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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I know me and ChynaDoll are planning to go to Limelight, we could make the meetup there if u want
  2. HAhahaaa and you almost missed it! A real role model u are!
  3. BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA add that to my christmas list! Lots of loukaniko! :laugh2: That sounds like a fair trade. I'll save u a piece
  4. hmmm culture lesson! Hey, ya know, I think that vestax mixer isn't waiting for YOU it's waiting for ME!
  5. My mommy made the spanakopita... and she makes some pretty kick ass spanakopita so you better hide ur mom 'cause I'd hate to see the smackdown!
  6. whoops I forgot. Thanks for the reminder noooooot hehehehehehe
  7. hahaha there is one pic where there's like a whole crowd of those around me, people on DC board photoedited it, it was hilarious. I should find it, you'd laugh so hard Danni ~ Thanxx babes! haven't seen u around the board for a while, hope ur enjoying urself out there
  8. Hmm can we see that pic again for those of us who missed it???
  9. Wait so maybe I *did* accomplish something today! I'd like to dedicate this victory to all the CP'ers who kept me busily typing and my office for being so boring, and Trancend for being an inspiration in lifelessness on CP, and and and... oh it's all too overwhelming
  10. Hehehe thanks Ragga! Joey if u get a cage in ur house I'll totally dance in it!
  11. Hahahaha but a simple no woulda sounded rude. Basically, the company doesn't want people to download stuff like AIM and WinMX that are fun programs, so if you download a program, it can't be installed. The only people that can install the stuff are my coworkers in this office, but I'd have to ask for them to do it, and then they'd be onto my time wasting plans not that they didn't install it on their own computers or anything...argh
  12. vixenfoxxy


    I think I have a 10pm appointment open on Christmas hahahaha
  13. A huge feast of cold mexican dip, wine and cheese, baked clams, spanakopita, pepperoni and allllllll the wonderful hors d'oeuvres you could POSSIBLY imagine, plus chicken marsala and scalloped potatoes, and apple pie and chocolate cake and maple cookies and peanut blossoms and russian tea cakes!!! WHY oh WHY am I STUCK at work??? Mommy's cooking I wanna go HOME!!! Anyone else have wonderful goodies at home?
  14. Tech support and programming office for North Shore medical system Ragga a 5.0? man you're gonna be pimpin! I'd IM you but then I have to get someone to override the download block on the server and then they'd know what I'm up to (which is why I'm triple bored). weeeeehhh!!
  16. I did it!!! I think I'm gonna have an orgasm or something! I'm THERE!!!!!
  17. I'm really looking forward to it actually. Call me a nerd but... ya know.
  18. WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA the first time I looked at your SN I totally thought that but then I was like "chunk? who uses chunk as their SN?" and then it made sense when I looked again.
  19. HEY! HEY! Keep your little Greek network out of this!! I was on line first, no cutters!!!
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