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Everything posted by aphelion

  1. Thats what I thought this thread was originally about
  2. I regulate every shade..... There's no "need" to dance with someone, and when people approach you it's that much more flattering. Of course I'm not talking about battles which are fun, or circles which are even more fun...
  3. I've been all over the city in sneakers... Twirl, SF (Sat), Roxy, Exit... should be even easier to pull off since you're a girl The only places I've ever had a problem were out on the Island; places like Wall St.
  4. Bringing it back to the old skool
  5. Wow, full of assumptions aren't we? If you're so sure that the gov't always has a great, efficient plan of action, explain to me Vietnam. Furthermore, if you're so sure Iraq was involved as to guarantee it (when you've already admitted that you're not aware of any more than the rest of us), how would you feel if you were judged by such a standard for a hideous crime you didn't commit?
  6. Haha... sup. :laugh:
  7. No one knows... and not only that, but Made (the organizers of the event) "apologized" because no contribution to charity was ever made. :mad:
  8. Trippintrance you're such a kidder... why I saw you last week in Exit with your shirt off. Meanwhile I do admit that I've no idea who this Mysteriouss chick is... in fact if she came up to me at a club and said hello I'd look at my friends and shrug my shoulders.
  9. You should have seen it half an hour later... it takes particular liking to JV Birthday Cake, but I gotta say it cleaned up real good.
  10. Lizzy I like your new look! I was expecting to see you again at the back bar meetup, where were you?? Haha I still haven't met bkissa... this is starting to dangle (my head is fried, I can't think of the right word... any English majors here?) on the verge of hilarity. Daniela you looked like you were having fun and thats always a good thing Oh, and it was GREAT seeing djmoonshine and clubkat again... you girls rock. I hope trancend passed the word on to all you shoe-wearing feet-hurting ravers that I was wearing sneakers Good meeting Lina, Fiery and Spragga if only briefly, and seeing Highmay and Ronin... Cheers!
  11. For better or worse, CP was down for a while... so I finally got my head screwed on right, and let me just say holy bazookas. How many fawking people did we have up in there? At least 50! I walked to the back bar and I could tell some new skoolers were hanging out by the railing by the edge of the bar too scared to say anything... so I decided to play newbie for a while. Then I went to my friends and got introduced to like 20 heads... CP is growing, with class! Cheers everyone. My one big complaint about Roxy is that it thins out far too quickly... between 4 and 5 is the middle of a set, the best part of a Friday night, and about the time that a vibe would really shine. Anyway, I'm happy with the turnout last night... looking to hear more opinions.
  12. Nice turnaround time! That was quick..
  13. IM THERE do me a favor those of you who know me-- introduce me to the new skoolers i'll be wearing a very light blue dress shirt
  14. werd I'm there... blue pants blue shirt blue shades Im not sure when the meetups are, I think I've heard so far: 11pm by CP table (as if anyone's gonna be there that early) 1:30am by back bar Am I missing any?
  15. aphelion

    ~shagfest 2002~

    I'm there... haven't seen you two hostesses in way too long:D
  16. That chick, what's her name... Franka Potente... mmmmmm.
  17. Still going strong at 7pm last I heard.....
  18. Dave, if anybody can do anything in this situation it's you guys. At the least tell them you won't do business with them again if they don't compensate the ticket-buyers with say 25% of the cover. Obviously they misrepresented the party, that's no contest and they shouldn't even try to argue that. To make distribution easier credit the amount towards a future ticket purchase at CP. It's more important to keep your customers happy than it is your partners... there's always differrent people looking to make money; only your customers are going to be the ones spending it.
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