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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. damn, y'all, cp was down last night. i tried my best to put up the column, but it was out for several hours. was i the only one who had to endure such hardship ? anyway, here's today's: don't require or expect apologies from people in order to move forward with your relationships with them. if there are words that someone wouldn't naturally volunteer that both of you know would make a situation easier or better, then there is a bigger problem than the thing for which the apology is wanted. tune in tomorrow.
  2. holy crapnuggets, i didn't even think of it that way ! earning stripes and whatnot... you kick ass. no, vic, sorry to disappoint, but there was no meaning except what was on the surface with this one. though i do speak in metaphors much of the time, this time i was just giving myself some ups for my outfit that day .
  3. well, you're posting on it, what does that say about you? and, since it's just a few of us from around the country, we don't have all of that clique-y bullshit that a lot of other boards have. and if you wanna take this outside, punk, i'll break you . shiiiiiiiiiiitt - the gorgeous year-round weather out here is enough to put you in the pissy mood you're in, not just the fact that jersey's wack and new york is full of mean, hateful people. and the only reason i'm capable of lashing out right now is because i'm from there; los angelenos don't have it in 'em. los angeles: truly the city of angels - so step back, while i spread joy and light and receive it not only from my friends and neighbors , but from the ground up .
  4. that is, after all, one of the most compelling reasons to postwhore (it's a verb as well, or at least it is, in my book) in the very beginning.
  5. i'm still miffed at those who got to choose their own titles before they hit 1500 posts, back when all you needed were 1000.
  6. fuck what ya heard, y'all; you can mix stripes and camouflage . tune in tomorrow.
  7. 19 days till i can dance. i tell you, man, it's hard not to dance, when i'm at work, and that commercial for cerritos auto square comes on the radio ! so damn catchy!
  8. i think dream plays totally awesome music. like, "he loves me not" was such a rad song. he loves me, he loves you not...
  9. i can't wait to meet'cha ! it sure will be hard to find time, though, what with all the previous engagements i have with the overwhelming amount of other l.a. cp members . let me know when you get here!
  10. sorry it's taken me so long to answer; i've been out of commission for a while . well, i'm not gonna start a big argument about where i think hip-hop has gone - although i may have just given something away there - but any good hip-hop has beats, hooks, and a groove in general that make the song worth listening to. seriously, doesn't "all about the benjamins," with its one-note melody (if you can call it that) all throughout the entire song make you want to break something or yourself? although i can't tolerate anything puff daddy (i won't call him that diddy-whatever shit; it's not my job to abide by every little self-indulgent publicity stunt of a name change that people i think suck come up with when it finally becomes apparent to most that they're wack.) puts out, even the best rapper couldn't save that shit.
  11. let's have an update, vic, it's been too long .
  12. ok, i've been in no-man's land: the land of the piece of shit, slower than george w. computer the land of the feeling like total crap (now i just feel kinda crappy) the land of the dealing with too much friend drama the land of the crippling heat and humidity the land of the sleepiness (ok, i still didn't get enough ) but i'm back. so no more excuses, people. i wanna see topics, responses, and more topics and responses. come on, kids, let's make up for lost time ! i got home yesterday from the airport (via airport van) to a flat tire. i was tired already from only 2 hours of sleep and 13 and a half hour travel time (door-to-door), but i had to get my flat taken care of before i did anything else. i was lucky to get help putting on my spare just as i was getting ready to take off my old one (i was very sore yesterday, a bit better today (will she stop complaining, already?)), and then i had to drive a ways to a tire place. had to buy a new one - now it shows up the other three. o well, but i'm not gonna buy three more . i've got some serious postwhoring to do, too. hey, y'all, did anyone notice who's close to 1500 ?...
  13. when you have a problem/issue/sadness that you need help sorting out or if you just need a good listener, think carefully before you choose who to talk to. who will be the most helpful/comforting/caring? by just talking to whoever's closest, most easily accessible, or who "should" be the person to look to for advice (older sibling, best friend) you might not be talking to the person who can help you or be there for you the most, in whatever way you need it. tune in tomorrow .
  14. 20 days till i can dance.
  15. 21 days till i can dance.
