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Everything posted by weyes

  1. funny you should mention george michael, 'cause i was thinking of a wham! song. one of our faves, everyone, careless whisper. these lines always get me: i'm never gonna dance again the way i danced with you when i was a kid, i didn't get the significance of the "way i danced with you" part. i thought he was saying that he wouldn't dance at all 'cause he couldn't dance with her. now, even though i understand that part, the first line is still enough to break my heart - that he wouldn't dance a certain way he used to, ever again.
  2. o, and back to my co-workers: i don't remember if i told you this one, so excuse me if i have... one of my comrades in arms, a high school graduate, mind you, couldn't name the months of the year and put them in order .
  3. i feel more and more connected to owls and i've been marveling at the way i came up with my screenname these days. i didn't think about owls when i came up with it, although they are my favorite animal. and, of course, i wasn't putting on airs when i came up with it; being wiser is something to work at everyday, and it is through observation that one has the opportunity to gain wisdom (eyes are just a very simple way to signify the way to observe - even though it's not the only way - and working that into w-eyes just seemed to say it all). but i am a total night owl, joey. i've always had some serious insomnia, for as long as i can remember; i literally mean for as long as i can remember. when i was little i used to call for my parents so much that, after getting angry at me for calling so much, they just stopped coming. anyway, it definitely has its advantages. i was just at the 24-hour laundromat, and it's so much easier to get my laundry done then. i also get to hang out with the cool guy who works there. and i sleep so much better when it's light out, but dark in my own private lair . and, now that i'm older, i guess it goes back to another thread we had a while ago: if it's still dark out, there's still a party to be had somewhere ...
  4. a buck is a male deer (the male counterpart to the doe) . yeah, you guys, i don't "work out" in the sense that i do "exercises." i may not "fit in." i may be what people call a "weirdo." i may live in a van down by the river ... where was i going before i started joking around ? oh, yeah. my exercise is dancing around the house. i haven't been doing it much, lately, though, because of my gyno's "rupture" talk. i'd rather be listening to "rapture" talk (so sweet, so sweet ). jeez, it must be late; that's why i'm getting all wacky. and if you guys followed all that, i'll be so very, very, touched that we're so close that you could .
  5. yo, i'm here, in full effect and whatnot . i'll check it out .
  6. no one person can be everything to you. it's not fair for to you to expect that of someone, because you will only be disappointed in that person due to the unfair expectations you've set for him/her, nor is it fair for you to put so much pressure on the other person. we should all rejoice in each other's strong points, not be upset that we can't all be to each other what we need in all of the ways we need support and companionship in life. tune in tomorrow.
  7. a lot of people don't really listen to lyrics in songs; my aunt, for instance, only sees them as another instrument - doesn't really process them or remember them. but i see them as the music's equal. the lyrics are the reason for the song, the song is the reason for the lyrics. and, seriously, people shouldn't discount lyrics just because they come from groups that seem "bubble-gum" or not serious. check out this one, for instance: you have so many relationships in this life only one or two will last you go through all the pain and strife you turn your back and it's gone so fast (i put the last line in boldface just because it's always been a favorite lyric of mine.) anyway, that, my friends, is a verse from hanson's "mmmbop." that's some sadass shit, and the song sounds so goddamn cheery. nobody really knew that it was such a sad song, 'cause they couldn't understand what those goldarned kids were saying. but those weren't the sad lyrics i intended to post. here's one of the saddest i know: i need you more than want you and i want you for all time damn... that's a need that's infinite, greater than an already infinite want. impossible, painful . and it gets me every time. that one's from glen campbell's "wichita lineman." anybody got some that particularly strike a chord in you?
  8. well, you little 'hos, does your gf/bf know you're a postwhore ?
  9. weyes


    youz a ho... HO!
  10. i can't believe you are even questioning if someone making you do something sexual you did not want to do is abuse. the same goes for someone doing something to you to which you did not consent. there is also a reason why there are laws that protect minors unequivocally: if you are under 18 and someone performs sexual acts on you, it is against the law. i know we didn't follow that when we were teens and we consented, but it is still illegal. my point here is that the person to whom you're referring could've gotten in some serious trouble with the law. but i'm not saying that you should feel any certain way about it; you feel like you do, and you'll deal with it however it comes. i think we all have some sexual issues we're always working through, whether we're doing so consciously or subconsciously .
  11. weyes

