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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i don't know why i read that . but i've actually experienced #12, "the ram"; it was by mistake, though, and my head only hit the wall once.
  2. janet jackson is a freak: face, tits, and especially her abs. will someone dish up a close-up of her stomach from the grammys?
  3. i didn't know you were into that type of thing . (just kidding! i don't know you - i just couldn't resist. sorry! )
  4. yo, i feel ya on the cereal tip. if i eat one more bowl of cheerios i think i'll die from "o"verload. naawww, she di'int just say dat........
  5. thanks for the feminism, i think ...
  6. my father says that everyone on the 'net is a cop or a criminal . well, since there are only two options, which one are you ?
  7. i stand corrected about whole foods! i was driving today and saw one, totally did a double-take, and had to go in. but the cookie aisle confused me; i didn't know to which cookies you could have possibly been referring. i bought the wrong one though; it was some sort of "espresso chocolate chip" thing that sounded good, but its being vegan wrecked it, i guess. cookies aren't supposed to be salty .
  8. i saw this exact same survey about two months after i joined cp ! the answer is still the same - sober. well, i dance well when a little fucked up, but it's in a different way. i think i'd have to see tape of myself to really know. but once i'm really jacked up, while glued to the dancefloor, i'm not nearly as amazingly impressive as i usually am . o, and as a side note, you didn't say what i would be hypothetically lickin' .
  9. take advantage of silence when it comes around your house; enjoy it by just basking in the lack of *NoiSe POlluTioN* or blast some fuckin' music and dance like a freak. tune in tomorrow. p.s. happy birthday to my lttle sis !
  10. no, belle, that was to mistersassyhacker! we forgot some on the way, too, but at least we were partyin' together ... rock on, though, this place certainly got its drunk on !
  11. what's up with this: i go to a parking lot, and there are three sedans: one red, one white, and one black. they are distanced far away from each other in the lot. as i enter, i ask the attendant where i ought to park, and he says, "park next to the passat." hello ???? (mind you, this happens every time.)
  12. keep in mind that you shouldn't lose too much weight too quickly or you will get stretch marks. word to the wise .
  13. the dj saves my life every time i go out ! (we're lucky)
  14. here's my favorite: "i'll be right back." return at your leisure.
  15. i had oatmeal for brekkie . i didn't get to have lunch till 7 pm; work was crazy today. mac 'n' cheese and iced tea. ick.
  16. ah. another dc in-joke. all i see is a car.
  17. there are lots of counseling centers with low-cost counseling, but i don't know of any by name. you really can find a lot of help by calling your local library and asking the librarian; they know a lot about what's available in the community. seriously - i spent a great deal of time in the library last summer and not only do the librarians know their shit, but there are a lot of community boards up with what's going on in the neighborhood.
  18. that's for your post-whoring determination. but you forgot 87, 78, 72, 62, 60, 58, 56, 55, 52, 49, 43, 41, 16, and 2. and somewhere in there, your sequence went as follows: 54 - 56 - 53 - 51 - 50 - 48. were you actually drinking as you went along ? feh; we're just wondering why you didn't drink with the rest of us .
  19. weyes


    whatever, sassafrass .
  20. o - i wanted to report that the keebler rainbow vanilla wafers kick some serious ass!!!!!!! i don't know if it's because i was just eating nabisco reduced fat nilla wafers and these just rock by comparison, but i think the colors may have something to do with it, too .
  21. i can't stand the taste of artificial sweeteners. but i'm with you, vic - i don't drink soda, just 'cause carbonation, caffeine, and sugar are all three unnecessary things to waste in a drink. but i do drink iced tea when i need some flavor - not calorific and yummy. another thing about aspartame, though; i eat fat free yogurt, and it's very, very hard to find it with real sugar as opposed to aspartame. i guess the powers that be figure that because i'm fat conscious i have bad taste, too .
  22. the whole big one, baby! i'm talkin' some hardcore cookie eatin' ... and we don't have fresh fields or whole foods. there were a couple of whole foods stores in nyc, but i don't think they could be related to the ones you're talking about, 'cause those seemed so small. are those part of the same chain?
  23. i went to 26c's last rave, and i've gotta tell ya that it was a big ol' . the talent was really untalented, the management sucked, the event was really disorganized and much less was delivered than promised. security confiscated everything at the door, the event opened much later than it was supposed to, and the location was a hole (arena, i think; whatever the place on spring and eighth in downtown is). the only thing that could save an event thrown by these people is a dj you love, in my opinion, unless the party i went to (detention) was an isolated fiasco.
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