  16. i've gotta catch up, here; i couldn't post for a while 'cause my mom monopolized the comp. 2 days ago, i was travelling and then too tired yesterday, and here i am, today. so, let's begin . 22 days till i can dance.
  17. hey, gumby - put this in your pipe and smoke it, buddy: !!! thanks, nourishment . you can have my share of the peanut butter, too. when i was little and trying to understand why my parents divorced, i asked my mom why. she told me that she and my dad "just didn't agree on things." "like creamy and chunky peanut butter?" i asked. mom's house had the creamy, dad's had the chunky. "kind of," she said. peanut butter, man. so meaningful in my life - or something . funny, vic - i was also wondering if there were some sort of great way we could mathematically figure out what would be the midpoint of where we all should meet. but, whatever. i'm with you!!! let's just kick out my roommate and at my place!!!
  18. i'm a little late, if yer lookin' at tha numbers, but i'm a night owl , so this is still wednesday to me. and it still feels like 23 days left till i can dance.
  19. 24 days left till i can dance.
  20. you don't have to get more specific if you don't want to, but do you have a cyst as well? if you do and have any questions about the operation or anything like that, you can send me a pm, if you like . and i'm sure you're kidding about not having the operation 'cause of all that, even though it sucks... but i need to write a whole other post to say that i have
  21. ok, i know i haven't been posting the daily wisdom. i've been home with the 'rents in nyc, mostly lying around, feeling sicky-poo, and haven't been on the board much. or when i have, i've been responding to one thread, and by the time i've finished that, i've been too tired to answer or start any others. but i hope to see you all when i get back on track ---- ---- promise you'll come back, 'cause i miss you, 'k ?
  22. take it easy. make sure to take at least three breaks every day - even if just for a moment - to stop what you're doing and just take a deep breath. it does wonders to clear the head, is a lovely little way to put things in perspective and helps to - if not to figure out the rest of your day, figure out that the rest of your day might not need so much figuring out .
  23. well, i hope gmc will cut me a little slack, 'cause today i was not in the best of moods, as i am not totally recovered and am finding it frustrating . i was going to bring my camera to commemorate the event, but my real one's 2cr5 battery is dead and i couldn't find my disposable as i was flying out the door; i also had to allow more time to get there, as i'm not walking at full speed yet. good thing though, joey, 'cause today was definitely not one of my better days ! i know, i know, i never posted a picture of myself after you and vic did - unfair, according to spinsaikel... but the messageboard thing is kind of weird; i get a picture of people in my head and then when i see the actual one, it kind of throws me off. i wonder if that happens to other people. silly, i know, and it's only weird for a little bit, then it's kind of nice to know what the person on the other end looks like... does anyone identify with what i'm talking about, though? anyway, i have a good pic around somewhere, i'll just have to get it scanned someplace. i had stuffed shells (ricotta, spinach and such) and a house salad, and i'll let gmc describe his meal as he pleases, as i never got a review on how good it was. (were the croutons crisp, after all the hype, gmc?) and gmc is officially a sweetheart! i wonder if there was a sweetheart smurf...
  24. i think the words are often the reason for the song, so i listen to them carefully. there are some that aren't as important as others and are often there just to connote a feeling, i.e. "gliddy-glub-gloopy, nibby-nabby-noopy, la la la lo lo. sabby-sibby-sabba, nooby-abba-nabba, lee lee lo lo." from hair's "good morning starshine." while those don't mean squat, they just put a kind of carefree, happy kind of vibe in the air. but i listen to words, and i think they're just as important as those in poetry and even novels. things are phrased certain ways for a reason, and in songs they even have more room for emphasis because there are melodies, dynamics, etc. to play around with. anyhoo, my dad used to get pissed off at me back in high school and ask me why i could remember lyrics to so goddamn many songs and not remember mathematical formulas. i think i said something along the lines of, "who cares? music's more important ."
  25. after my operation to remove my ovarian cyst, i was told i can't do anything strenuous or have sexual intercourse for 4 weeks. who cares about sex, though, really? i certainly don't. NO DANCING FOR 4 WEEKS??????? :cry: the only thing good coming out of that is another opportunity for postwhoring. so, here we go. my operation was on the 18th, so we now have 25 days left till i can dance.
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