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Everything posted by weyes

  1. hmmm... i don't think i ever told you guys about the original "do you speak french?" guy (he was only the first of a few), so i'm gonna treat you to the story of that wacko. i first met this guy in nyc, on the subway. he asked me if i spoke french , and then if i liked jazz. i told him it was my stop. i then ran into him a few weeks later at the museum of modern art (MoMA), where he hit on me again as though he had never seen me before. he asked me if i was from germany . a few months later, i was walking down broadway when he started walking alongside me, once again acting as though he had never seen me before. he asked me if i spoke french. :eek: this guy seriously scared the shit out of me, not just because he asked bizarre questions, but because he was a stalker (three times in different parts of the city within a year), and also because either he didn't realize he was stalking me or was just acting as though he didn't remember me, hoping that i wouldn't realize he was stalking me. but i was really rude to him the last time, and i, fortunately, never saw him again.
  2. here's what i find to be a good stress-reliever when things seem really hectic: don't look at the clock. it keeps me from rushing things and worrying about being late, and justs lets me focus on doing things at the pace that feels right for me. it also helps me do what feels most essential. tune in tomorrow.
  3. i'll say that i enjoyed most of that . and it was fun to read the numbered things aloud. but where were english muffins and french fries invented? and one correction, it is possible to make one amend. for instance, i just amended that statement .
  4. weyes


    dancing makes everything better .
  5. and maintaining urinary tract health. i think that by the time you actually have a full-blown urinary tract infection, you're too far gone.
  6. i think nature makes babies cute so we won't abandon or eat them and that we'll feel guilty if we don't take care of them, but that's just the cynical scientist in me talking ...
  7. a bunch of us in 5th/6th grade or so had two of the same sneakers in different colors so that we could wear one of one color on the left and one of the other color on the right. we also had the whole two-pairs-of-socks thing going: for instance, the left foot would have a white slouch sock on first, then a black over it, and the right would have a black slouch sock, then a white over it. ah, the eighties .
  8. looks like vic's on the same time as i am, again !
  9. same with soft batch milk chocolate chip cookies. i always ate the whole package at once .
  10. bought it yesterday, already started writing !
  11. is that that wrestling show? and how do you mean that smiley - that the show makes you wanna kill yourself because it's bad, that the show makes you wanna kill yourself because it's good, that the show blows you away, that it blows other shows away...?
  12. booth 7 at 7576 melrose ave. (323)651-1373 and dmc records at 7619 melrose ave. (323)651-3520 always have flyers. calling booth 7 will give you a recording of what tickets they're selling. it's a clothing store (forgive me if i'm giving you info you already know) and although really small, a pretty cool place. dmc is a relatively large (for our kind ) all-electronica record store, and its staff is very nice.
  13. so you do or don't like spundae ? you can check it out at www.spundae.com but spundae never has hip-hop or freestyle.
  14. like our parents said when we were kids, we should be wary of strangers. innocent until proven guilty is a good way to let people start out, but it's important to remember that that innocent status can change. (seriously, kids, there be sketchy people out there, some lurking in our sacred halls !) tune in tomorrow.
  15. you call this dead? welcome to my world of toys!!!
  16. hey, girl , i started a thread on the miami board that i hoped you'd answer, but i thought you probably wouldn't see it. but you're the one who got me curious about what your answer would be, so you owe it to me to go there and post your response ! here's the link: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=105310 thanks, weyes
  17. 18 is way too young to be genX. that's a pretty wide age group for cp to claim to cater to, though; i think that large a span kinda goes without saying, don't you?
  18. how about 'roos? d'ya remember the sneakers with the pocket on the side? it was really just a slot, not a cargo pocket or anything, so it was kinda useless, but it was just the novelty of it that we kids thought was so cool. and everyone i knew, at least, put a penny in it, because you had to put something in it, and a penny was as bling-bling as it got for us (as 8-year-olds, or however old we were), back in the day .
  19. gotsta say that i'm getting frustrated on pop-tarts' availability; what's up with the omnipresence of strawberry and the sudden rarity of blueberry? and i'm wondering, vic, if i can't find blueberry, how are you gonna find cookies 'n' cream and the other weird-ass flavors ?
  20. there's always that old comforting talk that one ought not feel guilty for feeling the way one does, but people apologize to others for feeling a certain way anyway, then starts the shame, yadda yadda yadda. the way to avoid that, i've found, is to make a concerted effort to be around people with whom you're really comfortable. then you get two benefits: really feeling like you do, and feeling ok to do so . tune in tomorrow.
  21. i actually haven't seen it in the past three seasons; it got pretty tired with the same issues cropping up over and over. and, seriously, dawson needs a major ass-whupping. that kid's gotta get over himself, grow up, and get out of everybody's business. like, ok ? that show turned out to be one of those that's good the first few seasons and then should've quit while it was ahead. i'll tell ya, it was no melrose place, which i didn't like till i moved out here. i didn't appreciate it until it was put into context. once i knew the area and those type of people and values, it all made sense. plus, it was always fun to bet what time the first face-slap would happen, and the "sex-guitar" was always amusing. ah, those were the days . nothing really replaced that show in that category since, for me.
  22. nineteen bottles of beer on the wall nineteen bottles of beer on the wall, nineteen bottles of beer, ok, i'll drink one, but don't make fun of me for my low tolerance now 'cause i warned you and it's all your fault because of the peer pressure and you made me do it so i now have the freedom to act really stupid and make out with whomever i please and strip down to my underwear while dancing on the bar and then act like i don't remember it tomorrow and even act all shocked when you show me pictures while really i'm proud that i made you guys really embarrassed to know me anyway, how many bottles of beer are left now ?
  23. joeygk - you know what i'm talking about ! bigtallgeoff - wow! really? (i guess yer screenname ain't no lie, but 6'7"??) busty36 - good answer . mrmatas2277 - why the frown? kristenmariee - why you be givin' us the finger? vic - i should've expected sass from you, but i got an answer too! !
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