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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. That's really horrible. How dare you say something like that to promote your show. Let me know when your sister dies so we can all use that as a way to promote our clubs. Clueless asshole.
  2. That is Just WICKED!!!! New Style Trend: Throw out your underwear... just trust us. :eek:
  3. I need to get my friend an ID for 21 so she can come out to my birthday celebration saturday (details later ) but I don't know anyone that looks like her or has connex with someone who makes them. Who here either knows someone who deals in IDs, or who has an ID that is 5'8 African-American female with long dark hair and wants to sell or rent their ID??
  4. Matty C! Not often we get visitors from the Jerzee board! Nice sig
  5. Awwwwww! My dog is a male westie - 12 years old also, still a virgin hahaha Max, a.k.a. Heemie
  6. vixenfoxxy

    help with anal...

    BWAHAHAHHAHA omg I don't mean to make fun or anything but this is just getting hilarious, I'm in tears laughing here - oops I crapped my pants bwahahahhaha!
  7. well as a general norm - i would hope no one consciously accepts it, but i know a lot of people who are like "well, boys will be boys..." It's really infuriating. The extra-annoying thing is that, if it happens to you, you really can't do anything about it.
  8. You know what's really terrible? Blackhaus appears to be available only in NY and NJ. I can never find it in DC when I'm at school, and bars anywhere else I've been look at me crooked when I ask for it. It's the best stuff EVER!!!
  9. Hahahaha Ragga's SO back!!!!
  10. YaY!!!! I see TWO people in all of Jersey are chill enough to share their pics
  11. Let's start a motion to rename the drama forum "garbage" hehehe
  12. I'm not saying two wrongs make a right, I'm simply saying that guys get away with this shit (get away with coming across COOL for this kind of shit) all the time, so if you're gonna sit there and freak make sure it's to both sides of the battleground and not only the girls. I personally haven't done that to anyone and don't plan to... don't think it's a nice thing to do, however, if one side's doing it and it's okay, and we sit there and accept it, then it has to be the same for the other.
  13. vixenfoxxy

    help with anal...

    Bananas, I think, help you retain "stuff". But uhm, this really does sound like a big problem, I've never had anal sex (ouch!) so I can't help more than that - you should consider seeing a doctor for real tho.
  14. Nipple game!! hahahah Did you get your privileges revoked for playing the nipple game with unsuspecting nurses again??? (whoops, hijackin the thread for a minute)
  15. Well I mean I see your point there - that you shouldn't do it to anyone else. Personally I got sick of ending up on the losing side of that situation and just removed myself from the dating scene entirely (and i am loving being single). But what I'm saying is that it seems whenever guys do this, well that's just guys being guys, but when girls do this, it's like the most terrible thing ever, and that's bullshit. I am *not* a supporter of double standards.
  16. *whew* I hope they never, ever do something that stupid. They're on the right track so far
  17. Holla! I'm representing the broke-ass college students... word to ya mutha....
  18. Post your picture!! No one ever posts pics here... it's time to add a portrait gallery!
  19. The problem is that MOST guys do this to US first, sorry but don't sit there and cry, everyone, because suddenly someone from the female side did it back. Sorry but Sparklez won't be yelled at for this by me... no one's stopping the guys, no one should stop the girls either. Play on. All you people that are sitting here complaining have either done this yourself or had it done to you, I can almost guarantee, and there's worse things that she could have done. SPRAGGA - where da FAWK have you been??????????? :D Good to see you're alive!!! missed ya!
  20. And in the far corner, Tunnelbandit... *ding ding* round two!!
  21. And you forgot to add that he's soooooooo cute!!!!
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