancy. i've heard so many excuses... i, personally, have never once had unprotected sex. it's not that hard to say, "we're gonna use a condom, or we're not gonna have sex." most guys will choose the option that lets them have the sex .
  3. weyes

    Maya Rudolph...

    i forget her name, too, but it's the woman who sang, "luuuuh-vin' you, is easy 'cause you're beautiful. la-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la... [and then that high-pitched squeal]." the woman to whom we are referring is also dead from a kind of cancer that only affects women, i forget if it was breast, ovarian... anyway, i got what info i remember from the vh1 one-hit wonder countdown.
  4. i suppose i wouldn't phrase everything the way you did, but that's just because i didn't want to think about the whole horrifying and nauseating situation that much. just hearing their names in the same sentence was bad enough. but in their own places, at their best, they've had their moments - ok, maybe just janet. but if i start talking about *n sync i'll start making even less sense than i am now, and i think you already don't know where i'm going with this, much less know where i am right now . massmarketingpopstardancingboystheperfectboyfriendtofixyouafterthemeanoneyou'veneverhadforpre-teenswhodon'tknowwhat'stocomebutthinkthey'rereadythankstomtvanditshoochiesanddouble-takingmenwhostillhavetimetolookatthecamerasandthemoneythey'retoldwhattowearandownedbutcalledoriginalbythemagsandtrendsettersassetupbypressmatchmakersallwhilemakingusdanceinourclosetsmakingitonlycooltolistentooutintheopenifdjslingnutsremixesitforyouincoolcluburbancityusaandyoudontevennoticewhileyouredrinkingyourwhateverijustcameheredressedinblackandwho'sthatdjanywaythatgirlshotbutwelikedsomeweakassshitwhenwewereyoungandcantkeepthisinperspectivetakeeverythingincontextandyoucanadmittoyourselfthat*nsyncneversaidtheyweregoingtochangetheworldgodowninhistoryandtheydon'tcarethattheydon'twritetheirownshitbutthat'snotwhatthey'rehereforthey'reheretoentertainandsaeedandpalashdon'tdancewhiletheyspinbecausetheycan'tiftheyhadtocompetewiththatwedbetalkingawholenewworldofmusicanddancethinkaboutittheresnoplaceforthatkindofdancingliveit'snotrespectedandevenmodernhasbarelyanyplacetogonottomentionthatstreetisstillinthestreetbasicallyallyouseeisbroadwayandballetanditdontseemtobechanginganytimesoontheflygirlsneverdidtakeoffbutthisisalljustlatenightramblingswhenimhellatiredandlisteningtosandracollinswhilefreakingoutaboutallofthethingsishouldreallybedoingandifireallywantedtogiveyouacoherentandcogenttreatiseiwouldandi'vewantedtodothisforawhileactuallyalsocomparing*nsyncwithbackstreetboysbecausetheyareverydifferentandhavetotallydifferentaimsmusicallyspeakingafterallbackstreetwonagrammyforbestadultcontemporarythoughidon'tagreewiththatbutanywayi'mtootiredtodeliversaidtreatiseandwhenidofinallywriteitandidoexpectthatitwouldbeatleast50pagesi'llsendyouacopy. but that's all i can say about it for now. i don't suggest that you read the above. let's leave it at that i feel bad for justin 'cause he doesn't know what to do with his hair.
  5. all right. i mean, shit, people, with the amount of country music i listen to, you'd think i'd have more lyrics. the thing with country is, though, that it's hard to catch the exact words. the singers are storytellers, and you hear stories, not lines with syllables and rhymes (even though they're there, in some cases just more strictly than others.). ok, now i don't wanna hear any crap from you, joey, about me listening to country . and now that i've gotten that out of the way , we can continue (but i-ee-i will always love you-ooooo, joey , it's ok .). ok, after my co-workers make me listen to that off-key smut that people call "r & b" these days all day long, i get my turn for the top 7 country countdown and then the rest of the next 2 hours. relaxing. but i have to give you the link to this song, because it almost made one of my male co-workers cry, and he really dislikes country. it's not so much a sad song, but intense (as most country is). and it has a happy ending, even though that doesn't belong in this thread. but if you do wanna treat yourself and make me happy in the process , you have to listen to the whole thing. as i said, it's a story. http://www.wbr.com/nashville/blakeshelton/
  6. my research has shown that the most popular pop tarts in l.a. supermarkets are the strawberry and brown sugar cinnamon, neither of which appeals to me. have you tried the latter, though? brown sugar is just so intense sometimes, and i bet they don't even use real brown sugar - just some kind of weird flavoring - so it has the potential to be really nahrshty. get back to me on this one, and pronto (snap, snap) .
  7. i'm looking for work as a photographer in any capacity, really (i have a bfa from CalArts)... is this a site i should go to, or would it not really have anything to offer me?
