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Everything posted by djmoonshine

  1. ahh yeah... im OBSESSED with harry potter... ok well not obsessed, but i love his books... :grin: so no one on Bump and "..." reads???
  2. when i grow up, i want to have a ball room in my house, like the ball pits in Chucky Cheese and Discovery Zone... YuP. I want to devote an entire room to a huGe ballpit, preferably in neon colors... There will be black lights in the room, so my ballpit will glow. how freakin cool would that be? just chillin in a bAll pit... :grin: i could go on a date with a guy and be like, "hey, wanna go for a swim in my pit?" and he'll cOme over and we'll play in the ball pit together...
  3. def. wish i had more time to read for pleasure, but with all my school shit, i have no time... either way, summer is coming and i plan to spend looooong hours on the beach catching up.... any suggestions? new, old, blaH~??? p.s. for one of my classes i've been reading a lot of books on the taliban, al-qaeda, and bin laden... not the cheeriest choice, but def. informative and thought provoking... if anyone actually is interested, say so and i'll post some titles...
  4. AHHH! i feel the same way... my most hated sleeping away message... Sleeping... dreaming of %n <~ where your name will pop up when you check it... it's all about checking away messages and putting up entertaining ones to make your friends laugh... there is nothing better then reading a good away message when you're sitting around... justin... i understand.
  5. ehhhh stfu cuntdrip... if he's such a big great porn star, wtf does he need to suck his own dick for??? nasty ass hairy fuck... instead of blowing himself, maybe he could wax himself, lose some weight... STOP BEING SO FUCKING UGLY MAYBE?! i dunno... im just thinkin it would be nice...
  6. djmoonshine


    :worry2: awwww... poor marci... i think im gonna attempt to lay down now... hopefully i'll be able to fall asleep with sweet thought's of sex board stud's and their godzilla cocks... ahhhh boy... :zzz:
  7. ok... def. gonna be arrogant and say my avatar is the best... coming in close second is phuturephunk cause i love the little guys in the hats... as for sig's, clubkat is gonna have to take this category with her newest creation... johnny rev's sig is fuckin hilarious... romi's sig is also great just cause the kitty looks so cute running away...
  8. ok see... im not the only loser... help us ALL out!
  9. djmoonshine


    uhhhhh... yeah. i'm definitely with you on this one marci... i need lovin'. Like some hardcore muthafuckin lovin'. i need to be . . . .i need to be . . . . . . . . it's bad... and hey, i've been having trouble sleeping for like months... maybe it really is the reason... can someone just please fuck me so we can test this theory? ::but purely in the name of science, of course...::
  10. yeah i've been contemplating piercing something else... dunno what... i was considering the nether-regions... after jovana's pics, definitely thinking about it. the only thing i have pierced right now is the bottom of my belly button...
  11. grOwl~ haven't had the ultimate mind-blowing pleasure of jayme's grip, but i love him anyway...
  12. ghhhhost ~ its chris rocks line... back to the subject... i find myself getting along with guys better. i hate the superficialness of girls... i hate the fact that in order to be accepted by certain girls, you have to have a certain amount of gear... ie: prada or louis vuitton bag... etc. who the fuck cares what you wear and how much it costs?! as long as you have your own style goin, then it's all good. so many girls have nothing good to say... they're so concerned with dumb issues ~ the mundane, the condition of their nails, fake baking... blaH! and the whole catty issue, where all this shit is spoken about you behind your back... and then when you're around, the fakeness! ! ! ! with guys, there is just this ease, this comfort. you never really have to worry about being judged or talked about. damn... it sounds like im hating on my gender, but i guess those extreme chicks come to mind when asked what you prefer. . . when you meet a cool girly, then it's awesome, cause a cool gal has the best of both worlds goin on... she's the right amount of feminine with a smattering of the guy-related isH~ she knows how to handle her own... she fucks around, eTc. yo0ooooo0ooooo0oo0o0o!!~ sHout oUt to mY cooL kiCk aSs GirLys frOm cP! i've met to many amazing people, esp. the chica's... daMn~ mAd tO tHe cP ladiEs~!!!!
  13. how effin cute is it when gabo and ragga fight?!
  14. :grin: love how this man thinks... good shit~
  15. anyone wanna sugest something for me to download so i can sample what im in store for saturday night??? :grin: unbelievably corny, i know... but it's my first night @ vinyl and first taste of howells, so bear with me~
  16. anyone wanna sugest something for me to download so i can sample what im in store for saturday night??? :grin: unbelievably corny, i know... but it's my first night @ vinyl and first taste of howells, so bear with me~
  17. ugh... this is an evil thread and i hate it! no rock hard cock! no teasing! no sex! :bigfinger
  18. well i know i did! thanks tony ~
  19. i think im pretty freakin cute... :grin:
  20. he eats this chicks ass for the loooonnnggesssst fuckin time in the video...
  21. yeah i just saw it two days ago... is it just me, or does no one really look like their really into it? they look as if they're just going through the motions, but not really getting into it... it was def. disturbing to watch~
  22. djmoonshine


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