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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. all right, sassafrass, no need to get snippity . just wondering if there was a particular person in union square to whom you were referring.
  2. how sad that this is what we'd have to do to get off the "stuff"! mama clubplanet has her grip on us...
  3. thanks, vic! but poo to everything before august 15th .
  4. i've been out of the loop, 'cause i didn't know he was gone; then again, i generally don't look in the forums in which he usually frolics. anycrap, i always wanted to say embodiedhate kicks major fucking ass and has brightened many days and nights of mine. i just never got around to it and wasn't particularly in the mood to be met with a response along the lines of, "i don't need praise from someone whose foot fungus is prettier than her hairy phlegm-ball of a face, and i'll add that anyone who makes a living by licking the nuts of herpes-ridden businessmen should keep from flapping her nasty tongue in my general direction." but i do wonder when and why embodied got so nice. i suppose it just happens naturally when surrounded by so much love .
  5. i don't buy entenmann's because i get a notion in my head that they have fewer (or no?) preservatives and that i have to eat them all right away. and, although i'm a very good baker , i can't make homemade cookies often, because i know how much butter, etc., is in them. it's all a silly headtrip. oooo, i think i'll have to post the wisdom a little later; my vanilla wafers are calling !
  6. arlo guthrie . don't remember the name of the song, though. i lived in venice when i first moved out here, but in the ghetto part. i had some friends that you could call the "boys in blue," but not the ones that that phrase usually refers to . those kids were funny, more than anything else. i kinda miss venice, kinda don't; there was never a quiet place on venice beach to just chill on. i don't like the beach really, as i burn, don't like the sun in general, and can't swim, but a peaceful place by the water would've been nice, had it been an option open to me. all the loads of crazy hippies (where did they come from?), tourists, skaters, and goddamn people who wanted to write people's names on a grain of rice ruined it for me.
  7. good point - i'll have to make a special night out of it and see someone kickass. i'll go right now and check to see if anyone worth seeing'll be around .
  8. that one went over my head . explanation, please ?
  9. 16 (sigh) days till i can dance.
  10. so, i really should be making the most of my time on my day off and getting shit done in the early part of the day, but here i am, in the bump forum, of all places. i turned on my comp, saying to myself, "ok, i'm only going to see if i got e-mails from [person x and person y], then i'll go and take a shower and get going." but, after seeing cp response e-mails in my inbox, i couldn't resist following them, and time's just a wastin' and a wastin'. man, this is sad. i blame this on all of you postwhores, setting a bad example for me all this time. it's all your fault that i'll never get anything done for the rest of my life .
  11. what the fuck? seriously, keebler is doing some fucked up shit to their cookies. ok, so i never buy their soft batch milk chocolate chip cookies because i eat the whole bag at once; we've discussed this. but after buying their rainbow vanilla wafers, i am hooked. my supermarket doesn't seem to be carrying them in rainbow anymore, so i just bought the regular ol' normal ones, and crikey - even without milk, i can't put those things down. keebler is up to something, i tell you. i think those elves and colonel sanders got together and decided that, if they put some essence o' crack in their cookies and fried chicken, respectively, they'd get more business ('cause people know how unhealthy that shit is). i know to stay away from the bird and the chip, but take that box o' nilla away from me, somebody, i'm outta control .
  12. *sniff sniff * i'd like to thank the academy...
  13. oops - miscounted, 'cause now my title is: dancer in the dim!!!
  14. now there's tonight, 17 days till i can dance. you know, postwhoring isn't making this any better .
  15. damn cp was down yesterday , so i couldn't say 18 days till i can dance.
  16. seriously, yo, clubplanet will always be my number one . messageboards can very easily become a site for a clique to talk amongst itself and make other people feel left out. when i look at the giant board, i get pissed off and wanna tell all those fuckers to just pick up the phone and call each other, already. don't post unless you want to engage anyone and everyone in a discussion, debate, or just plain silliness. of course, things do naturally turn into direct conversations between certain people from time to time, but when that's all a board is or when things are really posted between best friends that don't need to be up in front of everyone - and therefore excluding them - people should really be re-thinking what messageboards were created for in the first place. so, although the l.a. cp board hasn't introduced me to a whole lot of l.a. dwellers, i've found a lot of common ground with people in general and have had a lot of great, open-minded and open-hearted discussions about clubbing and pop tarts. and cp has the other cities, too, which are also open to my posts, as well as the topic boards (sex, bump (not the same thing !), etc.). and i hope that people don't feel that they're left out here, just because it's only a few of us and we do have a couple of running jokes. if you wanna know what they're about, just ask, 'cause i hate that exclusive shit. rock on, l.a. board !
  17. i haven't been getting response e-mails from cp when topics have been getting posts . i dunno what's up with that. i had no idea so many of y'all were comin' out! see, everybody's migratin'! we are the board o' movers and shakers !
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