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Everything posted by weyes

  1. exactly! basketball uniforms have gotten out of hand. what kind of underwear are the players wearing under there anyway? <------someone please answer that, seriously, because i think that's relevant to this discussion * and yeah, there's the ghetto look, but another one that i can't stand is the "long short, high white sock" thing, but i guess that doesn't count, 'cause that's straight-up gangsta, and they were never trying to be fashionable, really, except within their colors - out here, at least. funny story about that, though - i had these two neighborhood friends when i lived in venice, both on the blue side. they weren't serious at all, though. anyway, one day we were chillin' at my house along with some other people, and the two of them were wearing the same shirt. they were so pissed at each other, it was hilarious. they had both just bought the shirt, and each insisted that it looked better on him, so the other should stop wearing it . they also decided not to hang out together outside for the rest of the day, thinking they would look too dumb.
  2. no, they were in my junk mail folder, and almost all from the same sender. fuckers .
  3. in case you're wondering (as you sidle up to the bar), i do come here often . and, where's the love, pgiddy ?
  4. aww, vic , you sweetheart ...
  5. it's just crazy to me that the people who came up with him didn't notice that. i mean, these are professional illustrators, who make their living creating from zero. i have a bfa in photography, but i don't think one needs an art degree to notice that, and i do think that most illustrators have a shitload of formal art education, if not degrees. someone, or a few people, spent more than a day (i would think) drawing woodsy and i'd think they wouldn't be so careless about his hat. and that's what i have to say about that.
  6. my dad is the cheapest man alive (don't even try to fight me on this, 'cause i'll win ), and doesn't call me, just because it's long distance. i'm seriously broke, though, and i sometimes call him on my calling card and ask him to call me right back. the man has money, people, seriously. he has a psychological disorder as far as its concerned. anyway, we'll be having conversations like we did when i lived in the same city (we used to talk almost every day), and he'll cut them short, saying, "this is long distance." i tell him he could just get a 7 cent/minute plan, but he says, "aw, calling the phone company would be too much of a hassle. besides, you're the only one i call out-of-state." ?????? i don't get it. when i wanted a cheaper long distance rate, all i had to do was call the phone company and ask; they said, "o, you want a cheaper rate? ok," and it was done. weird, that they were charging me more just 'cause i didn't complain or anything, but it was just that easy. my dad could do the same, if he weren't such a freak .
  7. whoops! i did the 3rd yesterday by mistake ! sometimes it takes some really clever detective work to find out some info (the number of an old friend, where to find that rare video), but it's worth the effort. do the work and reap the rewards! tune in tomorrow.
  8. that's wack, vic. and i know what you mean. it's a horrible situation when you're embarrassed to have people over; it's really unfair to feel ashamed of where you live because of the way your roommates keep (or, rather, don't keep) house .
  9. 13 days till i can dance. gettin' there ...
  10. ok, i don't think shorts look good on anyone, but i guess i can understand that people wanna wear 'em when it's hot (although i don't). but what's up with the guys' shorts that fall mid-calf? this is kinda like gmc was talking about with the capri thing - same dumb look, but it looks much worse on men. but i'm not talking about the preppy versions of the capri for men, i'm talking about the baggy, "i'm cool, yo" shorts. do you guys know the shorts to which i'm referring? i say nay .
  11. are people still wearing capris? i thought that was over about three years ago!
  12. ok, one of the faces in the threesome's gettin' it from the front, but i can't find any other frontal smilies. and i can't even count the number of bj smilies there are (wow...). wassup wit' dat? my mom (yeah, my mom's been talkin' to me about this lately - don't ask ) would get very up in arms if she knew about this strictly backside action; as she always says, "there's nothing like a good frontal!" !
  13. i was in the post office today buying stamps for the postcards i'd written - both wonder woman. a woman on line behind me and i got into a conversation about how cool that show was... every girl i knew back then had the wonder woman bathingsuit that looked just like her supercool superhero outfit.
  14. i was just thinking today how i miss rain . i guess one always wants what one doesn't have, but i would say that i'm usually pretty stoked about my always-sunny weather. i'd just like one really rainy day a month or something, instead of the only rain we do get happening overnight, when i'm asleep.
  15. s'ok, vic; my part only lasted 10 minutes !
  16. yeah - seeing the dentist is important, and a lot of people ignore it till things go wrong. your a.s.a.p. advice is good, but i haven't been to the dentist in over a year and a half, and i know i have cavities. everytime i eat pop-tarts my upper right teeth hurt like a mofo... but flossing helps!!! <----- always wanted to use that smiley!
  17. hey now, she's one of the very tops in that pic !
  18. o, hey - on a side note, teenage boys are a helluva lot cuter these days than they were when i was a teenager .
  19. ok, so, a while back i mentioned that the united states department of agriculture has changed woody's motto from, "give a hoot, don't pollute," to, "lend a hand, care for the land." i was discussing this with my brother, and he gave me some spiel about how this is because the bush jr. administration has not only been an enemy to the environment, but has demonstrated this particularly in his apparent friendship to polluters in general, as opposed to attacking, say, issues like recycling, or whathaveyou. i thought my brother was just full of his usual caca, but when i mentioned the motto thing to my dad, he cited the same reasons. to give just 2 examples of how bush hasn't been a friend to the environment, he's cut back the superfund (the environmental protection agency's division for cleaning up hazardous waste sites) considerably, and then, of course, there was his battle to drill for oil in alaska. so, even though there's just a teeny distinction between those two mottos in that they both ask for a love for the u s a, the words seem to have been chosen very carefully .
  20. it's good to keep your family updated with what's going on with you, in general. everyone likes to know how you're doing, whether he/she be the worrying type or just the wondering . tune in tomorrow.
  21. what a horrible thought .
  22. do you mean that they were a) glad when you bought the furniture or that they didn't understand how badly you wanted it and were pissed that you went and bought it, expecting them to pay you back?
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