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Everything posted by captainpec

  1. Let's see - this is my second one in a row being single, but I might sit this one inside... went out last year and noticed that only the single "cows" go out on Valentine's day... I never want to be raped by a large female...
  2. Didn't he kill Mel Gibson... wait, and he killed his son's gay lover by throwing him out of the castle window... damn, I love Braveheart...
  3. Please rephrase your answer in the form of a question...
  4. This is a ridiculous thread... another male bashing topic when the root of the problem are the females... how many hot chicks do you see riding around with guys in BMW's or Mercedes (may I add that 95% of those smucks don't own the cars... they lease them - that's not your car - you are borrowing it ). Now compare that with the number of hot girls riding around in hoopties... let's face it ladies - most of you are out for one thing - the "bling." Women need a guy to "grow" on them if the guy has nothing... meanwhile, if the guy has a lot of money - they are the shit. To back my comment up with proof, I went to Boulevard this weekend and met several ladies... one of which had the nerve to straight up ask me how much I make. When I told her, her eyes lit up right away. Let's just say that she was more than willing to go home with me that night... she didn't though after my friend called her a whore, but oh well... :laugh:
  5. captainpec

    hot body

    Not perfect... no girl's body is perfect, but I won't be a guy that kids himself and complains... we would all bang her...
  6. Masturbation... Oh wait, you mean when I am actually doing it with someone else...
  7. She looks like a Wookie from Star Wars...
  8. What I have a problem with is the increasing size of (95% of the females out there) the damn waistline in general... and now it extends to the summer as well... do some crunches you cows... I need to move to Miami or take a time machine back to the 80's/90's... only problem with that is that they don't shave back then... DAMN NOTHING IS PERFECT!!!
  9. www.persiankitty.com
  10. Is this one of those Russian mail order bride services? If so, I am interested...
  11. And what's wrong with that... some people actually like stuff like that... wait, there is a thread that sits in the back of my head... http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=205381
  12. I actually pulled an article off of MTV.com regarding this story. It turns out she might not have passed away after all. Otherwise, they might have cloned her for the new show. CORAL BITTEN BY SPIDER DURING TAPING OF MTV GUANTLET CHICAGO—Two days after placing Coral in the "dead" column, MTV News retracted its projection Tuesday, changing the losing-Real World'er status to "too close to call." Above: MTV's erroneous projection. "I'm sorry, but it now appears that we reported Ms. Coral's death prematurely," MTV News anchor Suchin Pak announced on air at approximately 2:15 p.m. EST. "The latest readings show her red-blood count down to 3.1. At this point, it could go either way." Fans of the flamboyant star of MTV's hit show "The Real World" (Las Vegas), have been in mourning, since learning that she has been clinging to life in a hospital just across the Vermont border. According to MTV News correspondent Kurt Loder, nurses and anesthesiologists leaving the operating room at various points during a 14-hour operation on Coral were optimistic regarding her chances of survival. For those individuals that are unfamiliar with the unfortunate turn of events, Coral was bitten by a spider during the taping of a reality based show entitled, the "Gauntlet." Viewers of the show later discovered that the female was alergic to spider bites when she stated, "uuuuuhhhh spider." "When several sources reported a direct hit to the spinal cord by the spider, everyone thought it was all over," Loder said. "It turns out that report was erroneous. The bite missed the spinal cord by a hair's width." For further news and information regarding the status of the operation and Coral's current condition, please log onto MTV.com or MTV briefs as they occur throughout the day.
  13. They must have used the DNA from her dead body to clone her...
  14. You took the words right out of my mouth... :laugh:
  15. How would you know that she ain't dead... (You watched the show that sucks super ass)
  16. The Road Rules team won of course... they didn't even need the 10 minute penalty for the RW dropping Coral... it was wierd though that Coral passed away two days after taping the show from the spider bite. Makes people appreciate life I guess.
  17. How old are you guys, what types of jobs are you looking for, and is this part-time or full-time? Just a question - there are tons of jobs out there, but I could understand you rants if you are looking for jobs in the nightlife (and I mean clubs/bar) field...
  18. The fact that it's a chicks car and lacks balls... Your welcome, An ex-employee of vw
  19. Who ever thought that creating oversized ugly assed clothing would make you $140 million... I have to come up with the next great idea... hmmmn, how about children's sized clothing for adults... wonder if it would work Maybe I will have to get an asian girl to do all the decision making for me first.
  20. I can't believe I watched this thing for 10 minutes... I must be bored off my ass right now...
  21. What the fuck is that??? I'm scared now...
  22. That was the first time in MTV cribs history that they used ventrilaquism acts while viewing the home... unfortunately it must have hurt Russell a lot since she had her arm shoved so far up his ass... poor guy couldn't get a word in...
  23. Nobody thinks Brin (RW - Vegas) was cute... sure she is a little mentally deficient, but so is Jessica Simpson and no one is complaining about her... How about Tanya... she looks like shit in the pic that I am pasting below, but I think she was one of the top RW girls... plus I felt bad for her when she was passing the kidney stones...
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