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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i heard the crowd at exit was really crappy, so it was probably for the best. next time round'll most likely be better .
  2. rock on to both of you, vic and gmc ! sheesh, twice i was just casually talking to women about when they had been pregnant and they tossed in stories of miscarriages; it was rather awkward . but that's another thing altogether, and i had no way of knowing that.
  3. yeah, with a kinda greenish tint ...
  4. o, is that his name? i wasn't paying much attention.
  5. here's one from the good ol' days, kiddies: if you don't know something, asking questions is a great way to find out about it . (just a reminder that it's ok to not understand something, as long as you're willing to change that.) tune in tomorrow.
  6. ah - i see someone here is not bright enough to know parody when she sees it . but why you all are getting so worked up over a place to which you've never been is beyond me.
  7. i know; i only said that because she's been on the lineup every year for four years or so.
  8. i used to have a roommate who liked midget porn .
  9. thanks for the explanation; i started a topic in the drama forum asking about his "banned" status.
  10. to be more specific: people who wanna leave before it's over !!!
  11. first of all, why did you post this on the miami board and not on the l.a. board? where's the love ? and secondly, why isn't space girl on the lineup?
  12. weyes

    move that body...

    'k, don't know if phatman was kidding or not, but i'm a kickassrockin'i'msurprisedit'snotillegal dancer, and probably not all that fab in bed. but there is no correlation in my opinion, and here's another parallel: i went to an art school, and the people in the music department - who were extremely talented, mind you, and, naturally, had an excellent sense of rhythm - couldn't dance for shit.
  13. well, i've finally accepted the fact that i don't like everybody's demigod, paul van dyk, as much as i thought i did. i first fell in love with "out there and back," and still think it's amazing. its continuity is flawless, and just a breathtaking piece of work - literally, for me. it's emotionally charged, has a sort of heavenly quality but an acutely hurtful one at the same time - i guess "bittersweet" would be a shorter way of saying that, but not nearly as accurate. but i don't care much for "seven ways," and, although i really love the first half of disc one of "the politics of dancing," the rest of it does nothing for me. and, after seeing him live twice, i've found that, live, he doesn't really get me going or create a vibe with which i connect. and it breaks my heart, seeing as this is the man who created "out there...," which has really been an important album for me. you know, albums that really mean something and always will? so, it is with great sadness that i must now stop saying that i'm a true fan of his .
  14. seriously , i hope you're jk on this one!
  15. get back on track, vic !!!
  16. all right, vic, you're making me revive the thread...
  17. hmmm. so, why exactly was he banned? did he do something in particular? i'm not trying to cause drama; just curious . i always thought he was amusing. the banned list not only doesn't explain why those people are gone, but the threads it links you to have their posts removed.
  18. 10 days till i can dance. poo.
  19. don't ask a woman about her pregnancy/if she's pregnant unless you're sure she is. tune in tomorrow.
  20. i saw "account removed" on his posts the last time i looked, but under his screenname it didn't list him as banned. what's up? will we no longer hear anything about the incredible sensuality of men in flip flops, sandals, and (dare i say it, *slurp*) bare feet?
  21. it may be 2 am, but it still feels like 11 days till i can dance.
  22. that's ok, go back to my post, and you'll see that i didn't post my score . and i still think you're a superstar .
  23. weyes

    what's your eye color?

    chartreuse is a shade of green .
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