    Rate this Girl!!

    or hey, just go to nevada .
  12. i still don't believe it, though. i don't see how this is possible without you sending a computer to do it automatically - with some ingenious program you designed or something.
  13. still don't work.
  14. weyes


    link don't work.
  15. is your post count for real? do you hold the cp record? i am blown away and don't understand how that's possible. how can you have more posts than mugwump or thehacker, who are both shameless post whores (sorry guys, but i know you won't be insulted by that, 'cause it's true )? this must either be a glitch in the cp accounting department or you've hacked into cp. explain!!!!!!
  16. i used to do it letter by letter. i once wrote a "secret admirer" letter to my crush in letters like that. i guess, looking back on it, that that is a kind of creepy way to do it, but i just thought it looked nice - all those different typefaces in all the different colors. anyway, i wrote: i've fallen for you, and i can't get up. but i never had the guts to tell him it was me, and i don't think he figured it out. my crush faded after i started hanging out with him, more, too, 'cause i realized he was a jackass.
  17. the stuff some people wear to funerals appalls me. when a friend of mine died at 17 (i was 16) from a heroin overdose, one of our schoolmates came in an old, faded led zeppelin shirt, and a hat that said, "i love jah." i'm not saying that people have to come in black veils and all that jazz, but they should show some respect for everyone and the situation, not to mention the dead.
  18. well said!!! i dance SO much better when my friends are around, 'cause i'm having fun being with them and am less self-conscious (although i'm not that self-conscious a dancer). i guess what i mean by that is that i feel more comfortable workin' it when they're around 'cause i feel safe. (i'm lucky to have guy friends to go dancing with!)
  19. "i've gotta go to the laundromat tonight," i told my co-worker, as we were getting ready to leave work at around 9:15. "but i need to eat something when i get home, and i need to post my 'wisdom of the day' before midnight. that means i really should get on the board before i go, and once i sit down, i'll be all comfy..." "i've got some wisdom you could put up," he said. "if you tie your shoes, you won't trip." i recalled the time a few years ago when i tripped and fell down a flight of stairs; my shoelaces had been tied. "that's not necessarily true," i said. "ok... how about, don't make a mistake, or you won't be making a mistake - or something like that." and he actually looked just like this smiley ----> ummm. well, that's some food for thought - or not really - maybe it's just a nod to my co-worker, today. yeah. tune in tomorrow.
  20. hmmm. i wonder why the first smiley in my first post went away; it was there yesterday. well, it appears as though y'all are afraid to answer . what's up? ya scared, now that my pops has caught ya ? hey, i've been asked if i'm a cop before, and accused of being a criminal, too. don't act all offended and whatnot . we're all friends here, whether partners or narcs in crime !
  21. shitters! why didn't i think about looking for a bakery department? damn, that was a major oversight. and i'm not in that neighborhood much. well, when i do get back around that neck of the woods ( ), i'll make sure to get some.
  22. i dunno about the farts... but which animals did you hear? or don't you know, 'cause you only heard them? i once had a pretty close frozen standoff/staring contest with a buck .
  23. i don't know where you can find him on a regular basis, but i see taylor's name splashed all over the place.
  24. thanks; you can kind of see them there, but she looked particularly grotesque that night. she was wearing a pink crop top that left her frightening - i dunno - 12 pack, maybe - in full view.
  25. weyes

    Rate this Girl!!

    i wonder what they're made of - how hard/soft/bendable they are. how soft are the girl dolls' boobs? how would people clean the body cavities of these dolls from the various bacteria that would grow after use and from sitting around their roach-infested apartments?
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