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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. LMAO true true, ahhh the thrill of stalling out in the middle of a busy intersection Nothing quite like learning to drive stick! Rudeboyyouth ~ representing the ghetto po people like us, with the cars from 1988!!!
  2. What kind of car is it? Mine does stuff like this: Leave from dancing at Cheetah, 3:30 am, in a ridiculous outfit, and the car will run in neutral. I live way the fawk out in Huntington on LI, and I have no way of getting there.. That sucked (it was the gear selector, I found out the next morning that if I had tried looking for first gear where reverse usually is, and second where first should have been, then I could have skipped third [entirely missing] and gotten home in 4th) Ahhhhhhh yes the joy of owning a practically-antique VW
  3. It's my LAST DAY OF WORK!!! Yeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! So Shady, Vic, how's it feel to know you're still goin to work on Monday morning? Mwahahahahahahaha Hey PGiddy.. nyah nyah! Keep workin on that resume kiddo!
  4. Biatch, are you saying I radiate stupid fag DJ energy??? LMAO ANYTHING but that!!!!
  5. OK the guy in the waterfall, he's not the hottest thing I've ever seen but that is the kind the cock that makes you just want to jump on and RIDE!!! hahahah
  6. Poor innocent Vicman, doesn't even have retractable undies or anything!! Vic needs the undie-technology salvation army (UTSA!!!!)
  7. Word, I dont know if i'll go this week if DT isn't there but Chyna if you got an extra space in the car for Pappa next week I might join u for that. Hmmmmmmm gee 'cause another night at Glow? No biggie hahahahaha
  8. LMFAO I would NEVER want to own a picture of PGiddy's willie or any paraphernalia relating to it!! It was that titty thing
  9. This is just a disgrace... *shakes head*
  11. OK Everyone I think I'm headed to the Roxy meetup but who's going to Vinyl afterhours anyway? I think it's a must-go for me So do I have some Tenaglia buddies up on this board?!
  12. If you take a whiff of them, do they not stink?? KURO!!! u little BASTARD!!! You've clearly lost the 2nd ass pic nyah nyah!!!
  13. AWWWWW JEEEZ I'm laughin so hard it hurts!!!!
  14. That tongue smiley is soooooo creepy, it makes me feel skeeved out and dirty every time I look at it!
  15. Try reviewing my statement again... i specifically name Johnny Cochran so you can't turn it on me, if I had said "people" or something, then you couldve. Too bad. Wanna try again or have you had enough?
  16. Nah Chyna see, he gets love by payinnnnnnnnnnn!! He even bought some cha cha off Johnnie Cochran!!!
  17. WA WA!!! :laugh:
  18. I thought you wished a happy new year to your mom and sisters already?? Besides Cochran only works for black people, your white pansy ass can't get no love from JC!!!
  19. (We know what Kuro wants to be reincarnated as)
  20. We have one of those at the yacht club too. It doesn't get hot like a real fire though.. just kinda lightly warm
  21. Try this http://www.funkyboutique.com/
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