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Everything posted by chris817

  1. LOL she's tied up being a judge on america's got talent!!!
  2. Have you heard Dangermouse's gray album? thats pretty cool
  3. I will be there.. dont know what time i'm going but prob late am
  4. I'm going to the game... do reg game ticks get you in for this? or do you need seperate ones?
  5. http://www.break.com/index/gnarlskid.html
  6. The same has been said by republicans to democrats for years.. The difference is Bush and his cronies are in politics.. All these woman had the misfortune of losing a husband on 9/11.. They did not deserve what she said, and most conservs had denounced what she said exccept for her BF sean Hannity
  7. Been thinking about it... Dont know if i want to take off Monday... should be fun though.. Junior usually plays great at these events Just depends if some girls go with my friends
  8. Its fake.. Kinda a spoof on his audience and i think it rolled over into something on one of ABC's hospital dramas.. Heard him talking about this on stern a ways back
  9. I know i laugh my ass off everyday...
  10. promoting and attacking are 2 different things.. They pushed for a 9/11 comission that bush was against.. Agree that they stepped into the political arena, but saying who knows if there husbands were not about to divorce them was cold.. Stop comparing these republicans to Nazi's they are not nazi's... There were only 1 nazi's and they are not even close to being like them...
  11. The brothers are gonna love him
  12. chris817


    If you live in astoria or LIC you get no line and no cover charge Gotta love PS1
  13. first jessie spano is hooked on speed pills now this??
  14. can u blame him? look at the article he posted
  15. Not really.. I dont remember our president chopping off heads on video My point is i know its funny.. But to bring it out to make fun of him is just pathetic
  16. Its kinda like after 9/11 they had picts of bin laden wearing a casio watch
  17. There was only 1 hitler and NOONE compares to him
  18. no kidding but you have to admit neptunes crowd is not his normal scene? in fact i remember a thread on this board not too long ago.. asking if his party was a gay party..
  19. Thats all you can respond with? you sound like our gov't
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