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Everything posted by captainpec

  1. The only karosi I can think of is the fat dude from Saved by the Bell... so I guess his wife or daughter...
  2. I need to start an escort service for females... untapped market. And how many guys wouldn't want to be employed doing something you actually do like... I would have to screen our customer base first... no fat chicks allowed...
  3. Let's see - there's Sports Plus, plenty of movie theaters, and tons of mini-golf courses when the weather heats up... Seriously, don't rush to party... save your money and don't waste it like we do...
  4. Performing cardio of 45 minutes, while performing weight exercises of 1hr could affect your goals negatively in the sense that your metabolism would have a greater tendency to become catabolic... in essence, your body could resort to breaking down muscle if it has exhausted it's fuel supply. If you are simply trying to "bulk up," I would suggest eating enough protein throughtout the day (not just one large protein drink and that's it). In my case, I consume a whey protein shake before (45min) my workout and immediately after, while eating plenty of chicken, beef or fish throughout the day. I have noticed fair results so far during the past six months... you should also cut down on the amount of cardio. IF you are looking to bulk up, I would limit my cardio to no more than 2 or 3 times a weekend and definitely not 45 minutes in duration... maybe 20 - 25 at most.
  5. I can bet with comments like these you are just another minority on welfare. Please - it's no longer the 90's stop with your "racist" cry's of bullshit. Please review the thread and indicate where one person took a shot at what you reference was the "black" man... gotta love these damn hipocrits of the world that cry so much, yet do so little to be part of the solution to the problem. Cry me a fucken river please. People within this thread were mocking his toilet and in general, his business idea and how he made so much money off of what we perceive to be stupid. I will refuse to listen to someone's ridiculous cries of racism to keep me or anyone else on this planet from using our god given right of free choice... in particular our right to our own opinions. If you would like to support "the black" man, as you so choose to reference Mr. Simmons, then question yourself, or do some fucken research on how much he has done for his community. Being a minority, you should have heard your parents state at some point "never forget your roots..." Apparently your boy has... And to avoid you claiming racism once again by my last comment, I have the same notions for "the Great Jennifer Lopez." I grew up two blocks from that cunt and her knew her entire family... think miss bookoo dollars has done something for her neighborhood... the "south," "south bronx?" Think again - these "rich" people could give a flying fuck about your life, so put your pencil down and stop trying to defend them... PS - next time you have a thought, please use your original screen name and don't coward behind creating a new screenname to make a comment... obiviously this thread has been out of the running for several days, and I am willing to bet the farm that a newbie has alot better things to do than to search "Russell Simmons Phat Farm" to read Clubplanet's members opinions on the sale. Grow up and educate yourself with your free time...
  6. Stop using those damn rollons! Try using spray instead... I am not an old man, but I love/use Right Guard... all the protection a man can need...
  7. Now you can give us a better question (No geographic questions please... )
  8. We've got a winner... Originally (way back in the days), if you invited someone for dinner, you tasted the wine first as proof that the wine was not laced with poison... more specifically cyonide (don't know how to spell that one ) Medieval times that is...
  9. No need to apologize, I find them very interesting... Ooh, and milkshakes too...
  10. captainpec

    RE: clit toys

    I know one actually... it's called "mis lengua." Unfortunately, it's very hard to get...
  11. You started talking about your "box" and distracted us. I'm clueless on a building by 61st (there's the QB bridge around there) and what happened...
  12. Close enough - no weapons! Anyone care to answer the reason behind the "person ordering the bottle of wine"... why does the waitor allow them to take a quick swig first?
  13. God, I forgot about... SARAH! :drool: :drool: :drool: She coined the expression "A face that only a mother could love..."
  14. Damn - that's current events! I can't remember that building even though I drive by it on the weekends
  15. x was right for the current day use of the salute... guess you want to origin... The origin of the salute was to show that you were unarmed - using your right hand (aka gun hand) to salute, showing that it was empty. Finger tips should be to the temple area...
  16. Cleaning out my closet and look at what I find... this was a new year's party like 5 years ago... I'm not in this one though... Word of advice - don't invite Aborigines to your house for a party...
  17. Damn - that one was too easy I guess And so the torch passes...
  18. Just a question in the back of my mind (and relating to a comment I made earlier in another thread)... call me Curious... Ladies - of all the guys you have dated so far in your lives, what has been the best and worst car that you "man" at the time drove? I wanna know if it was "blinged" or "dinged." There's no wrong or right answer... unless he had two wheels and you rode on pegs...
  19. captainpec


    She's asking for names of cruise ships!!!!!! Can no one help???? I think Fascination might be one of the younger cruise ships, but don't quote me on that one...
  20. Now let's get back... Who is the upstairs neighbor in Three's Company? (And first name doesn't count... need the full name)
  21. If I become president, I am getting rid of Valentine's day...
  22. What is Babarino, The Fat Guy Scientologist, The Fat Guy from FaceOff, The Fat Guy from that Stupid movie with the Bomb and the AirPlace, and the husband to that hot piece of ass Kelly Preston.
  23. :Doctor Evil Voice: Your insolence will not be tolerated :Doctor Evil Voice: POST A NEW QUESTION! I NEED TO GET WORK DONE!
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