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Everything posted by djmoonshine

  1. oh god.. when i was hearing the ktu commerical i wanted to kill myself... and all the guidos and their sluts were like screaming and cheering... ugh...
  2. im so glad i got a chance to make it last night... it was so nice seeing all the cp babies~ great meetup dave...
  3. you bettttter come out and play with us more! you have no excuse not to now... :grin:
  4. yeaahh i met you... where are my strawberries and whipped cream??? i think i deserve it... i dealt with a decent amt. of abuse from you and apples i think...
  5. djmoonshine


    :grin: i you all.
  6. djmoonshine


    aww ninja, don't mind shoook... he's a smart kid and such... i think you're the hottest thing this side of the rio grande... def. do not look funny at all...
  7. gooooooooood call.... but then, thinking about it... sometimes it's the ghetto ass mothers i can't stand... the one's that are dragging their kid down the block just wacking the shit outta them and screaming, not giving two fucks about who is watching... it's not pleasant to see at allll... i saw a mother on the train the other day flex like she was gonna punch her little girl dead in the face cause the kid wanted to sit in her lap...
  8. aspiring models?! i'm thinking i should start looking elsewhere...
  9. OMG! today i was in a store in the city and this mother was shopping and her kid was running laps around the damn store and running into other people's fitting rooms while they were like half naked and this dumb bitch just kept trying on clothes like nothing was going on... what is wrong with people?
  10. trying to get a job there... anyone have any advise? know anyone?! SOMETHING?! lol... anything would be GREATLY appreciated...
  11. lol... i dunno... i just wasn't surprised... it seems like something you would appreciate... blAH~
  12. I'm always assuming the worst, but you're going on nonetheless and there's nothing to cushion your heart led fall. Letters from further away keep pulling me close to home. And there is something to cushion my callous sighs. And I know that you hope for longer good-byes embracing for forever and falling in your eyes. Pouring over photographs. I'm living in your letters. Breathe deeply from this envelope it smells like you and I can't be without that scent. It's filling me with all you mean to me. Continually failing these trials but you stand by me nonetheless and you won't let me sink though I'm begging you. Phone calls from further away and messages on my machine, but I don't ever tell you this distance seems terrible. There is no need to test my heart, with useless space. These roads go on forever. They'll always be a place for you in my heart. So I'll hit the pavement its got to be better than waiting and pushing you far away cause I'm scared. So I'll take my chances and head on my way up there. Cause turning to you is like falling in love when you're ten.
  13. seriously some of the best lyrics i have ever read... ::sigh:: if anyone is interested in maybe sampling some of their songs, a few of my favorite songs are - hands down, screaming infidelities & swiss army romance... pic of the lead singer... and what does this have to do with sex? not a fuckin thing... there, i took the words outta your mouth so one of you smart asses don't have to bother asking me... i posted this here cause most of my fav. cp are here... there ya go...
  14. i was crushing on ninja so hard...
  15. awww babie! it's your birthday!!! i love you soooo much... you know how much... i won't bore the sex boarders with all the skanky details... i hope your day is filled with all sorts of debaucerous (is that an effin word?!) goodies... i love you kitty.
  16. ahh boy the fest... it was a little slow in the begining.... i myself got there like an hour late but it was nice just sitting with kitty and spragga trying to locate the kitties nipple with a riding crop... *how must that sound?!* more people started to show up and ohhhhhh boy! there were just so many people there and it was sooooooooooooooo nice seeing everyone again... my nite was great. i got to see everyone, had me some goooood cock cake, played with nipple game with spragga and kitty and got a chance to talk to mostly everyone... can't wait to see you babies again...
  17. djmoonshine

    Eat me!

    god i feel like a fuckin newbie... i've been away for so long i dont know what the hell anything means...
  18. djmoonshine

    Eat me!

    i dont get it.
  19. this is beautiful. i love that its black and white...
  20. umm... you def. believe that in your head... just easier to say you're a "nutcase" then to admit you're an asshole... just the pennies... now. on to other matters. i think tommy put it best... I believe in the rules that dictate human interaction , there are no ABSOLUTES....I believe its all about chemistry & being spontaneous & sometimes people just mesh together & its inevitable. I think it can happen without labeling someone a "slut" or "easy" when you connect with someone the first time you meet them, there can't be set guidelines, but everyone should def. be verrry careful. some people have bad experiences and some people have good ones... whatever works i guess...
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