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Everything posted by weyes

  1. during the brief second you had me with the first group pic of the girls, i was freaking out ! thanks for the rest of this thread :laugh: !
  2. a few weeks? i am crying for you !
  3. wow - this thread has really gone downhill . i was gonna be more subtle and say that height don't matta when you lyin' down . that is, unless you're talking about huge cocks and tight little pussies. or whatever.
  4. weyes

    just say it!

    no, thank you, but thank you . that kind of clarity works for me (although y'all can have poetic liscense, i'm not saying i think it should always be clinical or blunt. just something that is understandable.). if you had recommended i pick up "the great gatsby" and had expected me to know that that was a euphamism for "doin' the nasty," i wouldn't've been in the right mindset when i arrived at your house, and my bookbag would've been unnecessarily too heavy.
  5. what the fuck????????????? all that junk mail overrode my incoming real mail, so i didn't get my actual mail. why does junk mail get top priority? grrrrrrr...
  6. o, and 14 days till i can dance .
  7. o, no - i don't know squat about him; i'm just going 'cause my very best dancing friend is going and loves him to pieces. this same omniscient friend said something about this being his first l.a. appearance, if i recall correctly*. *if that statement isn't true, it's my misquote of my friend, not my friend's mistake, as he truly knows all .
  8. 13/16. embodiedhate gets mad "wow"s from me .
  9. i'm 5'10" and i used to have a big-time thing for shorter guys. but i mean under 5'8" or so. i didn't really notice that it was a "thing" until it always turned out that way. i guess it really was a requirement. but those situations never turned out well, because it always worked out that the guy eventually had issues with my being taller - you know, the napoleanic complex thang. they were all too insecure about it. i'm older now, so maybe guys wouldn't be so threatened by my height, but i'm over the "he's gotta be short" thing. my last bf was exactly my height, and he kept making little comments about how he "felt like a midget," but i thought it was the best combo ever. i'd like to find that again...
  10. weyes

    just say it!

    for example: "i loooove GOLD" what the hell does that mean? that's what ii'm talking about when i say speaking in metaphors. i'm not talking about the "differences between men and women" threads at all. it's when you guys use euphamisms that i can't comprehend. really, it's just much easier to say, "i like butt sex," than "i love to have starship flight," or whatever. throw me a bone, people, and give me some straight talk, please !
  11. weyes

    I'm Too Big.....

    i have a friend whose guy was too big for the magnum condoms. they went through an entire box o' 12 trying to get one on, but no such luck. the guy's 6'4", my friend's 5'3". they ended up never having sex. that was partially due to other reasons, though; they weren't compatible in other ways. but, contrary to popular belief, a guy who can't fit the biggest condom on the market is definitely not every girl's dream come true.
  12. thanks . as i always say, there's never enough communication .
  13. how very disturbing! ok, those silly hats often do have a feather sticking out of 'em, but, for chrissakes, woodsy's an OWL. while birds do not need to be killed for their feathers to be used as decoration, on clothing or what have you, it's still what's usually done, i believe. otherwise, it would be quite torturous, and i don't think that the people who use feathers as accessories just hang around and wait for birds to molt, either. besides that, though, it's gross. it seems to me that it would be the equivalent of us wearing a fingernail in our caps . what's up with that, woodsy?
  14. and, before anyone else says it:
  15. life's tough for those of us with no will power !
  16. sigh - sometimes you have to spend a good deal of money in order to save a larger sum in the future; you know, preventative medicine (health, cars, etc.). it may seem like a lot now, but it's nothing compared to what it could amount to in the future . tune in tomorrow.
  17. indeed . but what i meant in this one was that i found a lot of good memories that i had previously blocked out. it hadn't been all shit, and i finally could see that. that's what's been so damn wonderful lately - those good memories - and letting myself have them, while still learning from the bad mistakes .
  18. thanks again, vic ! it looks like i'll be seeing armin van buuren in sept., and, as soon as i know more about danny howells' music (color me ignorant), i'll decide whether or not i'll go to see him. till then, it's 15 days till i can dance.
  19. i'm probably not that good at it. but i can't do it anymore anyway - too many bad memories and associations with it. i'll have to get past that with someone i really care about, and, i figure that, when i'm in that kind of relationship, i'll learn to be pretty damn kickass at it .
  20. weyes

    just say it!

    damn - color me square, but half the time i don't know what you guys are talking about. too many metaphors, children. the things you're referring to are fun for you and you're not ashamed to do them, so why are you ashamed to discuss them in plain english? help me out, here .
  21. it most certainly is not all you feel you have to say! (is this deja vu for anyone else?) x 1,000,000
  22. i thought that's one of the major reasons to postwhore in the first place. you disagree?
  23. wow, party people - this one isn't wisdom per se, but a discovery i've made recently that has made me sooooo happy ! i'd been having bad echoes of a relationship with someone i broke up with in march. things had been shitty with us for a while and i had just stood for it . but, even after finally standing up for myself and breaking it off with him (he would've been more than happy to stay with me and have sex forever) i was haunted by memories of our misunderstandings, insensitive things he'd done, things i'd let slide, etc. i'd stay up too late thinking about this bullshit, and then i'd just be even more angry at myself for letting it bother me, which led me to lose even more sleep. but here's where the good part comes in: these days, i've found myself remembering the good times, and focusing on them. i recall now that there were good times, and i'm letting myself relive those instead. the feelings i'd had that the relationship was all in vain have disappeared. as has been said before by many, live and learn, so, of course i took something from this relationship; i just hadn't realized before that i also had some happy memories to learn from, as well .
  24. wow - so much to respond to in this thread ! the only question is, should i address it all in one post, like i normally would, or be a shameless postwhore, like some people we know , and do a post per thought? 'k, i'll just try to do it all in this one post. i hope you don't through it . well, vic's explanation kinda confused me, and i think he may be talking about something different, but along the same lines and with the same general point. what i was talking about, specifically, is this: person B has done something to hurt person A in some way or another. person A waits for an apology from person B, and it doesn't arrive, because person B doesn't realize s/he's done anything "wrong" or hurt person A. A then gets angry or sad and starts to resent B. my point is that, if B doesn't realize he's done something that really hurts A, that's the problem - not that s/he didn't apologize. it's not about magic words like "i'm sorry," it's about discussing problems. well, gmc, as for your issue with smurfette, i'd say that i always believe in talking things out until things seem to come to a good resolution, or, at least, the best that can be achieved at that given time. and grudges don't do anybody any good. and where did the term "white lie" come from? as a honky, i take offense .
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