  8. don't let bad memories take you over; you are stronger than your past. tune in tomorrow.
  9. it is always good to have a sense of humor, and a sick one can be ok sometimes, too, but there are still limits. know your audience, keep things in perspective, and be respectful; some things you simply can't joke about. tune intomorrow.
  10. souls of mischief!!!? i haven't heard a thing about them in years! it's weird to see the pharcyde, som, and christopher lawrence on the same bill. good people, though (even though the pharcyde only had one good album, if you ask me.). here's my question: why did you guys wanna go so much before you knew who was going to be there?
  11. i must be hella out of the loop. could you please tell me what "ad" stands for ?
  12. hey, DaVe, thanks so much for the announcement about the RAVE bill. i've seen other threads on it but this is the best yet and has a good link, too. could you please make that thread e-mailable so that i can send the whole thing to as many people as possible ASAP? thanks, weyes
  13. sex is full of gross noises; do they all have names ?
  14. i was at a red light this morning, with a nabisco reduced fat nilla wafer in my mouth (i finished the rainbow ones - mmmmmmmm...), and i started spacing out. i started envisioning people on the left side of a long table in what looked like a wine cellar at a winery that offers tastings to the public: concrete walls, low ceiling, those lamps that hang low and close to the table. i dunno, i haven't been to fancy-schmancy ones myself, just went to a little one with my parents once when i was a kid at a teeny winery in nj. but here's what was so damn cool: instead of wine, there were people tasting pop-tarts. little bites, making serious faces and funny smacking noises while looking up towards the ceiling. the only difference between this and a wine tasting being that these people weren't spitting out their samples . everyone was taking notes, then moving down the line and around the table, no one saying a word. "wow," i thought, "how cool would that be?" and as my light turned green and i waited to turn left on to the two-way street, i cursed the assholes who didn't put their signals on to show that they were turning right, thus wasting my time. "nice signal, asshole," i said to myself, as i do every morning. ah, now my day was getting back to normal. too bad. but back to the more important topic at hand. vic - how goes the research, or have you been slacking ?
  15. bjork's "hyperballad" is one of the saddest songs i know, even though i guess it's the whole song that's sad, not really so much a few lines that i could pinpoint. well, i'll put all the words here, but the lyrics in boldface are the ones that stand out as sad on their own. then i'll give a little summary of the song, as it speaks to me (essays for you, from me! this is free practice for those of you studying to be teachers !) we live on a mountain right at the top this beautiful view from the top of the mountain every morning i walk towards the edge and throw little things off like car parts, bottles, and cutlery or whatever i find lying around it's become a habit a way to start the day i go through all this before you wake up so i can feel happier to be safe up here with you (2x) it's early morning no one is awake i'm back at my cliff still throwing things off i listen to the sounds they make on their way down i follow with my eyes till they crash i imagine what my body would sound like slamming against those rocks and when it lands will my eyes be closed or open i go through all this before you wake up so i can feel happier to be safe up here with you (2x) safe up here with you... (ad infinitum) i think her imagery is really good; i can see a picture of this happening. and it reminds me of being the person awake in bed early in the morning while my significant other was still asleep. makes me think of lying still, thinking so many worrisome thoughts, just to hope to get through them somehow, without waking him up - but i never did resolve them or feel any better. but i always thought that, hey, i have it easier now, with this guy around , but still, of course, i didn't. that's the thing - no one else can fix your broken life. and i guess, once he woke up, just like bjork was saying, i did appreciate having him more, and for all the wrong reasons: i was hoping he'd save me from the things that made me want to imagine throwing myself off cliffs along with cutlery.
  16. another point - people can't deliver the same performance, whether the differences be good, bad, or just, well, different all the time . and, hey, gotta change things up every once in a while ! but i also was referring to friends, not just bfs/gfs/potential husbands/wives, etc. it's been hard for me to accept that i'm growing apart from a friend i've had since fifth grade because we don't do the same things anymore. she's become a drinker and loves hanging out in regular old bars (yuck) and won't go out dancing with me. and i can't stand her friends, either. but we've learned that we always have a great time together when we just go out to eat or see a movie, usually with our one mutual friend. really, though, the majority of our time together now is spent laughing our asses off.
  17. i think he skipped a few grades, actually, those being everything over a D (aww - that's mean. probably true, though.) !
  18. am i a little slow or is the lineup not even posted on the site?
  19. when certain people are getting on your nerves, it is usually best to just get away from them for a while. sticking around can just make you cranky or even nasty and react in ways that make for an unpleasant situation that can last for a while. tune in tomorrow.
  20. i first saw the word in the "rate this girl" thread. can anyone tell me what it means?
  21. this thread has gotten very disturbing.
  22. it's good to keep them fresh and it's always nice to see what you'll come up with next, but those new dancing people are scaring me .
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