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Everything posted by djmoonshine

  1. "strap on a dildoe and make me give you head... tell me to slow down and do it at a medium pace" hehehehehe~ classic song! :grin:
  2. oh god guys.... what is this bullshit? now the moderators are getting bitched at for moving things to the drama board?? the retardedness that is coming out of their mouth is just being moved... do you really wanna see drama clog this board up??? come on guys this is fucking retarded.
  3. djmoonshine

    show us your lips!!

    whats the deal with that? yeah we were all newbies once, but did we come out of nowhere and insult old school posters??? it just doesnt say too much for someone charecter in my eyes when you come to a new place and call someone a sick fuck... but hey, if im the wrong one then so be it...
  4. if you're worried, dont go. simple as that... something in you is telling you no... just listen... *this is how it sounds to me at least... * good luck babe... ex's are fragile territory... its scary... good luck..
  5. hmmmm... intensify orgasm huh??? *star* the porn i was watching i just downloaded off kazaa... i think it was random... my search was just for porn... im sure if you type in anal beads you'd get a slew of shit... happy hunting~ :grin:
  6. djmoonshine

    Crazy Sex Dreams

    sex dreams are the best!!!! oh man... i wish i had them more often... waking up with your clit throbbing and horny beyond belief cause it just feels so damn real! grOwl~
  7. djmoonshine

    show us your lips!!

    dont yall love it when newbies come outta nowhere and post stupid things cause they think they know what theyre talking about??? cause i do... :rolleyes: relax girlie... you obviously havent been around or you would know our awesome moderator gabo isnt a sickfuck... a horny fuck, yes... sick fuck, no... stick around... you might learn a thing or two and begin to understand what goes on down here...
  8. anyone come here completely into only boys and once they got here and got to know everyone, found themselves maybe a little curious??? :confused:
  9. yeehaw!!! send me an im baby... we'll plan it out~
  10. PM your friendly moderator clubkat... she has one...
  11. djmoonshine

    anal beads?!

    just tell me something, anything... just watched a porn where they got whipped out... looks fucking weird... ive heard of them, never seen them used... now im curious... :confused: soooooooooo... tell me something.
  12. wow... that must have been insane to watch over there... it affected me as it is, so i couldnt even imagine how it felt foR you and them...
  13. thought it was a great movie... all because my love josh hartnett is in it!!!~ actually.. i think in general it was a good movie... yeah its a sappy love story... a take off of titanic cause of the whole love story aspect/true event... but whatever... it was good! i dont think it was messed up cause raffe was dead, you know... but they ended up together in the end... so i guess it was ultimately trying to say that they were meant to be... which is sweet... *sigh*
  14. the best bj/munching session... not always... but sometimes...
  15. i totally agree... kisses def. do make a night so memorable... after an amazing kiss with someone i go home with butterflies in my stomach everytime i replay it in my head... *sigh* i love that feeling...
  16. i was talking to your favorite kitty and mine ~ miss clubkat and i was saying how i don't kiss often enough... not nearly as much as i need... cause weirdly enough as amazing as sex is and can be, kissing is so much more important... at least to me... and her~ ~ it's just so much more intimate and it can be loving, sexy or passionate and all these other things... the feeling of lips being pressed against yours, tongues meeting for fleeting moments, hands on the face, running through hair, murmuring in each others ears, sliding kisses down the neck... lips becoming more urgent in their need to tell you that you feel amazing right now and there's no where else i'd rather be then here, in your arms, you lips on mine... SOMEONE KISS ME ALREADY!!! *ahem* sorry for the outburst... :grin: kisses to all of you.. seriously... *mUah~
  17. can i come and watch??? i have some spare quarters handy to throw at you....
  18. whether or not you're gonna report this scumbag to the dean, don't fuckin do it... bring a recorder with you and get him on tape telling you he wants to fuck you for an A and bribe him with it... "if you don't stop doing this, i'm gonna have to use it..." etc... whatever... maybe you should just say fuck it to all those projects and he helped you with and just report his ass... be a bitch. fuck him... what does he think you are? some hoe he can just fuck by offering her an A??? *moonie is pissed* :mad:
  19. my vote is go with the records... that would be an amazing gift, in my opinion.. something different and something you know he would fully appreciate...
  20. hey! thats my reply!!! lol~ ummm... sadly, i am still not really over my ex... it's been a while too which makes me feel worse... anyway, because of how we broke up i am so weary of guys and have not allowed anyone past a certain point... even so... i'm not looking for someone right now... i just kinda want to be alone and have some freedom, but i have a friend who is kinda worth it and thats a huge problem... blah~
  21. yeah.. i've had phone sex before, but it's been a while since... i kinda liked it... of course in a way it's rather unsatisfying, but then again, i'm gonna masturbate anyway... might as well do it with someone on the phone getting me hotter then i already am... makes sense... in a retarded weird sorta way... lol~ i need a new phone sex partner... hey dg... i'm gonna call you... you posted your number on that reject thread didnt you???
  22. is that the number that when you call it's a hotline for rejects and you have to press different numbers to hear poems or get help from a fellow reject???
  23. first off... apples, dg ~ you guys are hilarious... and whats even better is you dont mean to be... you just are. ok... my weekend blows soooooooooo bad! FINALS WEEK! ugh, its the worst... the dorm is quiet, everyone is studying, no one wanting to go downtown, but i think whats even worse is that i dont have a desire to go out... i just wanna go home!!! if all goes well, wednesday night ill be back in brooklyn... cannot wait!!! (sorry... i uh completely went off of subject... )
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